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so hmm, since the rule 34 tournament is over, i think it's time to decide together what to do for the thursday slot! i'll probably post a poll tomorrow, but i'd like to hear any suggestion that comes to your mind anyways, so i can have more options for you peeps to choose from!

i'm partial to start drawing a comic about pip and his misadventures to be honest (he's a chubby wizard with two boyfriends in a fantasy world, an orc and an half elf thief) , i think it would be cute! something small-ish , silly and gay adventures that would last nothing more than two or three pages.

there's also another pressing matter, wich is zap & andy . The demo is almost done , but just not quite yet. I'd rather wait till it's out and you guys tried it before starting to work on it full time again, so maybe that can wait another a month or two. 

aside from that i'm a bit at a loss. I do have another story idea in mind, but it's sfw so maybe this is not the place for it. 

also i'm sure you guys would like another r34 tournament with the losers in it but at the moment i'm a bit burned out on 34? i'd rather wait some time before starting another.

sorry i'm not super cheery or inspired lately, there's a lot on my mind! but i'll do my best to give you the best entertainment i can in these trying times!  



A comic about Pip and his boyfriends would be awesome! But also make sure to do something that would make you happy dude!


I wonder if we could do something vaguely similar to the tournament, but with your own characters? That way we can totally avoid the R34 aspect. Like characters from Fenris High, Monster Smash, GGG, and etc. go head to head? Some part of me wants to see Jack vs Jones (and for Jones to smoosh his alpha under all that mass)


I love the Pip comic idea, really enjoyed the past art you've done with those characters and his Orcish boyfriend Wurm is hot AF. 😍👍


I was wondering what you were gonna do for thursdays now that the tournament is over. I thought you were gonna try using the day to finish Monster Smash too, but I do like that idea of doing the comic strips of Pip. I liked that wizard cutie <3

Lee Evergreen

I'd love to see Pip and the boys, but a sfw comic could be fun and a good exercise for you. I'd vote for the Sfw comic if it's on there.


Also this second idea would be premature since the comic isn’t over yet, but I would REALLY love to see a series of “day in the life” sort of tales, about how the different characters from monster smash live on after the ending. Like what does Harvey get up to, does Lucas get to go back to the regular human world after all he’s been through? Maybe even some looks into the past, like the day Fenris and Romulus first meet, or a look into the early stages of Gastro and Jack’s relationship. Again this is probably better suggested later on down the line but I’d really love this sorta stuff some day.


I honestly been loving your work and your one of the few patrons i eagerly wait on for new content i honestly say do what you love so a regular sfw comic in your style would be nice if thats what you want


also pip reminds me of the zap the bunny comics so it would be quicker relax thing for you


Maybe some furry related content? We had monsters with Monster Smash...let the furries rise


I've never seen this Pip character before but I'm definitely interested in getting to know him


I miss pip! Would love seeing him again


I would love a continuation of your SU comic. It was long ago but I remember it ended in a cliff hanger of sorts. Or maybe just a growth-drive-like TF sequence, each week we choose something to happen to the same character or multiples, and then we get a short transformation sequence each week as well? Depends on your energy, I guess. Just for the faps tho, I really like your TF sequences and they are really rare in MonsterSmash now, since we got separated from the Fingers...


Actually i would love to read this sfw idea if you do it! So if possible do include it in the sellection. I think it will worth it! The small comic about those three sounds intersting too. As for a personal suggestion, I'll bring back a previous comic you wanted to do, your steven universe comic. You did said that nothing much was going to happen from lewd part, but if you want to continue and finish it, I would love to read what might happen next if you decide to continue that story too, or maybe if you want you could do a fun raffle for patreons too, something like every week, 3 or 5 lucky guys will get a black and white request, something small and random that might help you too. And you can keep it up just until the game update you said, so once it's done, you can make space to start working on the next part as you please ^w^!


If Monster Mash is wrapping up, I think it would be cool to see some one-off group pictures of "bad ends". Like what if our monster heroes hadn't made it out of some situation and got corrupted? We saw some of that in the Time-Looping or when the zorcs "broke into" monilius' lie and zorc'd out the gang. Mostly I just want to see what could have happened with that big latex Beholder that Kenji was transformed into.


I wouldn’t mind your su story or that fantasy one, a gay dnd adventure sounds interesting


The revival of Queer Creatures, this time your wizard Pip and his polyamorous boyfriends encounters em to complete quests with sexy results.


I second the comics with Pip and the Boys, most of my Irl DND sessions have been cancelled until further notice so some silly gay dnd stories could help fill the void. Also like the Bad End One Offs idea someone mentioned or maybe an epilouge chapter for monster smash if one wasn't planned.


I've always been interested in learning more about the Demon culture in Monster Smash. Maybe a story that focuses on the Duke, Legion, Monilius, and Keth before we met them? Anything that expands our knowledge of the characters in Monster Smash really. It could be with any character.

Neth Rusiki Azhti

I'm a HUGE sucker for lore, so anything that expands on any universe you already have or a new one you'd build upon would be the best for me specifically! For instance, the Queer Creatures thing you did late last year was super cool, even if it was short and simple!


Considering your "Monster Mash" series is drawing to a close, I could use something with drama and such. Maybe pick up "Shattersong" again? Or perhaps run that SFW idea by us?

Rodney Talon

Going to bow out job affected so best I pull out. Just keep Twitter posted on progress and if shatter song returns


I’m certainly interested in the Pip adventure (and would like a link to his previous appearances since I’ve never heard of him) but don’t dismiss the sfw ideas so quickly. I’d at least like to know what they are because I may want them.


I'd love to see your otters from "Clothes Make The Man" get some love and attention again.

Rodney Talon

Or flesh out or consolidation of bobo-verse Yeah this. Do re-release with notes. Less work..hopefully more time to share creativity. Keeps communal aspect of smash and song tournament. Could use while stuck home as to the little treat at at time with minimal interaction when all need to fit in on the go. Now have time to sit and do presentations and get togethers


I would like to see the gang react to seeing those bad ends


Would love to see the SU au continued or something with Bolt Bunny X3

Shiny Skunk

I'd be more than happy to see a SFW comic from you! I think about that speedrunner comic you did a lot, it was so cute and sweet. Could be cute to see something else SFW with those characters. Also want to second the comment above about Bolt Bunny! tbh I'd be happy with anything!


Real talk, I wouldn't mind seeing this SFW comic from you. It'd be a treat to follow! Then again I also wouldn't mind seeing your Pip misadventures either! Also gotta side with Muku on the Bolt Bunny content! Really, just seeing what fun and interesting things you come up with would be a treat all the same to me!


You really spoil us with how much you cater to our tastes, I wouldn't mind you just doing a sfw story if you want. That or the Pip one, whichever you're more interested in. Treat yourself!


Write a comic based on the script i wrote!


I'd want to see more of your Steven universe AU tbh 😍😍😍


I feel like whatever you do it's gonna be great


If you have the inspiration to draw something specific, i'd say you should just go with your gut and draw that, patrons be damned. i get that community engagement is kind of your thing, but you should treat yourself from time to time. hope you're doing better soon!