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uh... well. i think i've bitten more than i can chew? even with only three pics instead of the five i used to do this proved to be extremely tiring...i probably have to get used to it and kind of calibrate how much time i spend on each pic.

anyways, first pic was suggested by Gysdaj, of his character gys in some kind of horny fantasy adventure. What's more clASSical than the classical quest for ASScalibur? The stone creature that had it wedged in his buttcheeks seem more than delighted that the flail finally found a owner...

second picture was suggested by derrekk , of his character monte (who also got mentioned in monster smash!) being intimate with the ever famished fatso jones. I suppose it's refreshing for him to have found an alpha that also indulges into his particular vices, after being the lackey of that skinny bitch werewolf jack for so long...

third picture was suggested by lee evergreen and he requested a scene with gastro, harvey and pepi having a nice dinner, because they wanted to have them enjoy their newfound freedom. 

well.. i'm sorry to admit i ran a bit out of steam on this one. I wanted to replicate floatiesoda's style  but i severely underestimated the amount of sheer effort and attention to detail it's needed to  craft one of his pieces, time and energy i simply don't have for today. So it turned out a bit wonky and rushed... i'll probably get back to it somewhere along the line.

anyways, it's not exactly a dinner, but that's how harvey is used to grab snacks when he's not hungry for corpses. The ol grab and run. He tried to get gastro along with his shoplifting and was surprised to find out he was more than ok to help him out grab some stuff. Even weirder, harvey thought he heard him give away a hearty, relaxed chuckle while they were running away..

luckily they didn't really get into trouble because pepi did some damage control forking over some money to the extremely irritated clerk.

again, i'm very sorry i didn't do my best with these, but i think i need some time to get used to drawing this amount of stuff again. I hope you enjoyed them nonetheless!



Lee Evergreen

What are you talking about these are great. Pepi looks amazing, Harvey looks so proud of himself, and most importantly my boy Gastro looks so happy!

Yoked Coder

These are all absolutely incredible! Gosh I love fatsojones so I'm happy to see that scene with Monte though all of these are incredibly choice, amazing job BC!!!

Neth Rusiki Azhti



I love this so much omg thank you 😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰

Lee Evergreen

I'm kinda glad you didnt follow my silly joke cause this is so much better.

Star Ringer

You have an EXTREMELY high bar for yourself! These are all fantastic!


This is beyond incredible thank you so so much


Man, all of those look great! Don't be so hard on yourself! And if you feel that's tiring you should set the rules a little lower. Maybe you could lower to 2 drawing suggestions instead of 3. ;)

PK Persona

What the fuck, this absolutely insane quality for a sketchy Tues event! Amazing job on all 3!


These came out amazing! The nod to floatie was A+ also. Make sure you give yourself a time limit or something so you don't completely drain yourself!


Dude These all turned out amazing!


Blaze dude, if this isn't your best, then I'm so looking forward to see it when you do, cause those are just great man XD! I just love the colour and the detail you put on all of them. Really nice job man ^w^!!


Great work as always. Please dont strain, as thirsty as your fans are, we want you to so your art in a way that's satisfying and comfortable. If you can find a reasonable pace, that's perfect


God it makes me so happy to see Gasty laughing and being happy with Harv and Pepi. Also I love that outfit Pepi is wearing, he looks good in pink jeans.


Daw, Garvey and Pepi look so happy doing crimes.~ I see that Pepi's clothes are a homage to Wario's design from the WarioWare series.


These are pretty great! Love seeing the boys so happy especially Gassy!


You did great with all three images. Love the silliness of picture 1, and of Fatso having a good time with Monte. Monster Smash was a bit of a rush of emotion by the end, especially with Gastro's ominous fate from that flash forwards, so it's great seeing him have a moment of levity with the others, and that Harvey is giving Gastro that much needed moment. Gotta love Pepi being an angel too. Thanks for your hard work dude~


You're too hard on yourself, this was awesome!!! Thanks BC and just take it easy ^.^


TBH they all look great! If you didn't say you didn't do your best I wouldn't have known better, lol. Don't be too hard on yourself, you're amazing.


Daww I loveeee the last pic.