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welcome to the iron dong finale! after a strenuous battle, not even the combined force of the entire pete's gang was a match for the royal fusion between bowser and asgore! and so the criminals are defeated by the rulers , in an orgasmic explosion of augmented bodily fluids!

this means to the surprise of absolutely no one,  that BOWSER is the WINNER of the IRON DONG TOURNAMENT 2020!

thank you all for your partecipation and patronage, let's have a photo to commemorate this year's winner along with the contestant that helped him reach the top.

hm... bowser seems grumpy and embarassed as always, but that's part of his charm...something is missing.

oh of course, the frosting on the cake! 

see you next time , folks ! and thanks again for playing!

  p.s. you can find all the images posted here at full resolution and with cleaned up alts in the rar archive attached 



Neth Rusiki Azhti

omg DUDE THIS IS SO COOL!! I think its amazing how the final picture ended up being an orgy! but what makes this whole thing that much more amazing is the picture with both of them on the throne! they look SO CUTE OMG I LOVE THEM! thank you so much Blaze, this whole tournament was awesome!


That is an amazing crown Bowser's wearing there at the end


Should do a 2nd tourney with a different roster


This was so hot and awesome! I love the Bowser Asgore ending!


There should be a small series of post and prematch pics. Give some story to tournaments~


I'm personally very happy for Asgore too~


Thanks a lot for this while awesome thing! I think this was a very cool and well-executed idea, and I hope it was a fun for you as it was for the rest of us!

ZooFan 123

I personally loved the ending but it does make me wonder now, what are you doing to do now that this series is over?


Lol! Grant finale for both Kings XD! It was really nice event the whole tournament and will be looking forward for the next event too!


Congrats the king is the King of Kings lol


Wish there will be second season~


Hah! Even though I wasn't shocked by the outcome, I do like that Asgore got to share in the victory in the end. That makes this much sweeter~ This was one heck of a ride. Glad I could see it all!


Fantastic project start to finish


long live the king


Great tournament! Can't wait to see what your next project is


Yes!!! My two kings won! I am so happy!


I’m a little disappointed that Bowsgore wasn’t really bottoming in the finale pic like he was voted to but I’m still happy with the way this ended. You did a great job Cheecks!


While the end wasn't surprising, the real winners are all of us! Can't wait for the next project!


Bowser gets 1st place and a trophy husband. Seems like he really did come off on top.

Rodney Talon

Sorry but I would REALLY like to get back to shatter song now Monster smash still on going. And if browser on it again...and if he not who else barred?

Rodney Talon

Yeah results and fusion and etc all in one was nice plus the frosting and victory picture. Blazing cheeks even going easy and consistent and engaging and gorgeous with art

Rodney Talon

Hey I what two perks got applied to this round and whom?


Looks like Soul Transfusion (as usual) picking Muscle Band for Bowsgore and Sauce it Up, which applies to everyone.

Shiny Skunk

tbh i would love to see this again with more obscure characters next go-round

Rodney Talon

Naw. I mean I had fun but we kind of half had to abandon the premise (no carryovers, fusions didn't stick) and some perks weren't just more appealing just flat out better (soul transfusion) and some just.. kinda basic (Roadhog's plus) ACK lost an edit!!!! Summary? Most resentment, some perks too unbalanced, kind of annoyed how basic we got (not one vore or inanimate and other examples) Monster Smash seems to do everything better for audience and art. Really figure should back off and let BC relax until he suggests something though concede might be another tournament. Though am anxious for Shattersong


This was very fun. I've never seen something like this done before. Thanks so much!


It was a really fun time! Thanks for having us cheeks!


This was a very successful tournament, thank you so so much for the wild ride BC, it was amazing. Hail to the king.