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PEPI SNAP OUT IF IT! YOU ARE NOT NOTHING! You have the most control of every monster there, you're the strongest one there just believe that! If you want to be a pharaoh to lead people, then do it now! Pull that inner strength you got inside you and help in leading your friends to freedom! And you can start with the ghost.


pepi: you can do it pepi your strong


((My comment got eaten? Reposting below))


Sydan: Raise your intelligence, lower your lust. DO NOT hypnotize Gastro (or anyone, for that matter!), it’s only going to make things worse in the long run. Comfort him and talk to him if you can, try to keep him from doing any more harm, but use your words and not your commands, don’t try to control him. Gastro: You’re not free if you’re pretending to be someone for the sake of others. You’ve shown yourself to be caring and friendly time and again, hiding that because you’re angry isn’t freedom. And while your pack might matter to you, THESE PEOPLE matter as well. You’ve struggled together and will continue to do so, but you need to do it TOGETHER or you’ll never be free again. Also, who’s werewolf jack? Is he the “Him” that Harvey reminded you of back in the elevator? Who are your other packmembers? Why were you sent here? Harvey: You’ve seen Gastro at his best, at his kindest. You know this ain’t him. Go to him, he needs you right now just like you need him. RED: Sacrificing yourself will only make everyone suffer, the monster will use your powers against them. Flee with the others, that’s all you can do for now. If you can collapse part of the ceiling or wall then maybe that would help, but make sure you’re clear of the monster and its tentacles. Pepi: For all the bad you’ve done, you can still do so much good. Just like you don’t get lost in your own past, don’t get lost in Ivan’s past either. Reach out to his present, to the man who’s been unheard all his life and who’s done so much because of his own suffering. Try to talk to him, if you can. If you can keep moving forward as a better person despite the bad things in your past, maybe Ivan can to.


Sydan's mind is filled with the images from the last few updates, everything we've seen since the elevator stopped from Pepi, Roro and Chuck, and Gastro, and all the suggestions involved.


Tentacle Monster: Let your "little gloves" leave for now. With how the situation is playing out, they'll be less likely to cooperate. Let us play around with them for now and over time bring them over to the idea of including you.


Pepi: You can do it, there is no better position you could be to understand Ivan, reach out to him, maybe you can turn him against the Tentacle Monster. You are the smartest, kindest mummy around, you can get out of there. Ivan: HEY, YOU KNOW WHO ELSE TALKS AND HATES AND STINGS??? THE TENTACLE MONSTER. STOP FOOLING AROUND AND GO DO YOUR JOB! Red: Wait for the Tentacle Monster to be about to burst the door open and turn yourself really small and fast and get the hell out of its reach. Sydan: Use your mind control on Harvey, use him to pin Gastro down and talk some sense into him. Dr. Gounden: Posses Lucas for now,the last thing we need is him slowing everyone down right now. Lab Guys: Keep up the good work, you are very efficient.


Little Brother, listen to me, I am wounded. Does your p a r a n o i a knows no bounds? Do you trust me SO LITTLE you think I would intentionally conspire against you, seek to hurt you??... As much as I hate to say it.... I apologize, your brother's mind is in a mess, we have only FRAGMENTS of understanding, our memories are... gone... we are learning everything new again today, we didn't even recognize our own kin when you first appeared... but understand, O fine Brother of mine, if you want to play with Big Brother's toys so badly, our... little gloves... you are going to have to play nice. Gentle. Our toys are weak, fleshy little things that scare easily. Do you really have no clue? No self awareness? Lumbering into the room and frightening the wits out of them?? We can fix this... start again, but you've got to be smooth... but tell me this Brother, CAN you even touch one of our little gloves without killing them?


Ghost Geeks - A small wave of euphoria washes over you, a warmth that makes you feel good all over. You have been good and loyal subjects in our time of need, you should feel happy for helping us and proud of the hospitality you've shown your new friends.


Wendigo: feed.


Sydan - Okay you've been 'punished' enough, raise your intelligence and let your libedo return to normal, but REMEMBER, this is by OUR will, not yours, you were POWERLESS to resist us...


Wendigo : None of your shit, DUMB, PASSIVE, LAZY, STUPID. You aren't going to hurt anyone, just let the nice scientists fill you up with tasty fattening goo. You feel full, you feel content.

Star Ringer

Pepi. You are pharaoh to all the light touches. We declare it so. And your subjects' lives, their light, is in peril. The ghost possessing you is burdened by shadow. You have seen his life, and showed it to us. Already you have brought his pain to light by your mere presence, great pharaoh. Your empathy is truly amazing to behold. Now he will know the warmth and radiance of light, and the love and understanding of his pharaoh. For love of life, be granted its virility and potency. For love of light, be granted brilliance the shadow cannot withstand.

Star Ringer

Gastro. Did you know Harvey wanted to be like you? He saw the man who would sacrifice himself for the safety of his fellows. But instead, you've become like him. Just look at you. Not a thought for another soul, even as Werewolf Jack dies on the floor nearby, and you don't even care.

Star Ringer

You. are. RUINING. the STORY. The heroes escaped! Your role is to retreat and try again to catch them unawares LATER. Don't you know ANYTHING?

Star Ringer

...Soooo, question. Did they just escape through the same door that the tentacle beast used to enter that room?


well, yeah, it's the same door that roro used, aka the only door to the room . Thinking about it , i suppose since it's the only access to the room the creature should've blocked it as soon as the lights went out, but it was probably disoriented by the magical darkness.

Star Ringer

We should be careful with this...remember what happened when we told Sydan that his bloodlust was sated.


Wendigo: Those tubes of nutritional stuff are very appetizing, and will give you much more to eat than anything else in here. Wait patiently for your turn and then eat any tubes of the stuff that are handed to you. Remain calm and patient and you’ll have enough to eat. If you go into a rage you’ll have nothing to eat at all.


Also Ghost Scientists be a dear and release Sydan from his binds


Kind of Cute Eldritch Abomination: Hey, cutie. Why not relax a bit and get to know your gloves first. You never know, it could prove valuable to you.


A little question of ambiguity, but is the 'Queen' Pepi just mentioned a separate character from the man Pepi wanted to "behave like him, to BE like him" we saw in his memory/vision in Pictures Of You? Is it meant to be two pharaohs?