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hey peeps, here's some updates on our progress with fenris high. On the programming side, banana inquiry has remodeled the entire school to have it look more like a refurbished mansion. It was a hard and tedious job but it had to be done! 

he also implemented a lot of other gameplay functionality, like different text depending on if your "class" is nerd, jock or chill ( or ..cool? , still debating wich one to use XD)

on the graphical side i started working on the school bathrooms. We think it'll be faster if i model some of the 3d objects in the game myself  , so i gave it a shot (don't mind the texture XD we're still measuring things up, so no sense in doing finished ones)

also did the floor, walls and ceiling of the bathrooms, nothing too exciting, but it's definitely something i worked on XD

also a background for when you access a bathroom. Believe it or not these are part of one of the very first puzzles of the game XD

that's pretty much all we need for the first day, so i drew some more outfit for the main character. They'll probably give a boost to one of the three stats (wich are still jock,nerd and chill , in rpg terms they're basically STR, INT and CHA) 

since the game is set in the nineties i had to include a grunge outfit :

and you can't go wrong with a nice leather jacket+jeans combo:

but the nineties were also the reign of horrible neon colored tracksuits. No sense in being able to customize your character if you can't get a bit silly with it XD

and , well that's it for this week! we're on the cusp of some major updates so stick around pups, and see you next week! stay wild! arooo! 




Looking pretty good man! Both the outfits and the art you do so far. And don't worry about the details just yet. I mean you guys are still working on the alpha version still, and so far all i got to say it's that it looks amazing! It's really great that you are working and creating your own tile sets for the game too man! Wish i get to be as good as you are one day too XD. One small question, are you planning on adding any more details for the MC (main character) like more outfits, or just these? Just asking only.