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 the programmer is a bit busy this week so he didn't have an upate on fh ready just yet, so this post is mostly what i worked in these two days for the fantasy pixel art project-

we got spooky scary skeletons moving now!


 but i did get something wrong on these, wich is evident in the idle transition animation-


the human skull is supposed to have a tongue that pops out as he gets placed on the pelvis!


so yeah. big blue lolling tongue action going from here on out - it took a bit to fix all the frames , but it's worth it i think!

 another animation i struggled on for a bit is the skeleton's attack. The programmer felt it was a bit too slow and the crossed arms posed didn't really work

 so i cut some frames ,put a smear on the horns and changed the arms. Wich seemed to do the trick

 but yeah, that's p much it for this week. More to come, hopefully with a FH update too next time!

later peeps!