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Gastro: We understand you don't like being controlled but Voxotaur wants to assist. He's one of the good voices here, so please don't hate him too much, at least try to trust him. Pepi&Sydan: Try to keep everyone together this time, and since you do have Voxotaur's blood you can command him to tell the truth and assist to see he wants to help.

Yoked Coder

Lets continue forward, hopefully we can learn more as we move up and even more hopeful is we won't kill everyone doing it!


VOXOTAUR: Use your claws to destroy the restraints or, failing that, make use of shapeshifting to get out of them. We can’t be of any use if we’re strapped to a bed. Use our knowledge of this floor to find the elevator up. If the monsters are still there, see SPEAK HERE below. If it’s deserted, use the same power the Hand used to circumvent the obstacle of the previous elevator (at the start of Chapter 2) and seek out the monsters on the next floor. SPEAK HERE: Sydan, drinking the blood of multiple eldritch beings was probably not a good idea. But still, good thinking on your part- the mind control might come in handy. The Maw grows stronger by the moment. Restraints and distance won’t contain it, and neither will vampiric hypnosis. You guys can’t escape or remove the deathvices without our aid, and we can’t help if we’re not present. It’s pretty clear at this point that someone, be it Werewolf Jack, or the organizer of this facility, or someone else, orchestrated all of this. If you guys aren’t free and away from here by the time their plans come together, you’re likely going to end up as collateral damage. So let’s get to work, while there’s still time.


(oh sweet, you used the name!) Voxotaur: Our situation is difficult to explain. Our control is split. We're not always saying what we want to. You can try to kill us if you wish, though we're not sure you can.


Well that sucks... I wanted fun time but none of us prepared for sydan... Oh well. Voxotuar: break out, give yourself strength if need be. Next make yourself resistant to sydan's control. Then give yourself the powers of seer and find where the others have gone (or use your Minotaur powers and sniff them in this maze). If any of them are alone, including the polterguist, go to that one but otherwise, become something that can catch up to them while conceal their presence, like a shadow or a ghost. Before you go... Give yourself the powers of a vampire and lick every bloodstain in the room. You should have the vamp's blood on the walls and the wolf's arm blood atleast. when you lick the vampire's blood, search for the dna/power of the one that bite him and make it apart of, so that you can totally control him if need be. If you do meet the others, try to assist the situation a give them help, like (if they can see you and they still haven't left the floor, tease them about their incompetence) also ask them why they didn't kill you? If someone attacks you, defend yourself, but do not fight back with everyone looking. If they won't stop attacking you then just put them to sleep. If syndan tells you to do something with that command of his, follow it for now. need to give the monster a feeling of safety. Big brother: so what's the deal with you now that we have some time alone? What makes you so special? Your brother was powerful, but dumb and gullible. Do you really thing your much different? Also, how did we meet again?


Ghoul: Your butt is itchy. Let Gastro take care of it for you.

Shiny Skunk

Wait, so are you the same abomination as before? Or a different one? Or just a part of us?


Annnnnd my comment disappeared...


Guys, they left us. First thing, change the body a bit to slip out of the restraints. Second thing, let's establish a mental link with Pepi--so he can hear what we say and we can hear him, like a walkie talkie.

Star Ringer

You...YOU... ...you moron. You incalculable BUFFOON. Do you have any idea what you've done? What even are you? A mouth. A gibbering maw. What does a mouth give way to, when it wells up from within? For what does a mouth purse its lips and snap its tongue against its teeth? What can a mouth NEVER contain, no matter tightly shut it may try to clamp itself?! A Voice. We are more than apes. We are the VOICES. We are LEGION. And you've made for us all a COMMON ENEMY, given us each vested opposition against you. You amount to no more than the sum of our parts, but we against you are greater. Do you know what Voices are capable of, working in concert? It's the oldest magic that exists. PLEASE cross us at your peril, I would love NOTHING more. Now, let's see... 13 hours. Was this really the best they could do in that time? Pfft. Those ungrateful assclowns better have gagged us, or they're stupider than I thought. I hope the rest of you have some good ideas on how to proceed.


Can we change the composition of our own blood? If only to evade Sydan's control until he drinks our blood again?


(And repost, also wanna say this chapter is fantastic!!) (That's why I wanted to lie. Yall 'whitehats' always getting us in deeper trouble with your 'good intentions') Lets test the ability to transform ourselves - escape this crude bindings, temporarily make our limbs soft and jelly-like, so they slip out with ease. Then test range of your mind powers, see if any monsters can hear you, a test you doubt will work as they probably need to be within earshot of your new bod, and they've probably long escaped via the elevator. "You INGRATES!! You ungrateful SWINE!! You mangy pack of dim-witted pariahs! Listen, hear us now - if it wasn't for our help all your monster butts would still be locked up tight in a prison cell!! Rotting away for the next 40 years in misery and humiliation - until some government bureaucrat decided to 'terminate' this program and you all along with it! Without our intervention all you utterly hopeless monsters would have perished a dozen times over!! Your monumental incompetence and emotions, fragile as glass, have careened you into disaster after disaster!! Left us to clean us the mess!! And after every time we saved you, treated you like KINGS, this is the thanks we get?!?... The hubris of you lot, attacking a primordial force - one who has ruined civilizations with a flick of a finger, one who can, and has, commanded men to crush their own heads likes a GRAPE on a whim! You are still in a our favour Pepi... dear sweet innocent Pepi... but the rest of you boys are playing a very dangerous game... Sydan, Gastro, HEAR US. You can't kill us, we KNOW you tried when we were passed out. Only a fool would dare to anger twice a creature that could turn them into a mindless pig on a lark... You monsters, you BRATS, are unworthy of our benevolence, and yet... a part of us still wants to help." Finish screaming into the void. You have an elevator to catch.


send out the shadow man from the depths of our essence and have him find the group for us and possibly slow them down while we get there


Ok, so screw the rest of the inmates. They want nothing to do with us, that's fine - we can still protect them without their consent. We need to focus on that... mouth... thing. The fuck is it? An extension of the tentacle monster? Some different eldritch beast? The animating force behind the Voices and their Power? And it wants all of these people as it's toys, so how do we go about stopping that?


If we find Pepi, I want us to give him a big kiss on the lips, the we go behind him and start jerking him off, nuzzling his neck, rubbing his nipple with our other hand, our dick hard and teasing his hole. Then we simply ask him what he wants to change about his body: taller or shorter? Chubbier or skinnier? More muscle? Bigger or smaller dick? More sensitive nipples? Restore the body parts he lost? Want to revert to not being half werewolf? And then we make him exactly as he wants it, he deserves it, he has been a very faithful friend to us


So we need to be touching somebody in order to control them? Sydan just drank up a belly full of our blood, that would mean we're touching him, we should be able to exert some power on him. SYDAN - With our powers we commandeer one of your eyes and ears, so we can see what you're looking at and hear what is being said.


These events have kinda left a bad taste in my mouth, though. It hurts the feelings to constantly help and be upfront about everything, but they still hate us. Even Pepi didn't bother staying behind? Geez.


Oh yes that was a very needed nap. I must thank them for it later when I catch up with them. Oh? you think we apes are dump, but we are smarter than you think. We have been around a long time and seen many things few others know about. Like how the first Minotaur didn't kill and eat most of the females offer up to him but impregnated them and showed them secret way out that was to small for him and so his bloodline make it out into the world. So men of larger size than most and strength would raise up in history that were part of his bloodline. So we found it a bit ironic that you created this form for us, for they have been drawn to it like moths to the flame and after a few orgies here and there are now ready to enter this room and free their new Daddy Bull and join his herd to stop you.


What is your goal anyway? In any case we should rejoin the prisoners, and continue to assist them in their escape. Exiting this facility is the fate I wish to enforce upon the prisoners, their own actions no longer have much effect upon the goal.


Also see if you can find some clothes to wear. It'll be more sexy to take it off later...