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Truthsayer, you can hear us can't you? You should know this from the time we were together, we understand your need to feel love. But doing so through force, through controlling the monsters will do nothing but give you little pleasure. The pink screen won't appear, you'll just have that continued emptiness. But if you truly wish to have happiness, then we plead you to stop and listen to us. Don't hurt the monsters, and if you could allow us to become one again. We can live together and show you what it means to love and be loved genuinely like we have with Keth and the others. We ask that you think about this before you reach them and to also stop manipulating time, who knows what will happen to you if you keep using the Eyes without the help of the Heart.

Star Ringer

Damn. I guess hypnosis is off the table, too.


Mr. Cheeks there is a duplicate of one of Werewolf Jack's pictures? strip? I dunno what to call these...

Star Ringer

I think it's clear that Fat Lippenpressen is making the time loops himself to keep our boys from escaping.


FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS- Everyone can see and feel Harvey wearing a STYLISH black leather jacket and white shirt that really stretches over his pecs and belly. And chaps. But he has jeans on underneath to spare his dignity, of course. And if he genuinely dislikes it (and I don’t mean just protesting for it’s own sake as he is wont to do) then remove it as if it had never been there. HARVEY: WHAT IF WE ESCAPE USING THE GARBAGE CHUTE? Ask around and see if anyone knows where they lead. It could be our one remaining escape route. Also! If you see anyone you know from life, or any tempting person or thing, know that it’s an illusion and a trick meant to get you converted by an orc, and that you should AVOID approaching it. GASTRO: I want to be as honest with you as possible, because at the VERY LEAST we Patrons owe you that right. Jack is nearby, and we’ve spoken to him just now. He’s not inside the facility, but a few miles away from it, close enough to keep an eye out. His plan upon first meeting you, from what I can tell, was to make you “stronger”, a more useful tool, and then make you a portal so that you would become something even more dangerous. You need to be careful how you react when you reach the surface and see him again. I’m afraid that too much rage will literally transform you into something else, thanks to being a portal, and that would just play into his hands and let him use you more. Be careful bud- and don’t trust any visions you see. He’s near, but he’s not HERE. If you see him down here, it’s an illusion and a trap set for you.


JACK: Oi. Vore is hot dude, but hard Vore is markedly less so. And wtf fingers have like no meat in them, why would you even bother. Speaking of eating though, maybe you ought to watch your waistline? Really letting yourself go in your old age... *Jack can see and feel himself with a huge, round, impressive gut, which groans for more fuel*


((I think we almost lost Gastro there y’all. Like an angel would’ve done him much more damage than a regular zorc would’ve. Enough to give him a permanent game over, much like the fingers. Now that we’re out of time loops, we should be a bit more careful of what sort of danger we throw these guys into just for the sake of sexytimes.))

Lee Evergreen

Jack, it may not be a bad idea for you to enter the facility to assist in our beloved monsters escape. We don't like or trust you very much so we wont share much information other than the Voices power to warp body, mind, *fill his head with visions of the Fingers and our handy work and the black spikes* and time. Also that Gastro wants to kill you and we encourage the idea. Help us and we'll convince him to let you talk first.

Star Ringer

Hm. I wonder... I try to "tell" the elevator that Fat Lip Johnson is on random garbage, make it think it's on floor negative 27 or floor 9 3/4 or floor AAAAA until the system registers a catastrophic error and locks up.


((Is it a good idea to let the truthsayer know we’re here? He’s after the heart, sure, but he doesn’t seem very urgent. I’d hate to put him back in his psycho rage mode by announcing that we’ve returned. I don’t think we’d be able to do much against him then. ))


Monilius was extremely funny in this update I died at the attempt at brainwashing. Also how could we do that to poor Gastro? Monster Group: We'll make sure to keep you guys updated on any loops that occur so don't worry about that. Monilius please simmer down and if you don't Harvey has permission to do with you whatever he sees fit. But don't go overboard with it to much though. The Truthsayer has just about reached floor 3 so be ready for that guys, we'll try whatever we can to convince him to abandon this path hes decided to take. Maybe since we can mask the presence of people we can do that for you all so you can sneak past the Truthsayer? Legion: Legion do you honestly think that Keth is trying to use you? Keth wanting to help you is for no other purpose than to try to help you. We are the ones asking for you to help Keth because we believe it would do him good. Keth wanted to even save the Duke who did all those terrible things to him as you mentioned. Don't confuse altruism with manipulation, he really does care for you and Monilius even if you don't feel the same about him.


I have nothing to add so To the camera: show us lots of ass shots as the scenes progress thank you


I don't personally think any of us should interact with that dude. He doesn't know we're back


Monster mash: hey guys the truthsayer is resting! Time to run for an elevator to escape the loop! Heart: hey I want to talk to you about the truthsayer and our options with him. I guess in the past he was extremely dangerous and right now isn't much different, but when we first met him in this timeline, he kinda just observed and help up out of pinches, seemingly focused on that good love feeling we finally got him to experience. He's currently going wild now because it(we) were stripped away from him, along with the feeling. You think there's a chance we can talk some sense into him ourselves? I kinda want to try it and I think it would work, just not sure how he'll react. Ultimately I'd like to bring him back into the harem instead of killing him, as he's got some sexy ideas going on and seems fun. And since he's your brother, I wonder if you'd want him back as well.


Monillius: Sorry thinking it was you. Everyone is probably as glad as you are. One question though: Push comes to shove, could your web of lies be used as a interdimensional trasportation system? Could you enter a lie there on the third floor, and exit it on the fourth floor? Also, can you create a lie and close it's entrance off so the Thruthsayer can't get inside of it? Because even if it is definitely not ideal, push comes to shove we can hide Sydan and the Heart inside a lie, at least until we can be sure they are safe, the heart might even provide nutrition for you as well, so whatever truth you spend keeping Sydan there might be replenished by it. Harvey: *Show him some suggestive images of Monillius, without announcing it* Lucas: So, the Zorks came on top of you, you are wearing a lab coat made by an supernatural investigation and incarceration company, so it will probably give you some portection, try falling curled up on the floor so the cum lands on your back, then remove your lab coat as fast as you can and chuck it away from you. It still might not work, but it is probably your best chance right now. (Who knows it might just make you transform slower, and that would be delightful to watch) Sydan: You're so handsome it should be ilegal. Also, less importantly, protecting the HEART should be our first priority, but you are also our best bet on incapacitating the Thruthsayer, with your blood powers. He is weakened from using the EYE's power, you might have an opening to mind-controlling him. Mr. Gounden: Just so we know: what are the conditions for you to be able to possess people? Everyone: The HEART is right, the Truthsayer is using the EYES time power to keep you in the loop. Maybe he is trying to protect you all? Since the only thing he really needs is the HEART's power, it doesn't make sense for him to save Gastro from the Zorc Angel... Maybe there is hope for us to talk our way out of this. Specially because using time travel has tired him out a lot.


ok so that got explained. Honestly guys, the angels pretty busy sucking it's dick and gastro already ran off ahead. Just Run past it and hope for the best before the truth sayer gets there. Also, isn't it kinda weird the truth sayer would be turning back time to begin with? If you got caught by the zorcs or the angels it'd delay you a lot more than resetting your position with a large amount of energy use


(Fuck yeah the best comic is back. Ah dang, but my question to Heart didn' get answered, oh well, at least we got to see Sydan's juicy chest) Hmm, I am very <i>curious</i> to the extent we can exert our power to affect the senses. We aren't able to physically fuck the monsters without a body... but what if we're able to give them the <i>feeling</i> of an orgasm... this requires a test. To prove this hypostasis we'll need Test Subjects. How about our three favourite hunks. Harvey, Sydan and Legion.... And Werewolf Jack! That bad boy has been sitting on sidelines this whole time, its time he got a taste of our <i>persuasions</i>. Low intensity - Harvey. First starting with few stray ego stroking compliments, our voice takes on a decidedly feminine tone to appeal to the Ghoul's nature. "Wow, you picked up that little pig demon like it was nothing... you're so strong... and handsome.... look at those bulging biceps, gosh, you really are a stud... and smart and caring too, you really are the full package... and your dick is so big..." A stream of innocuous flattering compliments continue as a persistent whisper in his mind, meanwhile, a faint sensation starts effect his cock. So faint its hard to tell anything is happening at all, but it keeps happening. A phantom feather caressing his nether regions teasingly. Try to brush it away but there's nothing there. Stimulating natural arousal. Mid intensity - "Say Sydan, now that you're free of bloodlust, what do you wanna do after all this is over??" Suddenly a persistent image flashes across the vampire's grey matter like a hazy mist - it was the fat vampire, lazing on some tropical beach at night, his big fat cock standing to attention, swaying like a reed in the summer breeze. On his left was Gastro, serving him a milky cocktail in a coconut, on his right was Pepi, lovingly feeding him treats from a platter of cake and chocolate. Were they helpless thralls under his control?? No! It was clear that they were in fact his horny boyfriends, happily doting him. The image lingers in Sydan's mind, overlayed over his vision like a moving picture. Unable to turn away even if he closes his eyes. Then a strange sensation starts building, soft and distant at first, but more clear as time goes by. He can see them caress him, and he feels it on his shoulders, he sees one of them kiss him, and he feels it on his lips, one of them feeds him a chocolate, and there is no mistaking it, he can taste it clear as day! One of them grabs his cock... and he feels a tingle in his pants. As one of them feeds him and fluffs his pillow, the other greedily strokes his cock and takes it into his mouth, the sensation is bold now, overt. As the fantasy boys are worshiping his body he can feel the same sensations play out in the real world. A lick. A squeeze. A tooth grazing his sensitive cock head. It's all in his mind, but it feels so real. High intensity - "Hey Legion, you've got a fat fucking rump did you know that? Gawd, I just wanna lift up your meaty tail and stuff my face right in there. You're such a hottie, the only thing I want from you is to see your sexy body fuck and get fucked, I wanna see you drooling with bliss, but don't tell anyone luv..." See if we can give him the sensation of being groped by phantom hands. Of being sloppily kissed by a mouth that isn't there. Give his fat ass a slap and fondle his balls. Suck on his cock, make it feel wet and tingle with pleasure. And Werewolf Jack. Lets not waste time on pointless foreplay. Without warning lets give him a massive endorphin rush of pleasure. Make a wave of tantalizing electricity wash over his skin, until his knees weak. Make him feel hot all over. Give him a second to figure out what's going on... and then hit him again with a fake climax, even more powerful than the last. Lets milk this puppy. Make his balls feel tight and impossibly full, trick his brain into feeling like his meaty cock is pumping out rope after rope of hot, thick seed. One rolling orgasm after another. (Wow that ended longer than I expected, well it was fun to write, I certainly don't expect it all, or any of it, to show up, (if it even works hahaha))


If we need to stall truthsayer, we can always unleash the final weapon we Patreons have. A weapon that has driven adults around the word CrAzY!?!?!


Jack: You seem to be acting like you can help so I’ll give you the short version. The long version would definitely take you at least a few minutes to process. We have a medium sized team of monsters in the facility. The facility had a time machine inside it and it was split into pieces. Our team currently has the battery and the genocide voice has most of the other parts. Enough that he can do jumps of about two minutes or change time in a level of his choosing two minutes forward or backward. Our immediate goal is to play keep away with the battery so the Genocide Voice can’t gain full control of the time machine. If he does he can then perform a ritual to summon a being that can blow up the planet. We have no idea what that eye stalk thing does, so far it just stands there menacingly. Also some of us are focused on figuring out the powers we do still have so don’t be surprised if you have strange visions or somethings. Okay let’s give everyone another quick recap. Once that’s done I’ll see about luring the angel. If we can find the angel: Hello there Zorc angel, I see you looking around these halls for someone to give a good time the good boy you are. But there’s somebody in one of the elevators, and I’m not sure he’s ever had sex. Isn’t that awful? A good boy would head right over the elevator fuck him like he should get fucked.


I think the truth sayer is trying to capture the group to use as blackmail, since he knows we care about them he might try personaly hurting and torturing them as some sort of revenge for us leaving him (since he doesn't know we are back yet) or at the very least he wishes for the portals to be untainted to be able to do "something" no idea what but something very bad I assume


Map all possible paths and exits (including fire exits, air ducts, elevators, etc) of this floor and show to all of the Group. Also remind them every danger blocking which path and the all the events during time loops. "Hey guys, that's the info we have. Let's think together how to get out of this floor."

Lee Evergreen

I hope at the very least Jack's or Legions are in there, I want to see the bastards squirm so bad.


time reversing seems to be extremely taxing and it only occurs when you guys meet fatal danger, maybe you should run towards danger constantly to drain the VOICES as much as possible


*I'm writing this again because somehow the previous time I wrote it didn't seem to stay, or got deleted somehow. To all the group: Listen everybody, if you just felt some sort of "deja-vu" it's the result of a time loop that the truth sayer has been doing a couple of times already, don't panic, every time he did such seems like it costed him too much energy so he can't keep doing this forever, there has already happened 3 to 5 loops, all showing your demise in one of the many dangers in this corridor, so we want to give you a hand with it. Right across from this hall are the elevators, in one of them is a zorc ready to "one-load" you guys as soon as the door opens, we will locate which elevator is free and leave a marker on it, also before the elevators the truth sayer has set a very powerful creature awaiting, we will distract it with an audio-visual illusion of Pepi running away with his banging booty on full display, so once you see this illusion and the enemy as far away as possible from the elevator make a bee-line towards it, we don't know for how long this will work. To all patrons: And now to put this plan in motion, we should check which elevator the gang can use and put like a floating arrow over it to signal which is, also during the distraction we should make the group seem invisible to the angel, and the fake pepi run away blushing and with a panicked expression, as for sound his butt being so thick it could be wiggling and clapping loud enough to cover the foot steps of the group while they run towards the elevator.

Neth Rusiki Azhti

To the monsters: the Truthsayer is exhausting himself by putting you all in a time loop. He can't do it forever, so you should all head to the elevator he is NOT in. *we proceed to show them the way with glowing arrows or something* *to the zorc-ed angel, we make the monsters invisible to him, or we at least give him a vision of an extremely sexy and fuckable dude just barely out of range from him, so that he gets distracted fucking him or he tries to chase after him into one of the other elevators were guiding the monsters AWAY from. Kinda like how we just did for Lucas and the zorcs in the room with him.*


To the real Jack: Right now Gastro is hallucinating that he's talking to you when he's actually talking to a zombie orc angel. Yeah, if you could break him out of that hallucination that would make us a bit more willing to help you. Cool jacket by the way.


Oh Jack, it’s not that we don’t want to control you. It’s that we can’t. You see, we aren’t the voices that command, we never were. The real VOICE was shattered by its brethren with its pieces dispersed amongst our collective consciousness and locked away beyond the screen. After certain… events, it became whole again and its commanding abilities is much more powerful than what we could ever do. It has already captured the FINGERS THAT SHAPE and the EYES THAT REMEMBER. It’s now after the HEART THAT NOURISHES, which is currently inside a chubby vampire. If you really want to know things ended up that way… Well it’s just easier to shove everything we experienced into your little head there. You’re a smart guy, I’m sure you can figure it all out. To be perfectly blunt here, unless you have a way of dealing with near all powerful cosmic terror, I suggest you turn tail and run back to whatever dark corner you came out of. We’ll say hi to Gastro for you. He really wants to see you, but not in a good way.


Weird my comment got deleted again similar to last time. Guess there's a limit on how many times you can edit on Patreon. ((The Patrons could establish Telepathic Communication between Gastro and Jack, while we're at it also fill Jack in on what has transpire in The Facility but redact/omit sections involving Gastro being zonked, falling in love, fucking the other prisoners or ever doubting Jack.)) Werewolf Jack: Alright Jack, let's sort out this mess you started! Your pup Gastro is in serious danger so it would be wise to not LIE to him, we'll know. Gastro: Paging Gastro! You have a collect call from Jack, would you like to speak with him? ((We can give subtle ques to Gastro when Jack is lying to his queries such as having Gastro notice the faint smell of chopped onions)) ------------------------------------- Heart: Has EYES ever shared any information to you regarding a person known as Werewolf Jack? Lucas: Lucas are you okay? No compound fractures or head trauma?


To Werewolf Jack: Head's up if you happen to See Gastro Protect your heart he's going to try to pull it outta your chest. Maybe might depend on how he's feeling and just note anything you tell us we more than likely will tell gastro &amp; The other's so pick your words VERY carefully.