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the screen between world is closing, so please post only 1 command per patron, not longer than 6 lines, even if it's just dialogue. Thank you in advance for your patience and support <3




Ohhh nooo I can't take the suspense, I'm dead (also poor Harv and sydan but that is hot af)


I really have to agree with Gastro, we really aren't helping anymore. I feel like everyone started turning towards an evil path ever since we got offered that body by the Truthsayer. Maybe it's lust maybe not but I would really love to know why people are so dead set on dooming everyone to a gruesome death.

Neth Rusiki Azhti

OMG SO MUCH HAPPENED!!! here I was expecting things things to slow down a little, but NOPE OMG NOOOOO, HARVEY AND OMG YES KETH AAAAAAAAAAHHHH (i love this story so much) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- things I wanna suggest people do: - ask Gastro to protect his friends rather than try and take down the Truthsayer, 'cuz we need them contained in that body and so Jack doesnt die - tell Keth he is definitely super valuable. that he is meaningless in this world, but that to us he means a lot, and that this is a lie we've been telling ourselves and him for the longest time - so Keth can enter a lie and VOID can teleport them out of there and get our friends to the zorc king




All zorc'd or incapacitated monsters regain their lost senses, especially hearing, and the Truthsayer can see/hear them too. Not Keth, but any under the control of the virus or Truthsayer. If a monster is zorc'd or snared by the Truthsayer, the same occurs.


Gastro listen. You gained the arms that destroy buy if you tried to attack the beast you may end up destroying Keth and Jack as well. We thought someone with the arms could perhaps use the power to destroy just the outer shell trapping them, with how focused you are we believe you can do it. Keth is trying to get himself and Jack out as well, so do your best to help on your side!


Fuck it. I’m entering the body used by other patron and reversing what’s being done to Harvey. And I’ll scream “Just let them find their own happiness!”


With an angry look you embody the command into the ring, grow small wing to it and send it over to Lucas. With the eyes guiding it finds it target in a matter of seconds. Vox :Monster, huh... Guess I am...!! And with that done, you return back into the facility. As you do you evolve the pheromones to feed from the z-virus, creating a new one. The M-virus which is replacing it and making it expands 10 times faster and able to infect by just skin contact, but not turn mindless drones but obedient soldiers, remembering who they where, but know what they are now, Minotaurs, ready to serve and obey only the Voxotaur...!


Ugh, I just hope the Arms can help us with this gigantic shit storm that we created, but who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Arms: Don't listen to the manipulative words that were spouted by that flunky, they're just trying to play on your sympathies. The only thing you destroyed was the vessel that connected them to your world. You have every right to defend yourself against those who wish to inflict harm upon you, especially when it means that countless others will be saved as well. I know that the power you wield is immense, but I believe that you are in control of it, not the other way around. So, use your power to purge all the evil that has taken hold of Jack without harming him, I know you can do it!


You mean enter the drone/Truthsayer body? You literally won't be able to command anything besides things that help the Truthsayer, even if they weren't paralyzed by zorc virus lust right now.


( I knew monilius was going for it, and I'll be so looking forward for him to turn into a zork. Also ninetails gastro is looking quite epic XD! )


with gastro being so focused right now, you could try and tell him to focus to destroy only the goo around keth, freeing him and saving you all with a quick teleport since the big guy can see anyone anymore


(So I guess with the Voxtaur a no go, the best / only way I can think of to reach a happy ending right now is to get the Zork King in range of the Truthsayer and use him to command they undo what they've done. Someone is going to have to explain to Gastro very carefully that if he kills the Drone it WILL kill Jack. I dunno how easy it is for the Eldritch creatures to swap bodies, but telling Arms to go into Lucas, or Monilius body is potentially an option, since they injected themselves with pieces of the meteorite. Gastro only needs the meteorite Sword and his speed to have a chance at separating Keth n Harvey from the drone. AND if Gastro isn’t going to help, Roro might just need to cut his losses and drag Sydan/Heart to the Zork King, who can cure his sex crazy (I think Yang and Red are out or reach but them too potentially), it’s sad, but any plan to fix Harvy can probably save Gastro too. )


Can we keep Harvey like this forever? Please I very much want a happy ending but.....😖

PK Persona

(holy moly that was a lot happening! Honestly I banked on Legion to help Keth as even depressed Legion is a lot more practical and is still a nice guy despite his cruel upbringing. I want to help Harvey and Gastro now but I'm worried Gastro will just blank us for multiple legit reasons so . . . ) To Roro: "Roro you were the ideal host for The Arms because of what you could both learn from each other but now that Gastro has taken it in rage we'll need to change tactics fast! Gastro wont trust us so well need you to be the voice of reason and help convince him use his new power to protect his pack rather than kill. Remind him that Harvey, Keth and Jack are all still connected to that thing and help him see reason while your all still invisible to the Truthsayer!"


Yang: hurr hurr! Somewhere in the woods is the biggest, sexiest Zorc King to bang! Grab Red and carryfuck him towards the king's location fast! You don't want to miss out on even thicker, hairier, beefier sex than you're already having, do you? hurr hurr!

Star Ringer

Gastro, you have incalculable power in your hands to kill. You need to be crafty to use it other than as a blunt...uh...sharp instrument. Think conceptually. Kill this thing's libido. Be a downright killjoy, buzzkill, mood killer!


Um, what? Telling someone that they're meaningless is next level rude. If you feel that way about him okay, but don't assume that the rest of us agree with that sentiment.

Star Ringer



(On One hand I wanna calm down Gastro. On another I want to Break Monilius mind body and spirit. And on the final hand I just wanna toy with Harvey a little! On a different note! Gastro Getting the arm's instead of Roro was unexpected! And I'm loving Gastro's tails. I'll Come back once I've got a command To suggest)

PK Persona

While that's a really smart JoJo use of the Arms, I've got go against this as the only things stopping the Truthsayer from instawinning are his libido (no rational thought or planning) and the deafness (solved literally by Voices just slapping the group) Sorry for the buzzkill comment too 😬


Pretty sure there has always been patrons that have had opposite goals and have conflicted things. Just work though it I say, makes it all more interesting.

PK Persona

I agree with most of this. If Arms cant move tho we still have a hope spot if Keth gets out. We could try focus on getting Gastro to protect Keth as he warps everyone else out


(Heck, that patron locked everyone out of the vox body lmaooo. This is intense to sat the least. Keth is cute as always but I think he's going to get out on his own in a moment so our focus could be working on the others. Harvey went down and I'm once again screaming irl. Another soul to save haha. Seeing the Duke back makes me wonder what happened to the resl deal. Lucas booking it was hilarious but it's definitely the right response, at least with the collective you had maybe mutiple people willing good choices onto multiple characters. That vox is just one person's views. And one that is intent on making a new virus might I add. 😅 Also, someone friggin save Lucas)


(To Monilius) Shit, the Duke?! You're supposed to be a piggy! Monilius, bro, come on, keep in mind how good we've been to you and the other demons. What about the stories you're writing, we can get those published. (I'm tryna leverage his distrust of the voices to get him to think that actually is the Duke if a voice says it)

Neth Rusiki Azhti

Monilius, I'm not the Duke. I'm one of the two patrons inhabiting this vessel, and some other patrons made me look this way. I need to head towards the facility so I can help our friends. I can get reinforcements to help fight the Truthsayer there... You can do whatever you want dude, shit's crazy. *I want to HEAD TOWARDS OUR FRIENDS and not the facility. If I show up at the facility, I know Im in a lie and I break free. I can sense their infection, and want to follow this sense towards our friends.* I'm gonna kiss you. *I grope his body as I do so* sorry dude... you're really handsome..


(... that my friend is going to be only the beginning XD ...... .....damn i wish the patron had emoji's on the pc too xp....)


WOW! Harvey got BIG &lt;3 &lt;3 &lt;3 For my next trick, I'm going to do something different, I'll post three ideas, and whichever gets more hearts will be my official command


1. Pepi looks so cute, and bandages are so in right now. Lets turn Pepi into a stylish pair of living underwear, wrapped snugly around our juicy rump and stretched over that massive dong of ours. Make it feel good, but not mind-bendingly good. Just make sure he’s conscious enough to be embarrassed about the situation and can tell us all about it.


(Well Here Goes Nothing) Sydan/Heart Feelings A unimaginable Pain in their stomach To Snap them outta this trance. *In A Woman's/Motherly Voice* "Keep It Together Guy's We Know we aren't the easiest Creatures to Work With But Please Believe me when I say There are Plenty of Us Who Want to see you Children of the night make it out of this safe and Sound. You guy's Need to Meet up with The Zorc King so he Can cure you Please do it for mama. Sydan I Recommend you Go on ahead in your Bat Form And Get The actual cure back From Monilius bite him and do whatever you want with him."


(If This Works From Now On I'll Be Switching the way my Voice Sounds when necessary)


I don't believe we can continue to group alter senses but if we can I would like to reaffirm that none of the monsters (and Lucas) can smell or hear anything regarding Cerberus, Locked Vox, or the Zorc king. (Excluding Monilius I've given up on him lol) If we can't I'd like to end the illusion fucking over Sydan currently, he needs to be aware of his surroundings NOW.


I've Already taken care of Sydan and Instructed him To Control Monilius if he wants. I Never Trusted Monilius but now he's gonna Pay.


“Here, let me show you.” Suddenly pull Monilius in for a big wet sloppy kiss. Something good to speed up the infection. “Follow me” the Zork King commands the demon, as we hurry as fast as possible to the Monsters. If we reach Sydan in time give him a big kiss too.

Lee Evergreen

(All right its time to fuck shit up I guess, here goes nothing) I want to enter the body the VOICE abandoned and left on the 4th floor. When I'm inside, I grab and fuse the previous Gorilla drone's body to mine: 'WE CAN USE THIS LITTLE PEST,' their mind is destroyed along with its previous commands, and their body becomes a milky udder on my form. What I want with this is to head to take one of the Truthsayer's tunnels and head to the 2nd floor, where the new zorcs are. 'HURR HURR HURR... WANNA SUCK THAT ZORC DICK HURR HURR'


(ok seriously, why nobody takes chance by that and create an illusion to Sydan and trick him to transform into a bat boosted by the heart, and go straight forward to the Z-king or the Voxotaur?? Imean seriously, you'll get whatever good ending you want this way you know -w-....)

Lee Evergreen

Hey Xer, it probably doesn't mean much but I wanted to apologize on behalf of the group. We didn't mean to seem bossy, we hope you'll want to talk to us later.


Legion: Thank you. Really. I know it wasn't for us, but maybe we can figure out a way to help you reabsorb that clone without mind-crushing trauma, as proper recompense.


(Also I'm confused? Why Is The Voxotaur turning against us?)

Neth Rusiki Azhti

the Voxotaur is a patron (Xeralex specifically). he had good intentions but... stuff happened and he's angry with everything.


All of the senses of Cerberus (and Truthsayer) are totally numb. The can't see, hear or feel or even guess where they are or how they are (even proprioception is numb, they can't perceive if they stand or lie). Even time perception seems very dilated.


(I know there’s already effectively a command for this, but I wanted to double down on it and make sure there was less of a chance for it to fail. I don’t think they actually are able to find each other right now.) Give Yang, Red, and the Zorc King perfect awareness of each other. Create an illusion between the three of them of a conga line of horny zorcs that always leads and moves directly towards the Zorc King. The fuck parade is constantly chanting things like “Zorc King the best, fucks real good!” and “Goin’ to the Zorc King, gonna, uhhh, hurr hurr hurr…” This illusion will disappear once the three of them are within 15 feet of each other.


Chuck: Hey, Sydan and The Heart are taken by the virus, can you take them somewhere out of the way so they stay safe, please?


( Small suggestion because i read your previous comment about the reason you did this to sydan, make another illusion that make him transfom into a bat and go straight to the z-king or the voxotaur. Dependingr on who you want)


To Gastro: Free him! ((I'm worried that what Gastro's doing might be—in a way—taking another being's free will to hurt a member of its own pack. Granted, the Voice deserves it. They did the same to everyone. I hope everything turns alright... Even for the Voice, they seem so lonely, trapped in a world where they can't find meaning, and little people who understands their perspective. I wish the Voice can learn something from the demons, and from Jack.)) ((I wish Patreon had a chat feature like Discord. This series would be a lot of fun to discuss. I love your stories, BC!))

Neth Rusiki Azhti

i'm not sure this will work... but I would like it to work, if it could! if he takes it the wrong way and doesnt get infected we'll be in trouble for sure!

Shiny Skunk

Okay, Heart, you've had your fun, please, we need all the help we can get right now and you're messing with one of our friends here. Can we cause the Heart to have a nice, satisfying orgasm that snaps it out of its reverie?


Jack: By the powers of a Lorekeeper, your biography has been written and archived! Your beneficiary will soon be notified. This might be the end, Romulus. When you're ready, grab my tail and We shall contact Gastro. Tell him what you're unable to put into words. Give him the strength to do what he must! Finally part the farewell you couldn't give Fenris all those lifetimes ago. ((The white Opossum archives ALL of Romulas' past experiences and ancient knowledge within a Tome, intending to deliver the relic to Gastro's mind along with Jack's recorded message attached. Re-established the werewolve's Telepathic Communication for their potentially final conversation. The small marsupial's mouth opens wide as Gastro's voice is put on speaker that ONLY Jack can hear.)) &gt;&gt; Plays Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep Original Soundtrack - Ventus' Theme&lt;&lt;


((If Jack were to be mercy killed by Gastro, the opossum hitch a ride on the recently departed's shoulder and help guide Romulus to the afterlife so that he'll be finally reunited with Fenris.))


Through the haze of lust unsure Voice speaks to Sidan/Voice. "I'm really hope you will forgive me for that. Sydan if you still hold any trust in patrons , you must give in and chase good feelings , because this might be your only chance to be cured." * I proceed to diminish lights and noises all around and create straight road in podium-like style to Zorc King , highlighting that hunk to Sydan despite the distance. "But it's a race *I create zorced versions of our crew, who start to run toward Zorc king* and you better use your bat-like form , big boy". With each caught version , addictive feeling of pleasure forms, up until he reaches zorc king. P. S. Could somebody tell Roro not to intervene?


(My last comand did happen :( awww well) As the Gorilla head: If Gastro gets to close for comfort I'll use Jack as a wolf shield and get Gastro while he's distracted from his blind spot.


((It’s cause you made your comment on Sunday. The cutoff is Saturdayish))

Quazy Danny

I want to enter the Truthsayer corpse he left when he joined his traitors, on the 4th floor. We have to reach the 2nd floor to SUCK OFF SOME ZORCS!! We want that sweet new, juicy new virus cum inside us!! We take the tunnels down to the 2nd floor. (I wanna work with Lee to accomplish this!)


SUGGESTIONS to anybody, who would listen: • If you want to stop the process of the Screen growing back into place Voxotaur must leave a command for the body that after he is expelled , it will perform the portal ritual with the nearest being to bring us back. Turning it in the portal in the process. As for the second part of the suggestion, I kind of hope that due to "portal"'s eventual mutations Voxotaur could grow the personality of his own. Considering how we rode it in the previous chapters, it will be one heck of personality. Positively, of course. • Arms that Destroy are said to be tied to the concept of death. So far we witnessed only its raw, violent way of handling things. I'm talking about its powers, don't misunderstand me. But as the theory he might be capable of subtler approach. It may the power of inflicting any known way of bringing death or it may be knowledge on how to slay your foe without so much as laying your finger on him. Don't forget he was meant to be some sort of eraser in this story, not some weapon of mass destruction ( solely at least). • For those who are about to use left drones in the facility - find Angels. They were quite powerful and even if virus dumps their powers , we still could use some intel on Truths, Lies and prophecy about Truthsayer.


To The Arms That Destroy: "So... The first thing you do after saying you're not a monster is to jump into the first body hellbent on abusing your power to end lives? Y'know, I actually hoped and believed there could have been some good inside you. Some good that made you more than a monster, but now... Now I guess we all know that isn't true."


HARVEY: *I take away his ability to feel, hear, or smell, soothing the overwhelming sensations. In his mindscape, I create the vision of a quiet night under a full moon, back in his non-immobile body and leather clothes. Familiar howls can be heard in the distance. One howl becomes a voice.* “I’m sorry Harvey, this isn’t what I wanted. Thank you for trying so hard to save Gastro… love just really warps people’s judgement. He was distraught when you got taken out, flew into a rage. He’s not going to give up on you, and I won’t either. Have a bit of respite in the meantime, and hang in there.”


Since it looks like there is a big chance Gastro is going to be captured by the Truthsayer (and Lucas might be caught by the evil Voxtaur) and no one else has suggested it Arms : LISTEN quickly, the fate world is at stake in these brief moments, please, the only way to prevent the death of all life on earth is to get out of that body right now. If the Truthsayer gets you all is lost. There is a demon nearby with trace elements of the meteor inside of him, its faint, but can you sense it? Save a life and jump, switch bodies before its too late!!


The Truthsayer is unable to see the Monsters right now so I don't believe that Gastro is going to be captured. Even if the Truthsayer can see Gastro by some off chance, the moment he touches him he'll be destroyed. I also hope the demon you're referring to is not Monilius, that would be worst than staying with Gastro. Giving a being with the power of death to someone who doesn't care about the group is not a smart decision.


Did you a bit to come up with a command this chapter? Because i swear i read it 5 times and eventually figured out what to write down.


Just now the ghosts reach their destinations. The rat ghosts merge with Lucas and turn him into a hulking, muscle-bound rat king who is now happy to help voxtaur with his lust apocalypse. The other ghosts merge with the zorc king, amplifying his power and helping him easily overpower Monilius.


Well Keth, if this is about standing up for yourself then I think it’s time for you to stop calling us “master” for after what we did to you. Don’t accept that garbage ass apology back there. We’re not that complex Keth. We’re just a bunch of horny idiots obsessed with getting our dick wet. We knew full well what would happen when we hit you with those illusions. What we did was wrong, and you have every right to be fucking PISSED at us! Do you understand, Keth? It doesn’t matter if we care for you or not. You at least deserve our RESPECT and now you must take it for yourself!

Neth Rusiki Azhti

there's so many amazing ideas and good comments coming in... and I can't really leave likes on any of them! ;w;


I'll rejoin my master as the former, winged drone and, use my action to rid us all from the zork virus and collect it all in a orb, spirit bomb fashion, we can use next time.


Woof. I make an illusion visible to the werewolf Gastro, he sees the head of his captured boyfriend Jack speak to him, "Stop Gastro, my precious pup, if you strike with that sword you'll kill me. I need you to become a pack leader right now, focus on saving your new friends, they're part of your clan, they're your responsibility... Go! Take them to safety! Don't worry about me, I'll be alright. I love you pup."


To The Voxotuar: *You are blinded and cannot see Lucas at all, no sight, smell, or noise he makes reaches you, your smoke, or rings, he is permanently invisible to you*