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update time! hope you peeps enjoy it!

if you have any questions about how the comic works you can check meek's faq here! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zFVp56skELmTs4euEkc65cZGaMGVg05xyq3McV8jWkc/edit




Discipline Star: (to Wolf) Truly it's wonderful to have your muscular brother back, but he's already showing signs of a wild and reckless nature. We know the signs. A good spanking WILL be necessary to rein in his excesses... And when it's time, we will aid you.

Robert Smith

Windchime Star: DROP. BAD KURT! BAD!!! I turn around for FIVE MINUTES and you pick up something in your mouth!!! SPIT IT OUT! Action - put on my best dog tamer voice and get Kurt to spit out the Lost corruption. If this makes him more dog like, these things they happen.


Dang it, I blanked on what I would have wanted to contribute here and let the days slip away on me. I'll just voice some general support for the comic here, I appreciate the little twist here in showing that Cherry's breakdown was strictly an emotional one from the very thing he was trying to avoid, rather than some mind controlled (or not) traitor. It's a good reminder that Mr Curly is a liar and we should never listen to a single thing he ever says. Or at least take it with a boulder of salt.

Rodney Talon

Iwapele simply provides phantom or symbolic knotted balls acts in the minds of people each tie or thread a feeling or value. If able to unwind and mix use ashe and his raw power as fuel for the effect and capacity to make miracles


Bruuuuuh I told u what you could've done on voice chaaaaat (not a big deal).