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Hey everyone, it's GZone here.

Firstly, I want to sincerely apologize for the lack of communication lately. As much as I would like to provide daily updates, unfortunately, other factors such as workload and personal matters have gotten in the way. Rest assured, though, that development on Amity Park and Breeding Farm continues.

Unfortunately, I am currently struggling to find a good balance between my day-to-day responsibilities and managing two game development projects simultaneously.

In addition, recent personal circumstances have required me to take a step back and assess where I need to prioritise my time and efforts.

Recently, I was faced with an unforeseen tragedy as I lost a good friend and colleague at my day job. These events have forced me to take a step back to reevaluate how I spend my time and energy and made me reflect on my own priorities and goals in life.

Despite these challenges, I remain committed to moving forward with Amity Park and Breeding Farm. To showcase our progress, I plan to stream more frequently in the near future so that you all can see firsthand what is happening behind the scenes.

Thank you for your continued support. Your patience and understanding means everything to us. We thank you for your loyalty and support throughout this journey.

Stay tuned for more updates soon.

Take care,




🥺🫂 you take all the time you need, it’s never easy losing a friend….I’ve been in your shoes too. I hope you give yourself extra time away from work for yourself G

CKC Productions

Family and friends first, may all get better soon.😌🙏🏽❤️‍🩹


waiting patiently


do you have an estimate for when the next update come out and will there be more Maddie scenes and more development of Danny and Maddie relationship (possibly Maddie divorcing jack and only being with Danny ) ?

William Pierson

Any chance for the appearance of pubic hair among the ladies?

Mikkel frost møller

i think that if that happened then Danny might also tell Maddie about his powers and his girls and i think maddie would likely take jaz with her since his isnt exactly the father of the year

Mikkel frost møller

to be honest i dont want there to be pubic hair i kinda like nice and smooth and i think it would be more trouple then its worth to put it on the girls i just wish that he would make a statement here some time in advance when he is gonna make one of those streams

Mikkel frost møller

what kinda scene was he working last night and with which characters?


God I can't wait to see jazz h scenes

Mikkel frost møller

i really think that needs to happen to make it mean something like with the other girls


i cant wait to see more jazzy content i remember this show on the air when i was a young adult was an adult in 2005

Isaiah Coleman

So are we ever gonna get an update?


Hope you doing well

Daniel Everest

Anything new? It's been a few months