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Gastro: please forgive us, we were overhearing the conversation between you and Jack. What he said sounded so sweet and loving and for a moment we thought he was telling the truth, but we kept watching him. He spoke to the truthsayer after speaking to you. He told him where the heart is and where you all would be. While I know how furious this will make you, you need to be calm and remember your friends. You have to tell them and prepare yourselves for the coming danger! Pepi: We are so sorry for this, truly we are. But after seeing how we could make Harvey a new outfit even if it is an illusion. And then making an illusion of you playing such a dummy thicc cutie, we need to see your beautiful ass wearing a pair of daisy dukes. Please know that this isn't a form of punishment or a anything else, but we just think you'd look so good in them. So we had to see for ourselves. Edit: I tried to add this the first time on my phone but pressing enter to make a space just kept reposting it. Plus I was at work so I couldn't do much else. Hope you don't mind ^^;


Roro&Dr gounden: hey, you guys are smart, you think the reason we are able to affect you guys so much, even without the VOICES or HANDS is because you guys are outside of that room? I still don't understand where our power comes from then. Also... Even though I kinda have ideas about that, I'd rather want you guys to keep an eye on gastro. He apparently is still kinda in a plan with werewolf jack that we don't know about. Try to get gastro to talk to you guys about the plan, as werewolf jack is bargaining away the heart (with Sydan) with some Kenji guy hes keeping the head of alive, assumingly with the seal that summoned us. Real creepy stuff, lemme show you guys *boops the image of the exchange between jack/gastro and jack/Kenji into roro and doctor's mind* I trust you two can handle this intelligently.


Okay first I was dying laughing and now I'm in awe that Jack would do that. OwO Monster Group: Ok we're in big trouble guys... Jack just told the Truthsayer about where the heart is and where you guys are. Even worst than that, he told him that we are back which is big trouble. Gastro I would hearken to you to not listen to any of the lies that Jack spilled out of his pie-hole. It's very clear to us that he has only ever thought about himself and will do anything it takes to achieve his own agenda. We were very naive in thinking he would be understanding of the situation that we find ourselves in. And it falls upon us to correct that. We will protect our boys as best as we're able and that's a promise. *Relay what Jack just did to the entire group* *And play a blaring werewolf whistle in Jacks head endlessly* Legion: Forgive the other more hornier patrons Legion, they only really care about how much carnal pleasure they can give to others. I find it curious that you believe that no one can ever do a good deed without wanting something in return. Did a situation like this happen to you once before? Even if it did, you can't be fearful and seal yourself away from the kindness of others. It's not right, everyone deserves to be treated with kindness and I'm going to show you that. *Remove Legions sense of pain from absorbing his clones*


Hey yo I know you didn't want us talking to more than one monster separately so if you go with someone else revealing all this to the monster mash, I wanna talk to Kenji if I can. Kenji: alright hoe, why do you and your God want the heart and what has Jack done to you, tell us with your mind. Oh and since you can probably only think of pain, I'm going to convey the emotion of peace and the feeling of tranquility into your... Head, so you can easier reveal to us what Jack's done/what you know of his plan. Also, he got any weaknesses?


I want to show Gastro what Jack just did and since the Voices that Command know we are here then maybe we should say hi finally. Ask him how he has been.


Wow, firstly this comic is great and holy shit, Jack is dark!!


Lucas trying to see if there is way out, but before he does anything ,two giant Zorc-rats caught him and help him relax as they pleasure with him, turning him into a nice hybrid of a Zorc-rat too.


To the monsters: Everyone made it! Congrats. Everyone made it. This time. But the odds of every person in this elevator safely reaching the next objective is... Zero. At least one of you will be brainwashed, captured, transformed, die, or a combination of the above. Accept the loss of at least one comrade as a CERTAINTY.


Lucas: Don't fight it big guy, you know you want it. Relax, just let it happen, and enjoy it as long it lasts! After all the antidote you created will heal you all later on...

Neth Rusiki Azhti

GASTRO: it was pretty sad watching you talk to Jack. you had nothing, and he gave you a second chance. but just look at him tugging on the LEASH he's got around your neck. just a few minutes ago you were ready to tear his heart out, and now you're his puppy again. you had nothing before him, nothing but your own will. now you're not dead, but you might as well be, being the slave to such a manipulative, dark man. you have a choice dude. you can still be free. you can still escape this facility with your life and your free will. but if you turn Jack... you'll certainly lose one of those two things. SYDAN: dude, Gastro's being manipulated by Jack. you've heard of him right? he's the one who let us into the facility so we could unleash the beings and bring down the facility. he's also manipulating the Truthsayer for some ulterior motive he has, and is willing to sacrifice literally the entire world for it. *we show him the convo Jack had with Kenji*


To everyone:Everyone Can now See and Feel Keth in The suit we had him wear while inside of the lies. To Lucas:Well you had a good run but according to Sydan You are trapped there and a rat is about to drink Zorc Cum. You could climb back up but you'd run into 2 more Zorcs so would you like to say anything to Us or The monsters before you meet you end? To Gastro:Dude don't tell us you fell for that Bullshit look Jack immediately sold out You guy's to the Truthsayer But personally I Feel like it should be up to you. Trust In jack and Don't say a word to the others. Or Trust in us and warn the others. To Harvey:Any Reason you didn't want us Sending A illusion pepi to distract the angel? Could it be your Crushing on him!? Go on you can tell us we promise not to say anything!

Neth Rusiki Azhti

also, I want to point out the very real possibility that this Kenji thing probably isnt even talking to the Truthsayer. this guy just popped into existence a few days (or hours even) ago, after we fused with the Voxotaur and reformed him in our mind. it seems the Kenji head has spoken to this "god" before too. AND there's many many more levels to this compound. there might be many more frighteningly strong creatures we're not aware of. or it might even be something bigger from the outside. all we know is that this Truthsayer is just the FIRST hurdle we need to pass, and that Jack and this mysterious entity are just as scary as the VOICE is.


Legion - Thats right, you're too smart to be fooled by the voices Legion. All this talk of altruism and niceness is just a trick to get what they really want from you, your meaty demon cock. These cock hungry sluts just want to make you part of their lovesick harem of stupid spoiled boytoys so they can ravish your sexy demon body nightly. Can't you picture it? Let us give you a vision. No ambition, no more hard work, each morning waking up in your silk sheets to another lazy, infuriating, bliss filled day full of love and kindness. Knowing bitterly that every compliment, gift or doting moment of affection comes with the ulterior motive of wanting to pleasurr you, worship your body and see you howl with lust, what a horrible fate. Don't trust them Legion, or soon you'll find them slobbering all over your knob!


Lucas: You're not alone in there! Lucas, get up NOW! Arm yourself then find another chute to climb out. ((Dampen his sense of pain like before but have him composed and alert as if taken a stimulant like Adderall)) Those rodents... you might need to bash their heads in before they fully turn. Some of the voices want you to give up and convert but a majority of us don't want that outcome! Please don't give up Lucas. ((Cloak Lucas' presence from the Zorc'd rodents so he can plan to neither escape or strike em down)) ------------------------------------- Monster Squad: Not to alarm you guys but that Judas Wolf bastard just sold us out! Red: Red, you've been around for a very long time. Happen to know any legends, tales or witness the gruesome aftermath of an attack from the beast known as Werewolf Jack? Monilius: The Zorcs in the Web, what's their current status? We'll be soon arriving to the next floor so it's imperative that you and your siblings fuel up on some TRUTH. Just think of what delectable morsels you'll encounter and ensnare.


((Son of a fucking bitch. Fucking fuck patreon deleted my comment AHHHH IM SO MAD LOL))


On board with your suggestion of Keth in his lawyer suit once more! As for Lucas, the guy suffered enough let him keep his humanity.


With the knowledge that we can mentally fuck with folks i wanna give keth some kissing because we did say we wanted to love him up.

Star Ringer

Jack. You are now seeing what Gastro saw when we first met him. You are hearing what Gastro heard. You are feeling what Gastro felt. Every sense you have of your own body is now experiencing Gastro's past instead, in real time. As though you were watching a movie with all of your senses tied in. Every nerve and neuron in your body is firing the same signals that Gastro's did, and not a single sensation from your own body is reaching your brain. And this will continue up until you've relived every moment Gastro experienced up until now. It does not fast forward. It does not skip. You will see, hear, and feel every. Single. Second. Someone could walk up and rip your fucking heart out and you wouldn't even feel it.

Star Ringer

Kenji. You are cold. So very cold. Colder than anything you've felt in your entire life. Colder than the heart of a glacier, where ice that has never known sun nor summer sleeps. You know now. It's time to die. Die, Kenji. You have permission.


GASTRO: Jack lied to you. For starters, just ask Pepi about the man who seduced him and used him to unleash the voices in Egypt. Jack knew what he was putting you into. He’s made countless portals since Pepi over the centuries. Did he ever tell you about them? I'm sure he told all of them the exact same things he just reassured you with. He told you that you’re alone, that no one loves you or cares about you, just him. But that's such bullshit- you're literally surrounded by people who care. I’m sure you don’t need reminding how abusers manipulate their victims into isolation. But the worst part is that he’s already betrayed you again. Remember how he wanted to know where exactly you were? Well… *SHOW HIM WHAT JACK DID AFTER HIS CONVERSATION WITH GASTRO, TRANSLATING THE MORSE CODE IF NECESSARY* Jack’s “test” is to get all of the others killed or enslaved. The thing he “wants” might not even be you, since he could just as well be after the Heart. But even if it IS you he wants, know that it’s the perfect tool he thinks you’d become as a portal, not the wonderful person you are today. Very soon you’ll have to choose: between the man who puppeteers you, undermines your freedom, and wants to see you transformed into a shell of your former self, and a tool for his own ends. Or between the people who you came here for in the first place, some of whom you’ve come to know like family. You’ve saved them, and they’ve saved you. Please don’t forget that you’re loved by more than just one empty man. And please don’t forget the promise you made to yourself, about repeating past mistakes.


(This update <3 I think everyone mostly has the plot side covered, so I guess I'll repost some of the unused part of my last prompt, unless I think of something better) Oh wait, first, Kenji. I take away your ability to feel pain. Sydan - "Say Sydan, now that you're free of bloodlust, what do you wanna do after all this is over??" Suddenly a faint, but persistent image flashes across the vampire's mind like a hazy mist - the fat vampire hedonistically lazing on some tropical beach at night, sipping on a fruity cocktail, his manhood (much larger than in reality) standing to attention, swaying like a reed in the summer breeze. On his left was Gastro, serving him burgers and hotdogs from a platter of freshly grilled BBQ, on his right, Pepi, lovingly feeding him treats from a platter of desserts, cakes and chocolates. Were they helpless thralls under his control?? No! It was clear that they were in fact his horny boyfriends, happily pampering him. As it happens in the vampire's mind, he can feel it happen to his body. How they caress his shoulders, nibble at his ears, rub his belly... even the annoying feeling of sand in his bathers! Most of all, though, he notices the taste, when was the last time he ate something that wasn't plasma?? Every decadent, delicious flavor pops in his mouth, tasting better than anything he ever remembered eating. The tempting aromas ticking his nose. How his gut felt satisfyingly full, yet always had room more a little bit more. Gastro and Pepi more than happy to feed him more from their endless platters.


Idk if that’s a good idea- that’s just going to give Gastro the association with US collaring him. It might be better to let him think his own way through it. Like freedom is Gastro’s BIGGEST thing, so restricting that in any way (physically or otherwise) just seems like a great method to ruin his trust in us


Lucas boy, unless your into furries you might want to run and fast.


You're not alone Gastro. You have a new family. And if we cannot be with you all for very long (sorry Keth), they'll still be here, they know you and care for you. Don't trust Jack. It's not the first time he tries to manipulate you.

Quazy Danny

Hmm this might be dangerous. Jack has already shown how much harm he can do with a bit of knowledge. Giving him eyes and ears on us could backfire.

Quazy Danny

Hey Jack, lookin' a lil pudgy there now arent you? *Jack now looks and feels fatter, with a nice big belly, also feeling slow, full, and rather exhausted* Heart: The Voices now know you're exact location, do you know of anything that we could use to try and keep them from finding us?? Would you even have to go as far as to abandon Sydan?


Can we cut the message in Kenji's head just before it reaches its destination? Like if Kenji hears the message and then passes on, I wish to blury the message with strange sound and incomprehensible words so it doesn't get to its destinantion. If that's not possible by Kenji's then can we do it on Truthsayer themself? If so I wish to do it. Also Werewolf Jack feels he's unable to speak anymore and loses his voices. Just as a safe device for now


((THIS GOT DELETED AGAIN RIP. At least the other one is still up.)) SYDAN: Werewolf Jack is still in play. He’s outside the facility for now but that might not be for long. We inadvertently allowed him to manipulate Gastro, who he wants to feel isolated and dependant on him alone. You know how abusive relationships work. He needs you and the others now more than ever. The Voices know where you all are, thanks also to Jack. Keep Gastro and the Heart safe- and yourself too. Watch out for murderous Alpha werewolves and enraged eldritch entities. THE VOICES THAT COMMAND: Well, here we are. We arrived not long ago, summoned by a new portal. You have every right to be angry with your brethren- most of them anyway. What you did to the Fingers was cruel. *Show them the memory of the Fingers hugging them on level 2 for emphasis* He had nothing to do with your shattering, and he loved you more than anything. You may be right to be angry with us as well. Just know that we didn’t choose to leave when we did; you know full well that we have no control over the screens. But if we can give you that pink screen and those new feelings back, then we will. But we won’t allow your anger to destroy these people, or this world, and we’re going to do all we can to protect them. So if we have to oppose you to do so, then so be it. But we don’t have to be enemies, and you don’t have to be Werewolf Jack’s pawn, or do his dirty work for him. ((I also want to try one other thing, but ONLY if the Monsters arrive on the fourth floor in the next update)) *Just before the monsters’ elevator doors actually open, make a completely different one of the elevators appear to open, and show very realistic illusions of all the monsters stepping out of it, as a distraction to any minions present, or even to the voices itself. Additionally, make the REAL monsters and their elevator appear invisible and silent, the doors appearing to remain shut*


Fuck it I feel horny. "Gastro, like Harvey, I want you and everyone around you to see yourself wearing a university Letterman jacket, and a wrestling singlet OR a university Letterman jacket, football jersey, jockstrap, and low-cut jeans. Your choice on what's more comfortable and I suppose if you absolutely hate both ideas then continue to wear what you're wearing. I just think you'd make a cute jock."


I have to agree That Dummy Thicc Pepi put me in a MOOD! 😋


Now that I think about it, with everything that we are able to do regarding affecting the senses, why don't we create the illusion of our previous voxotaur body so that the boys can interact with him? I think that would be pretty cool.

Lee Evergreen



Jack: *Assault him with visions, smells, feelings of rot and death, I want to go full Cotard Delusion on this fucker* "So you think we are harmless? Hope you like an eternity of suffering while you rot, bitch." Everyone: "Hey, Gastro, so your boss just snitched on all of you" *Show them all Jack's last scene with that skull* Keth: *Materialize an illusion of the Voxotaur, but in a way that it is evident to Keth that it is an illusion* "We didn't know we could touch you! It's been so long since we kissed you my love, since we pinched your nipples, since we touched that dick. Wanna cum darling? Fuck us until you do, I know you want it. Use us Keth, you deserve it." Legion: "Hey buddy, I know you probably went through a lot of abuse in your life. I also know that it was probably not only the Duke. We used our voice on Keth, your Pepi clone was around to see that, so you know his intentions were true. You see, relationships are not supposed to be transactional, it is not a give and take thing, you shouldn't owe someone that did something nice to you, gratitude is supposed to be spontaneous, not on demand. And I know that in a world of demons this was probably never the case. We can't also demand you to shift your views on this, but try to reconsider, maybe you just don't know any different from manipulation and hurt. Maybe Keth can show you the difference. Genuine love exists, don't knock it until you try."

Lee Evergreen

Gastro: I understand how hard it is to escape something like this. Jack makes you feel safe, loved and comfortable, but he's a heartless liar. (Show him the conversation between Jack, Kenji, and the Truthsayer) Please just focus on getting out for right now though. No revenge, no Jack. You and our friends need to be safe first, then you need to truly evaluate what's important to you before you start seeking retribution.


I figure a bunch of comments are going to test our ability to inflict pain on werewolf jack, as I would also like to attempt to incapacitate him via Sensory Overload Edit: oh, i guess this won't apply for a while since Gastro is missing, but either way: Since they're pretty much inside the elevator already and have some leeway, we should reward them. Have a small hallucinatory menu pop up in their vision. It says this. "Congratulations fellas! You're safe and sound for at least another hour or so! Select Two rewards from this list: A: Relaxation. Experience a stress relieving full body massage. Non sexual in nature. B: Perversion. Release your pent up hormones in a private booth with hallucinations of your choosing. No one will be able to perceive you without your choosing to do so. The elevator will make room to accommodate this C: Comfort. The elevator becomes stocked with blankets, pillows, and refreshments that will temporarily sate the sensations of hunger or thirst. D: Mischief. Choose one person to experience orgasmic pleasure for 10 minutes. E: Change your outfit, but you have to let someone else choose what it is. If you do not make a selection, choices A and D will automatically apply to Yang.


This is a pretty greedy event and maybe tonally clashing but I say, gotta have some fun every now and then. If the choice is (mostly) consensual, then it's not tooooo morally bankrupt :P


I agree with everything except the part with Keth, trust me I would love that too but the whole group are too close together in the elevator, the illusion wouldn't have that much space to work around, and the guys would feel uncomfortable with little Keth fucking empty air, so let's give him this message once they are out of the elevator, asking him to find a discrete corner near everybody.


I wasn't expecting Jack to be a snitch, but well damn it all. To werewolf Jack: BITCH YOU DON'T KNOW WHO YOU'RE MESSING WITH NOW, DO YOU!? We love those monsters more than anything that might happen to this world right now, and we would throw everything under the buss for them, especially you! Then follow up with Hinner's idea of showing him visions of rot decay and death, the fucker deserves it. Also we forgot about poor Lucas, oh crap, we have to go save him from a very unpleasant hunk with whiskers. Guys our friend Lucas is still in a bind, he is probably on the level 1 floor garbage chute, we need a voluntary to go fetch him before something very bad happens to him, from what our current powers can grant we can help whoever goes there pass by unnoticed for the most part, it will be dangerous but please he really deserves our help. Also as a way of fitting the suggestion from Hinner to do with Keth, if he decides to choose anything from the prize menu, give him an alone time in the corner of the elevator with an illusion of the Voxotaur (since he is the only possible known visual he had for us) but small and less menacing, the same height as him, to make it obvious that it is an illusion and make it say: to Keth: Well the power of illusion changes things a little bit, it's good to be with you again our beloved imp, we miss you so much, also we decided to give you a vision of us closer to your own, you changed for us when we wanted, so we changed for you so we could have more space here together, we hope you like our new form, and also like what we have in mind for what we want to do with it. Then the illusion follows up giving him a hug and a very deep kiss, followed by pushing him to sit down so it might ride his demon pecker to climax from time to time kissing him and rubbing his cheek and chest.


TO GASTRO: sorry but, we were with you two listening during and after the psychic call, what Jack said is only half true, yes he will test you but by making you choose between him and the monster gang, he snitched on you all, my guess is that he is one of those "are you with me or against me" and he will do his best to tie up all loose ends, do what you want with that information


TO JACK: Bitch if that damn thing gets its hands on the chubby vampire YOU are also DEAD AF, the whole world is DEAD AF, JUST WHAT ON EARTH WERE YOU PLANNING???


if it's inevitable all I ask for is for him(or they) to go out with a [gang]bang ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Keth: Well Keth we have a few minutes of peace, so this is probably the best time we’ll get to say this. Keth, I admire your discipline. You have many admirable qualities but that is something that stands out above everyone else. Legion cannot stop (justifiably) complaining, Monilius cannot keep himself consistent and gives in to relatively light pressures, the Duke threw a tantrum when we didn’t agree, and even among the undead there were those who would rather insight conflict when holding back would help everybody, including themselves, more. Some may have a great deal of restraint like Roro and Red, but they did not go through what you did. You went through so much in your time with us but always kept your yourself in check, in big or subtle ways. If we had even half your discipline this mess wouldn’t be as big as it currently is.


So Heart... Is this angel thing a corrupted S.C.P. or was it created wholesale from the Voice? Is there a way to tell the difference? Is there a difference? Is there a way to stop it? If it's the latter, how many more should we expect?


Screw it I'm still horny ... Red: *If you're cool with that. Could you be dressed as a stereotypical loin clothed Conan-esque barbarian with our illusions. Please?"