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MINOTAUR ((I’m referring to him as we/us moving forward)): Tell the monsters what we truly are, who we just absorbed, and the danger of what we’re sharing this body with. Ask them to be wary and avoid touching us. We want to help but we’re still divided and dangerous. Show them the lab door and reunite them with the others. Inquire about the plan and the elevator. Also ask about the Fanged Maw symbol and the connection with the voices beyond the screen (especially ask this to Pepi and Sydan).


((RIP wendigo. You were hot for these last few weeks with all your fur and your big belly and your vore antics. You will be forever missed, even though you would probably have eaten everyone alive if you hadn’t been dealt with. Which, again, is our fault.))


Assure the group that we're not the shapeshifter . Also test our new abilities - see if we can heal lucas


Roro: You recognize us. You've seen us before, you just forgot. Relax and trust us.


Minotaur: snap! And everyone's nips become super puffy and sensitive, the slightest touch having them keeping over in arousal. (I'm kinda testing the area of effect and if the snap can effect their bodies. If the 'one monster per command' still affects the snap, then I'd like Yang to take the full force of the snap) Red: develop a foot fetish that thinking about sucking and cleaning the feet of your friends with your tongue. Yang: offer a trade. Allow red to suck and lick your feet if he plays with your nipples (maybe them both lying on the ground in a 69ish position or red on top of yang, Yang's feet at red's mouth and red's feet playing with Yang's puffy nips for a possible pose if you go with this) Roro: he is the shape shifter but something happened and he's somewhat friendlier? Anyways ask him to heal the scientist. Sydan: wow, got your ass beat while your friends there did all the work and established their dominance over that wild beast. Guess we know what the real pecking order is without that blood mind control huh? Might as well start doing whatever they say since they clearly got a better handle on things than you. Better call them master too. Pepi: could you say a prayer for the departed ghost and slain wendigo?


oh my god, my heart. poor fingers you deserved better. my only suggestion​ is that we find some kind of mirror asap. preferably​ full body


Us(?): Place your hands on Lucas's wound, heal it completely and also make him slightly more muscular. Use your influence to try and make everyone horny.


Voxotaur:"...Hey guys. It's...uh...us. We think."


Up your charisma and explain to the group with a crafty lie. Tell them you're a magically endowed Minotaur, and a ~strange voice~ in your head told you to use an advanced teleportation spell to escape to the outside world - but you somehow ended up here??! The failed spell drained you of most your magic, but you've got a *little* bit of juice left - enough for a few healing spells and other *small* things. Don't reveal your true power level, yet! Tell them that the same voices in your head just told you all about them, propose to join forces with Roro's gang, find Pepi's group and get to the elevator.... Give Chuck a friendly little pat on the back, test out your transformation skills, make him grow, slowly... very slowly... slow enough that nobody notices him gain a few inches of height, how his cock looks a tiny bit longer and fuller, how his plump family jewels dangle ever so slightly lower.


Great fight scene BC. Pepi: Be sure you remember to use your hair often. If you can regrow it like Gastro regrows his arms that meand you have infinite light ammo. Also before you leave the room find a needle and thread for Roro's head. Roro: That minotaur is the fat researcher from before, transformed and merged with the entity. Be on your guard

Star Ringer

Roro! All of you! I need you to listen carefully. I speak for the voices beyond the screen. Some of them don't know for sure if they can speak to you directly as before. I may be their only channel into your world, now. They were lured into this body, made for them by the Fingers that Shapes. Putting all of their power into one vessel has awoken someone that had been in pieces between them all. As soon as he was awake, he murdered and consumed his kin, the Fingers that Shapes. Now, he rests, gathering strength, to pull control away from me- ...them. He isn't happy the voices have been using his power, and there's no telling what horrors he may incite when he awakens again. It is called...and I'm sorry if this doesn't translate...(̲ˇ͞˰͞˰̲ˇ). ...Oh that came out horribly, didn't it? Doesn't matter- We need to get to Pepi, now, and find out everything he knows about the voices beyond the screen. They are ignorant of their own nature and origins. Pepi and the others have just been through a great ordeal; Gastro and Jack are wounded, and Ivan and the Wendigo are dead. Pepi was forced to destroy Ivan. And I- we- they...the voices inadvertently put the Wendigo into a mindless frenzy. He almost killed some of the others until Gastro stopped him. They know you must have questions. But please, let us regroup first.


Minotaur to the group: There is nothing strange about me, you trust me, I'm in the same situation as you all. I've been trying to escape from this facility ever since the alarm started going off. How did I get on this level when the only thing deeper than this was your own level? No need to worry about that, no need to worry about anything. I'm a friend and you can all trust me completely. You hear someone telling you that I'm just like the tentacle monster? What tentacle monster? I've lived in this facility for years and I've never heard of such a thing, and if I haven't then you all certainly haven't either. Just forget all about that silly little rumor and come closer.


I hear Minotaurs are good at finding the shortest and fasted route. He could get us out of here a lot faster.


Harvey: You are the daddy! Take care of your pup! Grab that box of nutrition paste and feed some to Gastro to help him recover... Shoot a few Jack's way if he still needs some too.... but keep the most for yourself! Be greedy! Be selfish! Eat em like your favorite snack. Your gut is hungry and you plan to fill it. You are a growing boy after all... a studly, well hung hunk with not an ounce of body-fat.


Little morsels that hear The voice. We are your new god.


Vessel- take on the Skeleton