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 Commission for Gojito

 The Crystal Gem's Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst have faced many corrupted gem's in the past without much problem, but they decided to leave Steven home when something about this one felt off. In a cave several miles outside the outskirts of Beach City the gems entered ready for battle, some force in the air felt off but at the same time drew them in closer and closer until they came across a corrupted Bumpy Green Emerald Gem that was embedded in a wall surrounded by Toxic waste left there by humans, the Emerald's intelligence as virtually non-existent, but the toxic wastes influence gave it a radiating corrupting effect that the girl's couldn't escape from as they were instinctively drawn to it even as it infected and corrupted their gems twisting their mind's and physical forms.

Garnet tried to resist the Emeralds Influence but deep down inside it caused a fracture, the projection of her clothing vanished as her body turned two shades down the middle, Red and Blue as Garnet could feel the two halves that made her being begin to separate as her body started mutating and inflating her true forms Ruby and Sapphire partially separated and became individuals once again but their mutated bodies were fused together like two sides of a coin as their legs vanish and arms grew long and slender as their backs inflated like a two balloons pressed tightly into each other while the pressure build up inside them since their mouths were sealed up and the pressure caused their eyes, cheeks, and various parts of their body to bulge out until a large pop occurred making them both spew out green gas from new orifices in their body while their eyes popped out of their heads like snails, Sapphire looked over to Ruby trying to console her since she was clearly irritated with what they had become, but as long as they were together, she didn't care what they looked like.

Amethyst fell onto the ground as her gem began growing spots and her projection of clothing vanished leaving her in the dirt naked, she wanted cry out but her lips sealed right away and puffed up as her cheeks inflated.....both of them, she felt a strange intense pressure building up in her rear end that was felt like she was floating and before she knew it she was, her butt had always been big but now it was more then quadruple its normal size and was lifting her off the ground, Amethyst tried to hold onto the ground but it felt like a lost cause as her fingers became two long sturdy prongs that kept a firm clench into the ground but hardly mattered as her arms stretched out further and further away until she felt like some kind of strange balloon and lost her grip causing her to float upwards past the Emerald that was corrupting them. The pressure in her body built up more and more as parts of her body felt like they were going to burst, including her eyeballs as they all kept building more and more pressure until finally a sudden popping sensation came over her all at once as suddenly small nubs around around her body began letting out gas but that wasn't nearly as jarring as the feeling she felt as her vision suddenly shifted and she could feel that her eyes now could freely move around her body like a snails, allowing her to see that she had grown several breasts that were now lactating the same kind of toxic goo that was down below her, Amethyst looked over and saw Garnet had reverted back to her original form, but her body trapped in this form on top of her usual laziness, Amethyst couldn't care less and allowed herself to drift unaware the weirdness that was yet to take place.

As the corrupting waves surged through Pearl, her Projection of clothing vanished as she curled up into the fetal position and though of Rose saving her before her thoughts began to cloud up and her body began the most drastic of changes, like the others her body began to swell up while in the fetal position her body simplified leaving her without legs as her back began to balloon upward but it was far from the only one as she felt pressure building up all around and inflating individual parts of her but not equally as her neck and grew long but not proportionate to her head which grew in size as her lips sealed up entirely and began protruding outward as her cheeks, nose, and eyes began to inflate tightly, her back became like a hot air balloon as the nubs on her back formed like the others, but none of them had any vent holes leaving the gas's inside her nowhere to vent out. The increasing pressure was doing something to Pearls body, she never felt like this before, she felt intense sexual desire as her breasts began inflating tighter and round until her nipples nearly popped outward, her tiny hands tried what they could to grope her massive inflated melons but it just wasn't enough, the intense pressure was making her insanely horny as her gem's powers of transformation gave her something she never had before, female genitals as her newly formed parts quickly inflated too as her new clitoris inflated outward as hard as her nipples, Pearl knew from reading books on human anatomy that what she was about to do wasn't correct but she couldn't help but stroke her clitoris as its massive size contrasted to her tiny hands gave her the feeling that this is what it must be like for human males to masturbate, but she couldn't help herself as kept going until she received some relief as her climax opened her up enough to release some of the gas built up inside.

Despite the moment of relief Pearl felt inside a desire for more, the tightness of her body was the greatest pleasure she'd ever felt in her existence and desperately wanted more as her body began to inflate once more as every part of her was growing tighter, Part of Pearl was afraid she might burst like the balloon she now was, but selfish desire kept pushing her onward to reach higher and tighter. to be continued 



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