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I'm not sure what's happening with vimeo rn but i couldn't upload the video update on it today, so i used google drive instead, hopefully it works? but anyways in it my programmer shows and explains how he managed to implement various palette combinations in the game for the character customization. You basically pick a base and an highlight and you get kind of a gradient between the two colors. You can do weird stuff with it so i'm not sure if we'll keep it or just simplify it. But given people probably like to experiment and make monstrosities it'll probably stay in XD

anyways, on the pixel project art side , since i finished the skeleton, i started another enemy , a hedge mage! (meaning a mage that isn't particularly good at his craft? i never heard the term. )

i started drawing a lil sketch of the guy-


the programmer liked it but asked me to nix the blue body paint and the club/rod since the blue paint is worn by a player character and the rods mages use in the setting don't look quite like the one i drew. After the adjustments and drawing the pixel art version of the guy i sketched as usual some of his moves, pretty simple stuff really


and then i got to work on the animations- starting with his casting animation-


was pretty tempted to have his dick peeking out from under his loincloth in the idle animation, but for once the programmer seemed against it XD oh well..


aand there, first animation finished. The rest should go smoothly from here on.


soo yeah , that's it for this week. Hope you liked the lil update, peeps! see you next time!




Neth Rusiki Azhti

oooooh! cute guy! i like his look, design and moves! and OMG the character customisation, its great! i love messing around in character creation, i always take multiple hours making them exactly the hottest!

Rodney Talon

Sern Handyman Saito in another world? Another portal fantasy, no game menus But a character much like thus dual classed in thief and Magi. Skills and burly design is there. Also bisexuality with thing for the main protagonist who has bisexual appeal for days. All his party members want him Only just saw and this guy reminded me of him as of similar feel but distinctly different