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well seems that the new batch of request started strong with some common themes, one is monster smash ( knowing you guys still want more of it  makes me super happy <3), and the others are coincidences and mostly regards the pics that ended up being chosen first featuring golden characters and a lot of arms! let's see what we have:

 Neth Rusiki Azhti and Fe5ter  asked for a picture depicting fenris and werewolf jack. Two beings with an ancient soul ; Romulus (later known as werewolf jack) wanted to introduce fenris to civilization , after a lifetime of piracy and raiding. Romulus wanted him to live an easy life, a life where he wouldn' have to constantly fight and kill just to survive. But as time passed ,Romulus realized this wasn't a life for the old viking werewolf he choose as his partner, and it wasn't a life for him either. They braved the great unknown ocean together, and landed finally in Vinland, in the territory of the iroquois, where they started a modest ,peaceful life far from the hypocrisy and the subtle dangers of the civilized world. And everything was perfect. But there is a difference between a werewolf that secretly feeds on human lives to expand his lifeforce and one that doesn't...

 Cid asked to see some shenanigans between two multi-armed characters. the avatar of the arms that kill and the beefy fighting pokemon, machamp. it seems it would be hard to get all those arms busy, but the guys seem to be trying their best!

Robert Smith asked for my version of steg and his adorable character notus being turned into playboy bunnies and showing off. And parker rite was eager to have these two weird gems(we'll call this gem version of notus "thulite" )  in his personal collection of stupefied himbos, so things turned out pretty ok!

that's it for this week! hope you liked the pics! 

 p.s. you can find the individual files in the rar file attached. 



Robert Smith

I love it, thank you so much :D And Thulite DEFINITELY suits Notus, I'm a massive fan :3

ZooFan 123

I want to be apart of Romulus and Fenrir new society! Sign me up!

Neth Rusiki Azhti

YO DUDE I'M SO HAPPY WITH THE PICTURE!! This added lore from Jack/Romulus and Fenris actually really helped me sort out some of my feelings towards how he met his end and MS in general. It makes me really happy to see them before everything went down! He really did already get his happily ever after. It just happened at the beginning of his story!


Wow, that first picture gives a lot of insight into the relationship between Fenris and Romulus… It is a pity that things ended up the way that they did due to differences in biology. When I first saw the Arms’ avatar in Monster Smash, I knew I needed more of it in my life. 10/10 BC :^)


Always happy to see Parker Rite my favorite character from Your SU AU


Arms and Machamp - a fantastic combination, and not something I thought of haha. I love the looks on both of their faces, and the positioning is fantastic!

Rodney Talon

I missed most of Monster Smash. So surprised how deep and involved and attached people are to it. Like the design, wish got to see more of Machamp in the picture.. still TEN ARMS deserves a thumbs up.


Love ALL these scenes.