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still working on backgrounds this week. After solving the puzzle in andy's memory, you'll be able to follow dab into the tear he's created in andy's dream, and into his lair. I hope the "freddy krueger basement" inspiration comes through! XD

this is where dab lives, too weak to be succesful in the harsh and competitive climate of hell. Each doll is a portal to an individual's mind and dreams, and Dab can enter and exit them as soon as someone falls asleep in the motel.

andy's puppet is also here wich would normally mean he'd be in total control of dab, but thanks to the mushrooms and precautions he took with the shaman he's able to do whatever he wants. (that's why the puppet is overgrown with mushrooms)

the shaman and one of the damned 'dolls are also here, since they've been stuck in the motel for a long time, trying to get away by day and sleepwalking back to the motel every time they collapsed from exhaustion or took a nap.These giant dolls are also a part of a security mechanism that locks Sid's memories and dreams, and that will be crucial to solve this whole situation  

dab is of course not worried at all about andy's and zap intrusion. He'll seal the portal behind them, trapping them inside his lair. All he has to do is to wait for the mushroom's effect to wear off so he can do whatever he wants with andy and zap. Oh, and Sid is there too of course. while he's asleep in the real world and busy  being the front of Dab's scam he chills with his friend in his dream lair , playing whatever game they can  pluck from  humanity's subconscious and memories.

anyways, that's all for today. Sorry for not including anything explicit this week too, but please understand that we can't pack sex scenes every moment of the game or it'll be a super mess XD But don't worry, there should be a couple coming up, so stay tuned!




Not gonna lie the more I see Sid the more I love him. I don't mind there not being anything porn related in this update its just nice to see an update at all because I can't wait to play it.


You have definitely a thing for adventures set in the unconscious minds of people 😊 there's a game, movie or book that inspired you the most for this kind of stories?


honestly this dream dungeon is really cool, and Im as always impressed with the amount of details you manage to pack in the scenario, the action figures in the shelf, could have been Sid's suggestion or is Dab a fan of hatsune mikku?


hah it's true, it's the second time i'm doing this, right? there's countless instances of people delving into the minds of others, but i guess psychonauts is the thing that inspire me the most when doing this kind of things. For this bg tho i thought more of how steve purcell would render silent hill XD


i was so worried it was too messy, but i'm glad you like it! about the action figures.. that's more Dab being a HUGE nerd and a big fan of earth's anime (and yeah, i'm pretty sure there's a couple dozen miku figurines in there XD) . But he'll never admit that to anyone, he has a reputation to uphold!


Honestly nothing explicit is a nice change of pace! More I see of the game the more excited I get.