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 welcome back to the iron dong tournament!  the battle royale is over, and bowser came out on top! asgore might be fairly popular, but you can't beat someone who's been ruling for amost forty years! 

bowser progresses to the next bracket , and he also fuses with asgore, producing a new contender: BOWSGORE

IT'S THE FINAL ROUND! that means ALL previous perks are unlocked for the occasion, so we can have the perviest, horniest final fight ever! 


alright, for the last time,  time to VOTE! 

 p.s. you can find all the images posted here at full resolution and with cleaned up alts in the rar archive attached


Suikey Shirasu

Bowsgore winning as a bottom gangbang looks hot as fuck

Crimson Claw

Super hoping for Bowsegore winning. Voted for the inanimate, and I want one of those cock rings that's shaped like a jockstrap, so it looks like the loser is permantently sucking off the victor forever.


Almost feel like if both Bowser and the Pete's Cigar perk ends up winning, then Bowser would recruit Pete and his gang instead. Keep that recruit train going!


Really hope Bowsgore bottom wins! Asgore helping Bowswr power bottom his way to victory!! Also this week look great BC, love the fusion and the sex scene Hard to pick between Beastgore and Bowsgore as my favourite fusion but both are amazing as heck.


Too bad buff Pete was in the other poll, that means he will automatically get fewer votes :(


Hope Pete can win. Would love to see the OG cartoon dilf show that mutant turtle whose boss

Rodney Talon

I kno he explained why but hoped for a tri fusion. Bowser on top of beastgore Wanted to see how wild this could get. Corona hit my city and it's affected my job cuz I work in the kitchen at a university and a lot of the students cleared out. No telling how long I'll be employed but either way everyone keep your hands clean have lots of vitamin C and try to be safe

Rodney Talon

Not my thing but I got to give a shout out to someone who's been keeping that inanimate transformation perk torch lit even longer than I have


Yeah nothing BC can do about it, we can always hope though! One of the results in the other poll actually had some of the most votes last time I checked (aside from soul transfusion of course)

Rodney Talon

Dammit after all that... I kind of wanted the tattoos back so that that way we could design awesome ink for the remaining gang It is back but now it's competing with everything else and it seems for some reason people think we haven't had enough fluid or girth penis going on Sigh Still how about this be where we found off for tattoo design ideas. I'll start off. Pete's ink? A heart x-Pierced diagonally through one side a pistol the other side and anchor At the tip a curled banner with PJ Pistol and Peggy as names. I would assume this would be on the arm. If possible based on a naval or classic sailor tattoo or pirate tattoo


kinda sad jinbei didn't get recruited by pete

Rodney Talon

The silent majority wins

Rodney Talon

I think this is the first time a Fusion has won You got to love that the Battle Is Now pretty much between Bowser and himself


Yeah, it sadly wasn't possible to recruit him at that point but it would have been amazing to see. Especially to see those gang details that would be added to his design. Honestly would love to see BC continue with that kind of theme sometime. Seeing other popular characters getting recruited by Pete into his gang.

Kode The Yoshi

Can we finally get mutagenic belly high enough. I'd love to see Bower win and eat Pete AND his gang.


Go pete and gang! Bowser needs to step down!


Pouring one out for the unused perks. I appreciate their existence, at least. Thanks for the run, cheeks