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alright, this week wasn't as bad as last one, probably i'm getting used to this whole thing again. Let's get to the pics!

Endles requested more bogo and clawhauser in a role reversal situation

and i could not think of anything less than the domhauser AU thingie. I suppose this is what happened shortly after the end of the lil introductory comic and before the previous illustration i did of them in his office. Domhauser had the chief promote him as the new head of the zootopia police department via interphone so everyone could know who's in charge.

chubby behemoth asked for a pic of abarenbo rikishi matsutaro, where this rowdy troublemaker didn't get redempted by taking up sumo but instead kept causing mess after mess , and ended up ending in jail and subsequently joining the yakuza. Seems like somehow his buddy shin tanaka ended up joining him anyways.

i don't really know much of the anime/manga, but i tried my best with the little lore i could gather from it, hope it turned out ok, chubby! XD

and finally  
PolarisBot  asked for his oc to be drawn in a hypno slob tf scenario. Well, better be careful with drinking too much of the burpweiser brand of beer, or you might end up joining a construction crew and making a total fool of yourself!

and that's all folks! catch you next time!

p.s. you can find the original files in the rar archive attached





May I suggest Gaston (from The Beauty and the Beast) bottoming. He could bottom to any character (maybe Lefou? But you could choose any character, BC). I live for big bottom slut Gaston!


Love the Domhauser AU especially your piece with Gideon and Stu! Always eager to see more of your works


iroh from avatar: the last airbender mind controlling some big burly prison guards


Hope to get my goat drawn again by you :)


How about something Housamo-related? maybe Behemoth discovering he can use his powers to grow his dick as well as his gut?


These were all so good. Can't wait for next week hopefully to see Pepi in that maid outfit X3

Rodney Talon

I have to admit I'm wondering if you'll ever revisit those Mecha that you made that Sort of bond with people Either way I got something next or bot related. Megaman. Faogaigar. Original. Ooh inhumanoids geoforce or centurions powerxtreme The humans from inhumanoids were ridiculously Burleigh. And love to wear those tight suits. Whereas listen taureans also have the SciFi suits but they had divots in order to put various Riggs or equipment to beam on an attached to them with each having Metheny one for piloting / air a sub Mariner/ see and I'm not sure what the other one was but he had more of an earth strength theme Ah here opening https://youtu.be/pn49zxXRHhA


Glad to hear you are feeling better drawing like that again man ^^! Lol!! for just a moment i got pretty confused by seeing clawhauser and bogo pic! Thought that it was one, not two different points of them XD!! Also seeing those two again, make wish to see more of their story you created about them too ^^. Nice work there man.


Nice Work on all 3 Pieces BC And The bumps On matsutaro Dick (Which I Has always called Oni Cock Idk if it has another name) Is A Nice Touch 😍


God I live for you drawing Dom Clauhauser Thanks so much dude


As a Man who is a HUGE Behemoth Fan I love this idea to no end and it is now cannon that he can do this. to me at least


i learned yesterday that's it's a yakuza practice called "pearling". Members of the yakuza basically perform it while in prison using improvised tools, and they embed subdermally pearls on their penis based on how many years they've spent in prison ! i've seen it so much in japanese media and i wondered where it came from, so i investigated on it a bit!


I would love to see Corvo Attano and Armando (The Duke's lookalike) from Dishonored 2 just kissing and being happy

Sam Touron



Ah what?! :O Where do people put in requests?!!


There was an inbox a week and a half ago, that’s where he’s drawing the requests from. It’s first-come-first-served though so it’s hard to grab a slot if you didn’t already submit an idea. But he usually makes a new inbox every 4 weeks so just keep an eye out.

Warren (Stephen) Rose

Eh, way too late for me to suggest something this round. I'm going to mark my suggestion here so I can remember to re-enter it next round. "Werewolf Jack infects/corrupts at least one of Disney's Gargoyles. To help cut down on drawn characters, it'd be cool if Werewolf Jack was off-camera, but casting a looming shadow onto the scene."

Warren (Stephen) Rose

Oh! Okay. How about instead of first-come, first serve - you do the Monster Mash suggestion box route? Have the inbox open for awhile, then close it to new entries and give people time to upvote their favorites. Then you pick your three favorites out of the top six or some such? :)


Very cool imagery here dude. Really like the different styles you've got. Can't wait to see what comes up next, and I hope that life is treating you well.