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Monilius: It doesn't seem anyone remembers being trapped in a lie, and they're the same physically as when they're out of it. No clocks in the bunker or way to tell time's passed. And someone as smart as you obviously knows you need the rest of them to escape, eventually. So you'd free them, and they'd be totally fine and unawares. What's the harm in a few... White lies? We'd love to see all kinds of scenarios. All you have to do is seal the bunker to make it safe.


Sydan: Are you ok? You almost lost yourself but you were doing your best to hold back for a moment. You may need a moment to adjust to the heart that bleeds, but now you can live without the need for blood. Now do your best and help the others in stopping the truthsayer, or find a way to make him stop and be friendly to you all. Also, we gotta admit while you looked good muscular you make a damn sexy chubby vampire. Thumbs up to ya Mr. Heart <3


Oh my gosh this <u><b>update!!</b></u> Where do I even begin with how great it is wow. Harvey's turned a corner, we got smol Keith back, surprisingly great action, Chuck's got an amazing new form?! And of course <i>Sydan</i>, wow, he looks extra adorable now. So cute, so sexy. Tubby vampire of my dreams. (also Heart blushing hehe)


The Heart: will the portal's influence effect its host's mind, or only their body? maybe since chuck can reform his body anyways, he's immune to its adverse effects


HEART: Our scientist friend mentioned meteorite or space stuff that you Beings all hate. What’s the deal there? Could we use it to defeat the voices? KETH: You’re amazing and we were only buttering Monilius up and appealing to his vanity. Don’t get the wrong idea from what you overheard him saying, our favourite demon is and always has been you! Also, for the sake of growing your own power and ability to lie, how would you feel about taking lessons from him? He’s not the nicest, but he DOES know his craft. MONILIUS: You know, you’re right, we were silly to ask you to teach Keth. It’s obvious that a Marquis, even one as LEGENDARY and INCREDIBLE as you, could never be up to the task. Our apologies for wasting your time with such silliness.


Alright so... We can't probably talk directly to the truthsayer now. Idk if that's a good idea. It seems he doesn't know we commanded the heart to do as such. I say we lay low for now and use this to our advantage. Try not to let him know we are hear unless he's getting close to doing something big then say "heeeeey, we back truth. Just stuff us in another body and we can show you love again. After all, that feeling was so wonderful, so tantalizing, enough for you to go crazy right? Stop all this pointless stuff you sexy boy. Let us show you a lovely time" or something like that and he'll atleast he started. Chuck: alright. Okay. Honestly the most surprising thing is the chin hair, where... Where was all this before?

Lee Evergreen

Sydan/Heart: Hey Sydan, sorry about the whole fusing you with the heart thing. Nothing we tried got you to calm down, this was an emergency. Sorry to force this responsibility on you, but we need you to adjust to your new shape quickly. On the bright side you're pretty cute now, you round out very well. Is the heart still concious with in you? (Wispered to the Heart):Nice work on Sydan.


Hmm... honestly, I'm not really into the side effect of fattening the receiver of the Hearts power... Monilius and Legion: Hey hey hey, I really don’t like the way you two keep talking about Keth as if he’s beneath you. Ok so what if he can’t use lies as well as you two can? That doesn’t mean anything, nor does it make him worth less than you. “Pretending to be more than what fate decided he’d be” I call bullshit on that, it’s just typical rhetoric spouted by those who are fortunate to be blessed with talent. You make your own fate, you craft your own destiny, you are not bound by some predetermined notion that you’ll only ever be able to achieve what fate has decided for you. Dedication and hard work will always beat out innate talent if you believe in yourself and even more so when you have people that believe in you. I can’t speak for all the other patrons, but I believe in Keth and to hell with anyone that says otherwise! Keth: Don’t listen to anything your good for nothing brothers say about you. You are more than your ability to use lies and I believe that one day you’ll be even better than them at using lies! Being able to captivate us patrons took a special kind of power and is something I admire about you. And it wasn’t from the result of lies so don’t ever think that you are less of a person because of your inability to use them like Monilius and Legion. That shit Legion said really pissed me off…


((Hey so I think “heart of glass” would be a super good title for one of these. I love that song))


In descending order of importance Sydan : How you feeling big guy?? Hungry? Confused? You're the most important guy here now... you've got Heart in ya so its more important than anything that yer kept safe! Heart : Oh jeeze Heart, that was super hot. Yer the best, cutest, an eldritch being of impeccable taste.... Guess you can tell we like ya a lot. Make sure to keep Syd comfortably full and sated now, ya'hear, a happy round vamp boy is an overly pampered n well fed one. Whoof, say... now that you're in his body, you ain't able to send a little power down low are ya? Energize his cock n balls, make him feel a little horny?... Keith : Happy yer cute n small again. Chuck : Wow, let us get a look at those new chompers of yours, they look cool.


I'm really wrestling with my desire to see Lucas and Garcia turned into sexy Zorcs versus the need to be actually helpful. 👿😇


I'm with you on that one, with us buttering monilius and Legion to get them to cooperate they are getting too arrogant with poor Keth


To Monilius: Monilius don't be so mean to Keth, he might not have the same level of knowledge and power as you and Legion, but he is most of all loyal, and that is a characteristic that one can't simply buy. To Keth: don't let what Monilius said get to you Keth, we are here trying to kiss their butts just so they can be easier to deal with, Monilius is impressive with his power but he's too vain and full of himself, and Legion is too pessimistic and cynical to understand that no matter what you all share with us we are now just voices after all. Y'know how I among the many patrons here see you, as the future King of demons, only someone who really knows what it feels to be below all and to work hard like you can be a proper guide to demon-kind, towards a better future where you build lies in name of bringing sweet dreams to mortals, and share with them the same love we have for you... by the way we are mostly happy to see you again in your little and cute form.


Lucas: Oh man. You gooootta stop fighting this. Just look how nice and solid that orc body is. Don't you want that for yourself?


Lucas: Lucas! Burn yourself with the cigarette, the pain might help you regain control once more! Pull Garcia away and snap him out of it too, don a face mask. There must be some chemicals you have in the Medical Bay like peppermint concentrate to overpower the musk long enough for you to synthesize the antidote and also use Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation equipment or Chlorine Dioxide to purify the air. (( If pain is the key to break the trance we relay that information back to the Monster Squad and The Infernal Bros.)) Pepe: Have the restroom cleared, concentrate a portion of your light as strong short-wavelength UV to a pinky nail then clip it off to be used as a light grenade. Once it lands in the toilet, duck for cover then detonate it. *Transfer information of Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation to the mummy so he'll knowledgeable in the field and all safety precautions so not to accidentally cause skin or retina damage to the group* ((Just in case Truthsayer pulls that Flea trick once more to remotely infiltrate The Bunker so a little Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation should eliminate the blood completely in the toilet and plumbing. That trick might also be useful to purify the air of thick Zorc musk just be sure they shield Sydan from the light.)) Hearty Sydan/Heart: Odd... you're not in your hybrid form this time. Dammit! Was hoping to see your furry form once more and that little outie peeking out too. Tee-hee! Heart, if you're in there can you still hear us?


Sydan: Hey, how are you feeling? Can you sense the Heart? Can you talk to it? Can you let Roro out of your influence? Heart: Hey, can you still hear us? Are you ok in there? To Everyone in Level 2: Uhm, I Don't know, maybe some ghost can poltergeist up and hit Lucas in the head with something? Or maybe possess him just to throw him off balance and make him fall backwards? Lucas can you hold your breath? Maybe try tripping yourself up your own feet? Anything so you don't get corrupted in the next few seconds Legion: Hey buddy, I understand why you wouldn't want to tell us that. But tell us something else about you then: what is it that you like? Monillius likes old school science fiction, Keth likes lawyers, what do you like? What was some victim that you enjoyed turning to lies? Truthsayer: Oh, hey Mr. Truthsayer, how have you been all this time? I see you redecorated, looking fine. The screen has been opened up again, maybe now we will have enough time to help you learn to feel some love on your own!


Heart: Oh my gosh! We are so glad you like them plump. As much as we'd love to see you fatten everyone up, I doub't you would have time to indulge us. I'm curious about this side effect of yours though, are you able to fatten others withouth inhabiting them? It might be a way to disable the zorcs by making them too fat to move. Chuck: Goddamn dude! Where'd you learn to bulk up like that? Harvey: We don't know whats going through your head right now but we are here if you need us. Pepi/Dr.Gounden/Gastro: Lukas and Emilio are in serious danger of getting zorced, we're gonna lose the ability to make a cure if we don't act fast.


To Keth: We don't care if the other demons think very low of you. You're in our highest estemm and that's because you're different from them. It wouldn't be like this if you were like them. We don't care about your power level. We care about you!


Also be warned, guys. The voices already know Heart is not in the safe anymore!

Star Ringer

Oh geez. Uuuuh...Lucas! And everyone else in that room! I am transmitting the overpowering scent of ethanol into your minds, because OBVIOUSLY if we can do sounds and images we can do other senses too so this will TOTALLY work! You smell it so strongly it blocks out the smell of anything else! Ethanol, and, uh, estrogen! Yeah, lots of estrogen! BOY that kills your male libidos, doesn't it? ...Doesn't it?!

Star Ringer

UGH this is so bad. That backfired spectacularly. Fat Lip still doesn't know we're here! Don't try to say ANYTHING to him! We need to figure out what to do now that we've SO WISELY coaxed his macguffin out of their impenetrable bunker!


Everyone that isn’t the Truthsayer: Ok everyone, I suggest you get ready to run like hell itself is chasing you because that’s close enough to what’s now hunting you. Also if you lose Sydan now it’s the end of the world, and I’m not exaggerating how bad it could be because the planet could literally explode.


Chuck:Woah! Just Woah! Such a amazing ability why didn't you Do this earlier!? your an amazing Guy Ya know Charles! (Damn are we about to lose Lucas!?)


All 2nd floor ghosts (and Dr Goundon if you’re still close) possess Lucas and Emilio. Bolster their will and get that cure processed in the machine.

Neth Rusiki Azhti

(to the monsters) since we said we were gonna keep you updated on what's been happening using our omniscience, here's what's been going on: the HEART is one of the eldritch entities that was locked up, represents infiinte energy and nourishment and is actually really nice! it was up on the forth floor but we asked it to fuse with Sydan so he'd never have to feed or eat ever again and we'd solve his biggest problem in life. the Truthsayer has been trying to get to the HEART since he'll be able to unleash a calamity so great that it'll awaken their last sibling, the ARMS, which will for sure bring the apocalypse down on this world. so if the Truthsayer gets to Sydan, you can kiss this world goodbye. and to remind you of the Truthsayer's powers: he speaks and you obey, he touches you and you're putty in his hands and he can also shapeshift into anything, he is omniscient and can manipulate time a bit. let me remind you that the brambles are the Truthsayer. so be careful with those. and lastly, the scientists on the 2nd floor are being infected with the zorc strain amd it'll be tough for them to get out, BUT before they got infected, they mentioned that these eldrich beings really hate meteor ore? the facility walls are made with the stuff.

Yoked Coder

Keth: Hey Keth, does it bother you that we share our love and adoration with others around you? We noticed that you noticed us talking and complimenting Monilius, did that make you jelous or bitter? We're sorry but we can't help but want to adore everyone around us, its in our nature to want everyone to be happy. Heart: Very nice work plumping up Sydan, you helped us out of that problem and not to mention he looks VERY cute hehe.


Hate to be a cockblock but in Page 1070, Keth stated that once you slipped out of the Web of Lies from focusing on a truth you can't get back in. So Monilius wouldn't be able to trapped em once more even if he wanted to.


Heh I like the future King of Demons part. It makes me think of certain stories that I really like.


More so mutiple people share this "voice" so while a good amount of people love him, the same applies for other characters.

Star Ringer

For good measure... Hey fellas, beware, this is what we're dealing with now. &lt;&lt; PAGE1869.png &gt;&gt;


Lucas: Burn yourself with the cigarette! The pain should snap you back in control for you to pull Garcia away then don a cloth mask with peppermint concentrate! Search for supplies that can neutralize odors or purify the air like ultraviolet germicidal irradiation lamps, baking soda, chlorine dioxide (ClO2) gas just don't let the musk take over again! ((If pain works we relay this information to the Monster Squad and the Infernal Bros.)) Pepe: Clear the room! Concentrate a portion of your light to a pinky nail then clip it off. A supernatural UV light grenade should be overkill to the blood in the toilet. Just be sure to take cover before detonating. *Bestow information on Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation to the mummy until he's knowledgeable in the field and all safety precautions so not to accidentally cause skin or retain damage to the group* ((We can't have Lips remotely pull that flea trick on us again, better safe than sorry. Plus Pepe's light could help us out in purifying the air of musk just need to shield Sydan from the rays)) Hearty Sydan/Heart: Wait... why are you not fuzzy this time? Dammit! Was hoping to see that hybrid form once more and your little outie. Heart, can you hear us in there?


Mmm, this is a pretty bad situation. They're escape route is directly blocked by the person they need to avoid, who they currently have almost no defense from. Heart, can you make Sydan immune to the voice? If you have infinite power, we certainly need to rely on that right now.


For Harvey .... Have faith in yourself Harvey. Have faith that the others will help you too. Have faith in the idea that you deserve happiness and can provide happiness to others and that in providing it to others that it will make you happier. Take a chance on yourself, you deserve a chance.