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As promised here are the public links for everyone, who is not subscribed but has received a download key for version 0.9.6


This update may have taken longer than expected, but we hope that it was worth the wait.

Before you might ask, please note that this update does not include a new episode 9.

However, it does include many new H-scenes and other exciting content for you to discover during your play-through.

We recommend giving episode 6 another try and seeing how things differ in Maddie's route up until episode 7.

Additionally, there are some random fun events waiting for you to discover in Danny's home.

Just keep an eye out for them at the end of episode 8.

As always, please be mindful of any potential issues with old save files.

Thank you for your patience and enjoy the update!


Found a bug or Error? Report here:

Team Bieno Discord

In the game-specific #report-bugs channel for either one of the two games. If you find any errors relating to spelling or grammar in the script, please report them directly to @MorahZamora#5670 via DMs to avoid spoilers.

Thank you all for taking care of us here at Team Bieno with your support. We truly hope you enjoy it.

-GZone & Team Bieno


Changelog v.0.9.6

// Old Save files are never a guaranteed method of data transfer with newer versions. Please remember and take this into consideration when playing! !

Changes & Improvements:

  • Episode 6 has been reworked.
  • Episode 7, the Maddie-related event has changed.
  • Manny backgrounds have been improved and redesigned.
(There are now 16 backgrounds in the forest event and 22 more
throughout the game.)
  • Replaced old animated and non-animated events with 100% redrawn and animated content. Some events even include outfit variations (accessible via cheat codes).
  • Cheat codes: ("Lingerie Present", "Xmas Present", "Nude Present". )
  • Maddie's standard sprite has been fully redesigned, while also giving her some new outfits.
  • Sam's selfie picture has been redesigned.


  • Added 6 new Maddie-related events with a lot of animated scenes and poses.
  • Added 1 new collectible selfie image.
  • Added 1 new event for Ember.
  • Added 1 new event for Desire
  • Added a new background before the player enters Sam's room.


Download Links

VIP- Backer Tier - keys:

AmityPark v.0.9.6 - PC  

AmityPark v.0.9.6 - Mac  

AmityPark v.0.9.6 - Android


Agent Tier - keys:

AmityPark v.0.9.6 - PC  

AmityPark v.0.9.6 - Mac  

AmityPark v.0.9.6 - Android


Helping Hand Tier - keys:

AmityPark v.0.9.6 - PC  

AmityPark v.0.9.6 - Mac  

AmityPark v.0.9.6 - Android


Sneak Peaker Tier - keys:

AmityPark v.0.9.6 - PC  

AmityPark v.0.9.6 - Mac  

AmityPark v.0.9.6 - Android


Be advised, those are the two weeks early access links for former VIP Backer patrons.

Download key links will be released the same way as they would for current Patrons



I'm a backer but I don't have a key


The key I got in December does not work


I'm having the same issue


This is the VIP backer link, lower tiers links will be released after a while.


This is the VIP backer link, lower tiers links will be released after a while.


This is the VIP backer link, lower tiers links will be released after a while.


Same my key wont work either

Jay T.

My key did not work


Glad I'm not the only one. At first I wasn't sure what they were talking about but then after remembering, it took another 5 minutes to find the email just to find the password doesn't work


Guys just wait a week like all the rest of us 5$ Backers

Mikkel frost møller

why did we get messages around new year with passwords if they dont work i mean that dont really make a lot of sence

Mikkel frost møller

does danny find a way to fix the space-problem with his thermus

musky and moist Mike

looks like you should put the VIP thing at the top :)


My key's not working either


Good afternoon, I'm new and I'm glad to be part of this wonderful game. One question when the link for the Sneak Peaker level comes out?


Hey! I like all the changes in this v.0.9.6, the version seems to be quite improved. It's worth checking out


If your key does not work right now it's becouse you where not a VIP Backer tier when these key's where released (31 december 2022) just wait patiently until your tier comes up


Opinion time: Loved the new maddie progression, alot less abrupt than the old one. Loved the new sprites too. And thought the scenes were a straight improvement. I do have a bias in that I prefer the animeque style. Also very much prefered positioning and dialouge Although retrofitting the scenes is likely more work than simply making them, I do wish more content was availible. I was (and will continue to be) a patreon all the way through Good work overall


kinda false, in that message this was there "By using this "Key", you will get acces to the newest upcoming update "two weeks" before it's public release." and lo an behold mine doesnt work eather so theres something wrong with the system period

Jay Ledo

So is episode 8 done? I thought there was a second half of episode 8 with more Jazz content is that the next update or is it jumping right to episode 9?


Mine isn't working but I have a backer key from 12 31 2022 so is there something wrong


Same situation and I have the patreon receipt showing I was a subscriber during this time and got the email say this is your key and it doesn't work

Mikkel frost møller

am i wrong to guess that the people who are sneak peakers will be able to play the game on sunday?


Idk man I have the message saying mine is suppose to work and it isn't but I guess everyone else's did so idk


Okay whoever came up with using this Key system needs to know to stop! It isn't working!!!


Am I the only one having issues with the mac version of the game?


I noticed why mine didn't as im not the right backing lvl, sorry I didn't read it properly. If i upgraded to the next teir up can i use my key to download or would i need a new one?


Is there a way to view the old scenes? i like the new ones but love the old ones


Ben a month and still cant run the pc version nor join discord to report the problem.

Jay Dubb

Really like the newer scenes, and how they're drawn/colored! Will the old ones be redone like that eventually or no?

Brian Enrique

Is the main menu bugged out on Android only for me? It has not worked since 9.6


from where i become a download Key for my Tier?

As2PK Music

What's the password for the méga Android download

Andrew S Barnes

lostraven — Yesterday at 4:59 PM @Patrons To any remaining patrons - As the end of the month draws near, we strongly at this time urge you once again to cancel your pledges to either the Amity Park or Breeding Farm patreon pages if you have not already. None of the team have access to those pages in light of G-Zone's absence -

Andrew S Barnes

lostraven — 03/21/2024 9:02 AM @everyone Hello Old Friends, This is an important announcement regarding the future of “Amity Park” and “Breeding Farm”. The staff of Team Bieno has determined that we are at an impasse regarding the future of game development as they currently sit. Our previous defacto lead developer, GZone hasn’t been sighted or been heard from by any of our staff since February 13th; some of us having un-replied DM’s from even months earlier than that. This has obviously been stressful and confusing for staff members that have produced work for game development and not been compensated or even had contact with the person responsible for such matters. It also goes without saying that this degree of delayed content has been an exceedingly frustrating and tedious process for all of you fans and supporters. This has been the last we’ve wanted to have happen, and we’ll be the first one’s to admit that this team and dev cycle has been absolutely mismanaged. Our goal going forward is to alleviate concerns that the team behind some of your favorite ghost and monster related content will never again produce something worth looking forward to or financially supporting. Before we get into any big news regarding what to expect from us going forward or where you might find that latest behind the scenes post, we want to firmly state this: IF YOU ARE CURRENTLY SUBSCRIBED TO EITHER THE GZONE PATREON OR THE BREEDING FARM PATREON AS OF THIS MOMENT IN TIME… CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION IMMEDIATELY. The funds provided to either one of those Patreon’s are inaccessible to any current staff member except GZone, who is currently MIA. Your donations at this point are unfortunately being sent to an account we do not have the ability to access, and will as of this moment not contribute to the development of either project. We apologize for this unfortunate news, but we did not know how long GZone’s absence would extend to. Again, please, if nothing else but the sake of your own hard-earned cash, cancel your subscription before the month of March is over. 146 40 17 3 1 [9:03 AM] With that out of the way, we can begin to talk about some key background information that has led us to this point: ● Team Bieno was initially formed as a one-man development team by a one-man dev team, consisting solely of GZone. "Amity Park" was the first game created by GZone, with its initial build debuting some time back in mid-2017. That means Amity Park is nearly 7 years old at this point. ● Sometime in the summer of 2018, a fan by the name of Morah approached GZone over Patreon and suggested that they find somebody to proofread some of Amity Park’s scripts, as GZone’s native language was not English. GZone asked Morah to contribute his own skills as a script consultant, and the first collaborative effort was made. ● After two decently enough produced updates with Morah’s new scripts, Lostraven was asked by Morah to take over as head writer for the now budding team. Epadder was then brought on to contribute and assist with coding and posing. Following that, artists such as Frame, Psymind, and Julioaruka were brought on board to contribute to both Amity Park and the second game created by the team, “Breeding Farm”. ● Breeding Farm was created because GZone said that he wanted to have some more creative variety in his work, and felt that doing a parody game of an existing IP was becoming overly familiar for his liking. At the time, this seemed to be a good idea in order to shake off any creative funk that might have developed over working on the same exact project for almost a year and a half. ● Around the time of Breeding Farm’s first publication in August of 2019, GZone made the decision to create a “studio name” for the games that this particular team was developing. He called it “Team Bieno” as “Bieno” means “Farm” in Esperanto, an auxiliary language familiar to GZone. [9:03 AM] We think it’s fair to say that the stretches of time where development on Amity Park can be traced back to the creation of Breeding Farm, and the two games never properly were managed properly enough to coexist together. Where some might have focused on only one game at a time, or have alternating work orders for one game per update, Team Bieno was trying to work on both projects simultaneously. This caused a lot of issues with communication, not having certain aspects of game development ready for other members to take part in, and generally losing some of the momentum Amity Park was developing for itself. Breeding Farm should have in no way been a burdensome distraction, but it might certainly have benefited the team and the fans to have had better resource management and tighter deadlines. That all being said, what can or should happen from here? That’s what the remainder of the staff has already met, discussed, deliberated and tried to narrow down. These are some of the following concessions/agreements made by the team. The remaining staff of Team Bieno have decided to give GZone a three-month grace period to return any of our messages, starting at his last appearance on Feb. 13th. Therefore, GZone has until May 13th 2024 to reemerge via email, Discord, voice call, or any suitable method to prove he is active and accessible. In the event that GZone does not return within that given deadline, the remaining staff members will officially take action to begin work on future projects without GZone’s involvement. (The staff has narrowed down one main idea that we feel will best serve the needs of the team and interest at least the majority of Team Bieno’s following, but will not openly disclose that until the deadline has passed.) 13 50 10 2 1 [9:03 AM] If GZone does return at some point before the given deadline, invoices from staff owed for work will be asked to be paid out in full. A lengthy inquiry as to the full reasoning behind his disappearance will likely ensue, as this recent development (as well as prior absences and issues) have soured some of the staff members to a certain degree. Beyond that, changes made to the management of this team will be insisted upon so that this sort of thing involving lost resources cannot happen again. If the bulk of staff are satisfied after our thorough questioning into the disappearance of GZone, it is not out of the realm of possibility that he may be asked to contribute to this team’s future endeavors as well. The staff has unilaterally determined that issues have never stemmed from GZone’s personal conduct, and that beyond recent developments for the majority of the time, he has been a consummate professional and good business partner. Acknowledging that we do not have a complete picture as to why GZone has disappeared is important for us, as we don’t think it’s fair to potentially bastardize his character when we simply do not have all the facts. We’d prefer no speculation as to the nature of his absence as well, as it serves no real purpose. The remaining staff is transitioning over to a temporary SubscribeStar page in hopes of being able to pick up the pieces of what remains of people’s vested interest in our work. The “new” team will comprise the majority of staff that contributed to Amity Park and Breeding Farm, and will for the moment go by the team name of Stray Dream Games. “Team Bieno” will be dropped as our dev team name. The page we’ve set up is currently being reviewed for the moment, but when it is publicly available, we will let everyone know to go and follow it for future news and updates. Team member and writer Lostraven has been appointed as acting leader and head dev of Stray Dram Games. Any future projects will have to be completely separated from the pre-existing work commissioned/produced by and for GZone. [9:04 AM] The current Discord Server related to Amity Park/Breeding Farm will no longer be the main focus for the staff, and work is currently being made to operate and run a new official server under the SDG mantle. Until the SubscribeStar page goes live, the existing Discord will be the best way to hear from staff about news and updates and ask pertinent questions. We will be making some additional behind the scenes decisions during the interim waiting period to help us prepare for an official “jumping of ship”, as it were. We will let fans know more information as soon as possible, and will be working the best we can to try and satisfy frustrated fans and supporters of both Breeding Farm and Amity Park. Some of these decisions will feel agonizing after an already extensive waiting period, but the decisions we are making here are done in the best interest for the future of this group and its fans. Without taking these steps to correct an incredibly off course ship, we would most likely never be able to produce another piece of content for the fans. We hope you can understand the situation we have been put into and how these choices were not made lightly. We will wish for the potential return of GZone and we hope that they simply needed time away to decompress or figure some things out for themselves. Nobody on staff has any ill will towards them as a human being, and we hope they are well, wherever and whatever they may be doing. That being said, we will also be working hard to prove to you all that we are a committed group of talented individuals, that just want to make good adult content for you all. Thank you all, and thank you for reading this extensive announcement. Stay tuned. -Lostraven & SDG 67 77 60 30 21 lostraven — 03/21/2024 9:14 AM @everyone I'm going to add an additional point. While the above statement was prepared by the team, this is coming from me, Lostraven himself. Suffice to say, I want to re-assure people I'm extremely confident should G-Zone be gone that I can effectively take over. The team supports me, and we we have some amazing ideas cooking that I can't fully talk about yet, but I know you guys will love it. Suffice to say, it's probably the worst kept secret that I have not been happy with the management of the games for a while, and while there will be some changes, I believe long-term, this is a storm to be weathered, but this is not the end... Stay tuned for the temporary subscribestar page announcement, and thank you for your patience. https://subscribestar.adult/stray-dream-games