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heyo, time for another pixel art project update! fenris high is still being worked on ofc , we're finishing up the code for the cutscene engine, and then we'll finally get back to the combat. But for now, here's what i worked on the other game:

so basically in the game one of your companions is this military type character, called corben brade.

he's part of a squad of soldiers who has been stationed on a desert planet and have been stuck there for a while , unaware that the war they were fighting in is over and the military command that sent them there has been disbanded. They're on the planet without orders and growing more and more restless by the day.

my job this week was to design and animate them with an idle and a walking animation-

so here they are. Still not sure about the names, but i kind of worked on them with their role in mind-

after the design was approved by the programmer i moved on with their walking animation, nothing too crazy here-




the idle were more fun, i kind of imagined each one of them devolving into their own kind of mania / pasttime while they wait for the military command to contact them

the grease monkey would fixate on the equipment , fine tuning and fixing it for days and days on end, standing outside in the scorching sun


the medic , given that their position is quite safe and everyone is quite healthy would spend his days gazing in the distance and drinking himself stupid to fight his boredom and lack of activity


the lieutenant would try for days on end to contact the military command without success, trying to find a signal in the unhospitable planet


the scout instead seems to be having fun finding food for the squad and being on watch for eventual creatures to hunt. His glee in killing the wildlife of the planet is on its own a sign of unstability, albeit a more subtle one.


anyways that's more or less everything i did for this week, i had fun making these guys and characterizing them, hope you like them too! see you next time peeps!



Have recently seen a small game update from the developer's stream, and it looks pretty good man. Really looking forward to seeing your works in action in it as well ^^.

Rodney Talon

Hakujin is working a more scifi but similar setup. Nice to see.