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<3 <3 <3 Okay time to let Pepi out. Ahem, "Remember this favor Pepi..." - in the darkness, a mysterious image manifests before the mummy. Only for a few seconds. Colored red. So faint it could be missed if he didn't squint, a figment of Ivans mind?? No, a vision from the mummy own brain. A feeling of dread pools in Pepi's gut, somehow he intrinsically knows, this is a message from the voices. An eye... the very eyes of the voices itself... glaring at him....


Chuck: At this rate, everyone's doomed. No one is coming to help. Distract the tentacle creature and have it take you, instead. Flatter it. Ensure everyone else gets away--at least Roro.


Pepi, as you may realise, we are many. Not all of us agree. Try to help the spirit boy, Ivan, through his memories so he will be interested in help you back. Ivan let Pepi be free and possess Harvey instead, share all the pleasure he feels.


Ok so it’s probably best if we feed the people, especially Jack, as much as possible. Mainly the ones who’ve been injected with the lycanthropy stuff. Otherwise they’re going to be very starved. GASTRO: Don’t let them inject your pup with anything, it won’t turn out nicely for him, everything here seems to have drawbacks. Make sure everyone’s eating. EVERYONE IN THE LAB: make sure that no one cums in Sydan, or he’ll go berserk with blood lust once again. Free him from the table. SYDAN: Snap out of this before things get out of hand again. Cum and blood are too dangerous for you to consume, and they’ll only make you lose control even further. Reduce your lust and raise your intelligence. GASTRO: You’re going to lose your dominance and become Sydan’s mindless slave again if he goes berserk with bloodlust. Just... don’t let anyone fuck him at all, if you value your freedom. And set him free from the table, or you’re just going to feel force his hand! And as a message directed once again to Gastro specifically, I feel like you should be made aware that the tentacle monster has Roro, Chuck, and a few others surrounded in the medbay. You guys should avoid that area and the monster at all costs of course, but I feel you should be reminded that something is coming to consume all of you and destroy your minds forever, and that maybe you guys should look into escaping this level by finding a way to unlock the elevator. Just figured you ought to know, since you won’t be very FREE when you’re destroyed utterly with nothing left of you. Also raise your intelligence again, since you’re the one calling the shots at the moment it’s better if you’re smarter.


Pepi: Hey man I know things are kind of tough right now, but your pals REALLY REALLY REALLY need you and your sunlight powers at this very moment. Like. Now. That monster thing is about to eat Chuck I think.


Roro, you are very emotional right now. Stop whatever you're thinking about doing before you make things worse. The tentacle beast has mentioned it has transformation abilities, ask it to heal your dad in exchange for hanging out with you guys. If he is dead... take a moment to grieve, but understand that violence is not the answer right now.


((This isn’t directed to the CYOA, it’s just me thinking out loud irl: Ok so the tentacle monster SPECIFICALLY mentioning Gastro just makes me even more certain that Gastro’s “the portal” that it mentioned and that we REALLY can’t let it get him, or Sydan by extension cause of the mind control.))


Gastro, it is imperative that you start feeding these horny fuckers, and your darling friend Jack (and most importantly your pup Harv) a big fattening feast to make them soft and large. You are the boss, tell the three stooges not to give anyone more shapeshifter testosterone, its dangerous. Wheel everyone to the kitchen or pantry, fast as you can! WENDIGO, SYDAN : You are passive, submissive, dumb horny and happy. Go with the flow.


Roro: I don't know what's happening but I'm sorry for your loss... that being said i don't think this place is the safest place to be with that Eldritch monster so close. You should take the knife (safely if you can), gather everyone and go to the room pepi and the others are. There are other scientist there too, maybe they can save your father. Chuck: if everyone's agree to leave the tentacle thing, I think now would be best to use your spoo beam on it to fuck it up! Red: you have a cool ass name you know, red's my favorite color. Also what do you mean by what you do never helps? Yang zhao: challenge roro to a flex off when everything's calmed down, say it's to relieve tension. Pepi: yikes, alright we didn't know all that was going on there dw we'll get you out. And hey! You'll even have a new beard too. But for now can you talk to young Ivan, comfort him and tell him he's not livestock? That'd be grand. Ivan: If everything works out you may be getting a new ghost daddy to fuck you raw so it'd be best to leave pepi's body now just saying. Harvey & Gastro: Y'all out here getting dick, giving dick, living ya best life and I'm here for it. Gastro, you'll probably be mad as hell when you snap out of it and I wanna ask, why do you get so much angrier then everyone else about the control? You bit the vampire last time even. Harvey, you gain a foot fetish and want to smell and lick gastro's feet Scientists: What's happening to the moustache scientist? Sydan: Your pecs can now leak nutritious fluids that's irresistible to friend and for alike, causing everyone to want to suck on them tiddies Wendigo: You're a good boy. You're a very good boy. Also, muscle gain time! Time for strength!


I feel like we’re gonna get the bad ending guys!!!


Pepi if you wish to be free it seems you'll have to help Ivan. Find his inner self and give him the comfort and love he deserves. I'm sure you'll be free if you can give him that which he longs for most

Star Ringer

It's hopeless. You're all going to die here, or worse. Even more will probably die after it's through with you. We don't actually care about your pasts. Certainly not your futures. All our power just goes into making you fuck as much as possible before you're killed. For every voice that speaks up for your freedom, FOUR drag you deeper into bondage. (I did the math and everything) Tragic backstories? Compelling mysteries? Budding friendships and romance? Why bother? Just get your dick out. At least you'll be happy when you're snuffed out. You were right to be afraid of us. I'm sorry.


As it is completely possible to care about both sex and compelling stories - Chuck, Roro is in an emotional state, don't let him do anything rash, it is time to take the leadership, throwing yourself at the tentacle monster is certain death, Roro doesn't need another loss right now. Help Roro, and everyone else, by stepping up and negotiating with the beast. Remember, if it wanted you guys dead it could have killed you all ages ago. It seems as sex crazed as the voices, that is your best advantage. Try to SEDUCE the tentacle monster, but be cautious, don't let it hurt you. BRAVERY fills your mind, and blood fills your loins. Grab your cock and mesmerize the beast with a sexy display, rub your leaky member, wiggle your hips... when you have the beast's attention strike a bargan for your safe passage.


Roro: Supress your feelings until you're all safe. We need a clear thinking promethean right now if you're all to have the chance to get away. Chuck: Be prepared to take over the negotiations with the tentacle monster. Perhaps feigning a slight interest in having the monster join you but wanting to discuss it with the rest of your party first might buy you some time and give a chance for some openings to escape. Gastro: You're the big bad dominant wolf and you've got all these submissive pups around you who are just begging to be put in their place. That round shape of yours might not be imposing enough to really show them who's the REAL alpha though, so demand the same treatment your future submissive wendigo pup got.

Shiny Skunk

So much for a bunch of us issuing similar commands having much of an effect on the ghost or the abomination, I guess. CHUCK: It's going to be up to you to shoot down this abomination, but you're going to have to wait for an opportunity for it to be vulnerable. Clearly it fears the knife. If you can seduce it without it touching you and maybe use your beam to shoot the knife into it? It will be tricky to line up, but definitely worth a shot. Just tease the monster, make it slow, draw things out, and use the extra time to get into the position to strike. SYDAN: Are you still there in that massive orgy? You may be the only one left we can reach right now. Your friends are dealing with an abomination that could snuff out all of your lives, and as much as we enjoy watching you get your dicks wet, we want to see you survive, too. You must be feeling tired by now, anyway, right? Try to extricate yourself and find Roro and Chuck. PEPI: Don't despair, don't listen to the voices that just want you to fuck and suffer. We are many, and much of us want to see you safely out of this mess. Try to comfort the boy. He needs a little understanding right now more than anything.


Roro, buddy, I can't imagine what's going through your head right now, but it cannot involve interacting with that tentacular fuck over there, because it will HOLLOW YOU AND AND WEAR YOU LIKE A GLOVE and Chuck will be left all alone. Ivan! No! You don't need to do that! You are loved! You don't need to kill yourself for the approval of those hateful, spiteful monsters! Pepi, I don't know if Ivan can hear us, so you need to show him that he IS loved, and that he doesn't need to kill himself to gain the approval of others. You might be the only one who can – I've seen your caring nature before, and you're in position for it. Red. I am talking directly to you now – keep it quiet! We don't want Mr. All of the Huggy Arms over there to overhear us. Think your responses to us, we can hear them. Now, do you or Yang Zhao have any way to get the group out of immediate contact with that abomination? Any thing? Teleportation, maybe? GASTRO. What. The FUCK. Are you doing? Your freedom has gone completely out the window, as has everyone else's in this room! You're being manipulated by those cigars, and you're dominating Harvey to the point that I don't even know if he has free will any more! Snap the fuck out of this! Cigar scientists – Looks like that guard Jack is dying over there; go help him. He'd be such an interesting research subject, with all the chemicals he's consumed, and how close he's gotten to a full lycanthropic transformation. Why let all that potential go to waste? For everyone – You can do this. You can make it out alive, intact, and sane. You can beat this horrible situation you've been trapped in. I believe in you. And I won't stop fighting for you. All of you.


Gastro: So your freedom is more important to anyone else's? Why should you be the one to choose what happens to others? Weren't you already taken advantage of and made to enslave others before? Do you want to become like that person? No? Then snap the fuck out of it and think with the head on top of your shoulders and not the one in between your legs. Your friends are in trouble, Roro and Chuck are cornered by the tentacle abomination, and Pepi is stuck inside a nightmare and forced to be a body suit. You have empathy, and you are NOT evil. Also you love Harvey right? Well what you're doing right now is NOT that. Roro: Ok, so your dad just died. BUT judging from what he said you probably did not leave on the best of terms (what with him saying "I can't believe I'm going to die in your arms again. At least this time you weren't the one that did me in"). Regardless of that you need to keep a level head and work to get everyone out of that room safely. Pepi: Ok so it's dark and scary, and quite frankly everything is awful and falling apart. Yes, there are those of use who would have you beg to be released, and normally we would probably be fine with that, but Ivan is so drugged up right now that he won't listen. Brave little pharaoh, you said so before that you are filled with light, share that light with Ivan, show him that he does not have to be afraid anymore. Sydan: You need to get your brains back right now!! Wake up!!! If you don't get up than a lot of bad things are going to happen that we can't stop. You have Gastro's blood inside you still, right? Use it! He's gone off the deep end and made the think he's evil. If you don't stop him then Harvey, Jack the Guard, and the wendigo are going to get hurt and they might not recover from it. Cigar scientists: Get some nutrients in Jack the Guard and the Wendigo, ASAP!! Remember, Wendigo's eat HUMANS, and you just made this one not only really buff, but really fucking hungry too. Also release Sydan from the table. Red: You have magic right, and it causes chaos right? Use it!!! You could probably use a little chaos right now to get away from that THING! Ivan: Alright so your life was really shitty. We get that, but that doesn't mean that the afterlife has to be like that. Doesn't what your feeling right now feel so good? Doesn't it just wash all the bad things away? Just be a dumb, horny, happy cockslut. That guard that was fucking you, Jack, he's even better than a mummy now, you should try him on for size. (Sidenote not to be added: dear lord i hope this doesn't fuck stuff up even more)

Star Ringer

... *pushes the microphone away from his mouth* I've had three people DM me about this post who think I'm being seriously angry about this. Two were well-intentioned and thought they would convince me not to take this so seriously, while the third was just angry whining about ruining it for them. I'm not ACTUALLY upset. I'm playing a role. I'm doing a bit. I'm thinking "what might it be interesting for one of the voices to say based on what's happening and what the other voices are saying?" So I'm trying to provide a prompt that I hope might give BlazingCheeks a good idea to use it in the story. If it doesn't, he ignores it, simple as that. So calm down. I'm not trying to take away your smut, I'm just trying to add something different to the story..