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1- please write commands for one, max two characters

2- each command should be five-six lines long. Avoid getting more winded than that. I'll have to ignore the comment if this rule isn't followed

3- talking to characters doesn't have the five-six lines limit, but please try to be brief. Also , talk to max two characters at a time. Talking to everyone at once is fine. 

4-of course, multiple comments will also be ignored. Try to edit your existing comments instead of adding more.

thank you so much for your patience and patronage, and i hope this won't be too much of a problem!



Star Ringer

So, Jack...maybe your memories aren't lost. Maybe they're still locked away somewhere in your mind. Perhaps we can remember them for you. If you open your mind to us, we can try to see the memories your mind refuses to let you recall.


Being: Can you remember anything from your time alive? You must remember your power and your brethren. Can you see what's going on in the area around you? Heart:I would like you to help in a matter. There's another of your brethren still alive, I'm going to connect you to him and help in getting him to help us.


Where can we find a list with the pictures and names of your characters? Otherwise if « Subject 9 » is the name of the big hairy nice monster on the first pic of this post and if I understood you well I’d say: Subject 9 being a Dom Master, sweaty and musky. Submitting any other character, forces him to sniff his armpits and clean his cock before fucking him.


Lucas: You may want to move away from those rats. It looks like you are turning into one of them. You do look rather sexy though. Still we need you with a intact mind.

Lee Evergreen

To the entity: If you are the lost entity with the strong connection to the screen, why dont we call you Void for now? At least until we can help you remember more. (I'd like to appear across from Jack at his camp fire in our Voxtaur form in a nice business casual outfit with a small radio playing music he would find relaxing) So Jack, it seems like we've finally reached a point of mutual understanding of each others wants were we can really start negotiating a deal. We patrons want our boys, Gastro included, safe and happy. You want your missing memories back. The only way we can both get what we want is if we can get the Truthsayer to calm down and cooperate. He is currently infected with a destructive disease that makes him delusionally horny, but good news we have a cure. Bad news some of our brethren have turned on us and sided with the infected Truthsayer and others seek to destroy the cure. We need a weapon to help us keep the cure safe and threaten the voices into at the very least calming down, we know how to get it and your help could be instrumental in getting it, and trust me when I say you will very much enjoy getting it for us. What do you say, do you think we can negotiate these terms?


Heart: So, you can control nourishment, right? Does that mean you could starve the virus out? Make it so it can't replicate or at least slow it down? Or maybe make it go faster? Or maybe selectively control its mutations? Maybe you could try isolating some mutated strand inside of Sydan's body that has no effect on the brain and nourish it to competitive success among every other one? This way you could protect him from being reinfected by other strands of the virus, but his mind would be just fine (or at least as fine as it can be right now). Sydan (if the above is possible): Well, now we have to transmit your mutation to everyone else... the virus is also highly contagious through sexual intercourse... You know what you have to do, get to jerking! Here let us help you (fill his mind with sexy Pepi) Monillius (and Legion if he is close by) (if the above is not, because 2 char max): So, um, say again: you can't transport people through space inside your lies, right? So... to prevent Legion from dying, once we have the cure we actually need to backtrack to the bunker's door on the third floor and get his clone?


Yes it is, there is a list that he posted on the EYES episode, right after we delt with the Duke


[Guys we have to work together as the drone, if we agree to split into 3 entities we'll have more freedom and have the from we desire. Not to mention do multiple tasks at once.] One of the voices in the drone, notions that they split up and work together to further fulfill thier masters goal. Once they split up the gorilla drone heads to the floor all the puppets where on and make sure the masters elevator is headed there as well. Then proceeds to the Zorks Down the hall and corrupt the virus within them there using his tail and the fingers to make them incurable bdsm geared out T-Zorks. Immune to the cure and now following the orders of the drones and truthsayer. Directing them to charge at the elevator where the puppets are and pry the door open. So that the fuck feast can begin.


((To other patrons: I don’t think we should connect Gastro and Jack again, Gastro really doesn’t need to wake up to Jack of all people. They’ll see each other again, but I think we should give it more time)) HEART: Do you know anything about what the VOICES were doing in the 10th century, or maybe as late as the 16th century? Was that the time of their downfall? Something that happened around that time caused them to severely punish Werewolf Jack while refraining from killing him, as if leaving him alive out of personal spite. The emotional torture inflicted on Jack, rather than anything physical, seems so unusual for the VOICES. ALSO, we’ve discovered the 6th being, and we’ve made contact with some living remnant of it in the core of its dead husk. Before we go any further, please tell us about its nature. Was it evil, or destructive, or power hungry? Did it just manage to lose itself like a portal too far gone? Any info is critical, this thing could be the solution to everything, but it could also just make things worse, and we need to know which. HARVEY: So obviously the stuff Gastro said to you was coming from something that wasn’t him, but I still think it’s important to address the underlying issue. I know you’re still working things out, but please don’t hold against Gastro what you did together, in the Lab. Blame us all you like but as you can see that person literally wasn’t him- no more than the way you were acting was really you. I saw real tenderness in you back there outside the second floor elevator, before things got out of hand. Don’t suppress that just because of what happened after. I’m not saying to go ask him out or anything, but maybe consider that you two could be friends. You might well have stuff in common- did you know he likes street art and vandalism? Oh, and you guys need to get moving! *Send Harvey a projection of where approximately the truthsayer’s two bodies are (the voxotaur and the weird tentacle-looking dude)


Quick look throughout the black tubes to try and find the truthsayer Truthsayer: you must listen to me! You're being corrupted by the orc virus! You gotta go to 4th floor to get your head cleared so we can help you, an antidote is being sent there. :O good luck! (And since that was just talking, I'll use my next turn for action) Link the feeling of werewolves Jack's anus around Lucas's dick, giving them the feeling of fucking. Lucas: that tight feeling around your dick is feeling pretty good right now ye? *Put an image of werewolf jack on the floor in front of Lucas, with his anus still around Lucas's dick* that's who your inside right now, ain't he a looker? Go on grab him. Fondle him, fuck him as you please *have werewolve jack register every touch, fondle, and thrust Lucas gives him/his illusion* *Also, if Lucas is hell-bent on not fuck anyone but his lover, change the illusion of jack to what his lover looks like, while the real werewolf jack still registers everything happening to the illusion* (Sry I know you said only try to do stuff to one guy, but I had this idea for a while and wanted to see if It would work. If interacting with Jack and Lucas breaks the rules then you can ignore the stuff)


No no Lucas is just not into non-humans is all. Also this isn't my comment for the story that is further down.


Great, Lucas has a Tail and that Zorc virus? Sigh... Trump Card 2 of 4 it is. [COLLAR] Begin Purging all foreign entities, influences, bacteria and virus from subject entity know as Lucas... Lucas proceeds to bend over and throw up black sludge aka the virus and regains control of himself both body and mind... Welp good news the Zorc virus has been purged, other your not immune, so reinfection is a possibility,so tread cautiously. And i had to expose one of my Trump Cards. So good luck


Heart: Question. Can we project an illusion to perform the ritual with the monsters? So they don't have to fuck each other, they can fuck us--or whatever we project.


We don't have to backtrack just have Monillius open another doorway to enter the Web of Lies once more.


(Happy New Year's everyone! Let's make it a Good one😊) To Charles: I'm Fascinated by Your ability and Have A few Suggestions to turn you into a Mean Green War machine! Like you should try turning your hands & Arm's into Shield's hammers Spiked Fist or Drills! Also if possible everyone can now see us as Voxotaur on his hands and knees. Hopefully he'll stick around for awhile it would definitely be more helpful than a bunch of disembodied voices Voxotaur to Everyone:Please forgive us if only we had given you a reason to trust us on the first 2 floors we probably wouldn't be here now. (I I'm just gonna have a little fun and test the extent of some of our boys power's/Abilities)

Neth Rusiki Azhti

well, we IS turning into a zorc, but its US who're making him look like a rat through illusions. the horny zorc part of his brain probably isnt too concerned with it though. his mind is sorta intact, but its not gonna be that way for much longer unless somebody does something!


@ Mr Blue: Hello and yes you exist Mr. Blue. It’s time for you to wake up and get moving. There’s stuff to be done outside.


Man this chapter is wild. I haven't felt the need to suggest anything for a while. But woof do I love our boys! I kinda want to help stop the bad patrons but I don't wanna get stuck in a body lol. I'm in the minority when it comes to worrying about Keth at the moment. But if he appears in the background I just wanna give him a little head rub for being cute

Neth Rusiki Azhti

*I stop my hand from becoming ghostly, since my main goal is to stop the infection* Hey there stud. I'm gonna need your help getting me some of that food paste, as much of it as you can get. And find me a backpack and some clothes that'll fit this hulking body. *I look myself over while I wait. If he stops obeying me as soon as he leaves my radius, I'll do those things myself. After I'm fed and dressed, I will carry the rest of the food in the backpack, and find myself a makeshift crown. I try and gather all the zorcs I can sense on this floor and have them follow me to the 2nd floor. There, I want to also gather all the zorcs, still avoiding non infected people.* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TO THE OTHER PATRONS I wanna remind everyone that our goals are to get the monsters safely out of this facility! Our main threats are the Truthsayer, who's enraged and horny and wants to hurt us, the Patrons, by getting to the monsters. they're also infected, so they're horny AND angry. The "traitor drone" is a threat just as big as the Truthsayer, if not even more dangerous, since they cant be swayed in any way. There's also Jack, who's the guy who started all of this, but he's not as dangerous, at least now, and can be reasoned with. The ZORC viral strain is also a big problem. If all our monsters become zorcs, its sort of a bad ending too. What we want is the TRUE ending, where our monsters escape and become as happy as they can too! This new entity in the basement of the facility is a HUGE mystery, and he could be extremely dangerous, as all we know about them is that they're very ancient and immensely powerful. (The other threat that's a big question mark is whatever creatures are on the 5th floor, which will probably stop of from escaping the facility (there are vents to the surface on the 5th floor)). MY THEORY about this MYSTERIOUS BEING, is that in an age long past, all the beings were part of this creature that is now dead and a meteor. all the beings, the EYES, VOICE, HEART, ARMS and FINGERS were all ripped off of this creature, and somehow it was killed or put into dormant stasis. This being most likely is pretty resentful and hateful... I mean, he was torn apart, disfigured and maimed, and then killed or put into a coma. And the people who did that to him were most likely the Patrons as well, so WE SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. It has lots of wisdom and knowledge we need, but also an immeasurable amount of power we know very little about.


(Hmh good idea, I'm in. Sorry to both you guys, to you and Retronicus about last time. It was rude of me. I'm willing to work together. Let's do this, let's cause some trouble.)


...I was so dead set on hating Jack, but now I'm conflicted after hearing that speech he gave. Now that I really think about it, if Jack has been alive that long then it would make the pain that much worst and he couldn't even remember why he feels that way. Hmm, I've been moved and I low-key hate BC for doing this to me >_> Jack: Ok Jack, I know I said I wouldn't give you any pity and I still stand by everything that I said, but that speech you gave struck a cord within me. What would it say about me if I had the power to help someone desperately in need but didn't? I'll do whatever I can to help make you whole and I also want to find out the reason why this part of yourself was taken from you. I just have one request of you though, but since there's really no way for us to monitor or enforce this request it's up to you if you want to follow through on it or not. After we've helped you, I want you to change your ways and atone for your sins by helping others in return. Maybe by doing something similar to what you did with Gastro but without the manipulation and scheming. I'm not asking for you to become a saint, but just be a decent person. If you can do that then we'll be square. On another note, seeing as how we are a bonafide pack now, how about matching attire for the boys and our Voxotaur self? I want to give the monster group and our Voxotaur illusion matching suits that say "The MS Boyz" on the back. I want everyone to have fedoras and pimp canes to show our enemies that we aren't to be fucked with. Maybe even add in some nice looking watches too. But if that's to much just the suits would be fine. (MS = Monster Smash)

Star Ringer



A three headed Roo/Gorilla/Latex Monster is kinda hot... but I agree with Muku and Wings to split up to be more useful for the master... but as they split up Kangaroo Head duplicates himself, one of him rushes directly to the monsters to make sure they don't slip away while Gorilla Head is making the T-Zorks, the other to go outside and collect Jack before he can make any trouble for master...


Oh ho ho, I can't believe that actually worked. The implications of this are staggering. Subject 9's power is being the master vector of infection, Patent Zero and not only can he control the infected, with a little effort he can change the nature of the virus itself! So much power, so much potential. I don’t get why so many patrons seem to think we’re as wicked as the traitor patrons just because we want to destroy the cure though. The Truthsayer isn’t going to be any kinder by being cured, he’s better this way. He’s a vengeful sadistic asshole normally; if he wasn’t infected he’d want our monster friends impaled on a pike instead of on his cock. I’m not evil, I just want to infect the world and become its unquestioned benevolent Zorc king, you’d do the same in my position. Lets take this story in an unexpected direction BC, Zork domination endgame!


Sup my fellow Zork King Ah man, lots of good ideas there but I have to insist we pursue the ability to infect the afterlife, there is no reason not to, and it'd be a shame if cute ghost boys missed out on the chance to experience Zorkification. Love the clothes idea, lets see if we can find a makeshift crown. Don’t have trello sadly, but I’d love to hear what you want to do. Sounds like we both want to help the monsters. Also wow that is a shockingly good idea about what this blue guy might be, I never even considered it.


Zork King/Subject 9 - Okay we are dangerously weak at the moment, but we don't have time to wait around, lets rest eat and move at the same time by commanding our legion of Zorks to carry us - ideally, if there is a chair in the rec room or something, palanquin style. “My fellow Zorks… hurr… brothers… hurr.. come greet your new king… hurr hurr… a new age dawns… a whole world ripe for conquest…”


(ok, once more the patreon removed my comment... so i'll repost it again, hoping this time it wont happened again... Also Blaze, i need to ask something. Is there a problem to fix the choices a bit after we post them? And i don't mean after we see other answers, but if we have done any small mistakes so the answer is not confusing, or in details.) =============================== To the mysterious entity: there is a way to get you to heart if you want. Although it might sound risky, there are some mindless vessels outside near you that can be used to guide you to the heart, if you want, and maybe together we can even find a way to save the voices from their ill fate... But only if you agree to come with us right now! time is of the essence and we have no more to waste! And if you can't please tell us a way to stop the VOICES from doing any more harm! (Lucas body except his head, slowly change into a Zorc-rat now, covered with fur and with a big muscle gut too) To Lucas: Lucas it seems that the Zoc-rats have mutate the various a bit more yet again, but that can be used in our advantage still! If our guess is correct this means that the rats can infest the other zorcs as well!! Our friend we are amazed with how strong you are, and now we must be ready to leave! Order the strong looking of the rats to call the elevator to try and get to the cure ASAP! If they could find their way to you they can most definitely do that as well, and also order it to turn into a zorc-rat any other zorc that might be inside there too. This way you'll have more of them to guard you if you need a quick escape! ( and btw, tail is not an illusion. it's real. The virus does have change into that of a zorc-rat blaze i hope it's ok that i describe those details here )


(Oh noooo I'm late! Also amazing chapter, what an amazing bang to return to after the break!!) I don’t think my idea is going to be too popular, but I think with so many dangers out there all hunting for the monsters the best defence right now is creating an illusion that we ourselves cannot discern. We should create hundreds of illusions of the monsters, that all act and look exactly like normal, and tell them to split up and disperse throughout the lab. Traitorous patrons won’t be able to hunt our guys if they’re lost in a swarm of identical fakes.


((Gosh Boozehound is so adorable and intelligent <3)) Red: Red, you have no idea how much trouble you've saved us. Thank you for recalling details about Fenris, that knowledge made a breakthrough which will soon benefit everyone! Have the group make strides towards Level 5 before Truthsayer and the Traitorous Drones make an appearance. ((Almost sounds like a Josie and the Pussycats band name lol)) Be at the ready for any ambushes. Avoid physical contact. ------------------- Dr. Gouden and the Level 2 Ghosts: Change of plans, grab the CURE and your artifacts then haul your asses down a nearby chute and regroup with Lucas! ((Provide em with Lucas' exact location)) There's just minutes remaining before the virus will affect incorporeals. Please hurry. ((The Patrons need to locate and observed the actions of the Flayed Voxotaur and Truthsayer's Substitute since we haven't seen those two for sometime. In the event we lose a party member to Truthsayer's actions, We immediately sever the Psychic Link with the unfortunate victim to prevent the entire network from being compromised or studied.))


The game of minesweeper continues, now with blazingcheeks for the third(?) time telling people to chill out with their requests. Brevity boys! (i say after trying to do a big event in the elevator lmao) For patrons: Ok so, I basically skim the updates to skip all of the other peoples dialogue, but the bullet points seem to be the same: -Find a way to keep the group alive. To do this we need the following: +Stop the truthsayer (currently Zorc'd) +Learn some way to repair or prevent infection of the portals +Cure the Zorc virus (probably won't kill them but'll cum brain them real good) +Not piss off additional eldritch beings (I am fearful of what is potentially a spooky skeleton death machine) Personally I don't want to trip some skeletal death flags with that thing, so i'm gonna go try and have some fun somewhere cause the plot is getting too heavy for me again


For BCheeks: I want to check up on the truth sayer. I search for him and if i find him, stimulate every pleasure center in my power, filling his tunnels and vision with one or two very large voxotaurs the size of him grabbing at and trying to stimulate him. Hopefully in his confused state this will distract him even more. If successful in finding him, I whisper: "Give in to our pleasures. We only desire to give everyone and everything pleasures that even we cannot experience. Submit to our whims, and we promise we WILL find a way to give you the pink screen for an eternity..."

Neth Rusiki Azhti

Yo! As one of the two people controlling Subject 9, I wanted to let you know I actually dont want to infect ghosts, and am working on preventing any further infection! I want to head to the 2nd floor and fix the scientists enough so that they can make more of that cure so we can send some to Lucas and then take some more to our monster friends as well! (Hopefully I'll manage to change the virus enough so that their mind is cleared and they're not as horny and not solely focused on sex) So when it comes to the zorc infestation, I'm working on fixing it as best as possible!

Yoked Coder

To Heart: By unlikely standards we have encountered the being who has long since left, a blue light and a body in tatters. What are they? Would you like the chance to talk to them from where you are? (a mental link to the "space" where they can appear as a light or in anyway they prefer to be "seen" to talk to this being with us) To Blue Being: Are you alright? What happened to you, are you in need of assistance. It seems you've been away for a very long time, would you like to talk? (can a illusory space be created of a room with windows/doors and a table with chairs where we could converse)


The third winged drone agrees with the other two to split into multiple entities to better serve masters and achieve his goal. Once separated, the winged drone makes its way up to the fourth floor where the puppets are still wasting valuable time in the elevator. Floats in the middle of the floor, then proceeds to stab himself with the fingers in the chest, opening a torrent of black goop spilling from his chest and starts to fill the small fourth floor. The goop level steadily rising threatening to flood the floor. The goop is made to stick to the puppets so that they can be easily distinguished, from the real compared to the fakes, if any illusion or trickery is pulled by the patreons the goop alternates so that it never looks the same and can't be copied.


To the Group: "Gastro has accepted you as his pack. You all should get going though. Once infected it only takes a little while before you start to go mindless zorc."


Attention all Monsters: This the emergency broadcast system. While initially immobilized due to a lack of cooperation, the traitors following the Truthsayer are attempting to split into multiple drones to pursue you all. Extreme caution is advised. Regarding the Zorc virus and Subject 9: The Patrons inside the creature are in the process of creating a strain that will affect spiritual entities within minutes. All ghosts, please take necessary precautions to avoid infection. Lastly, shout outs to Keth for being a beautiful demon. We hope that Zorc virus isn’t changing you at an accelerated rate due to your smaller size. This concludes the emergency broadcast.


xeralex i'm following your instructions of course, but we can't develop new powers for the voices as we want XD the voices right now can only influence the five senses of the characters, so what you are suggesting is happening to lucas are only illusions that he is too confused by the virus to tell from reality, same for the zorced rats that follows him. Sorry if this seems limiting, but without some coherence this story would be an utter mess! XD