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Hey, everyone hope you are all doing well.

We've wanted to show you a little teaser of a new scene, while also giving you a heads-up about what we are currently working on.

As you can see this teaser shows Maddie in focus and if you look closer at the background it is going to play at Vlad's cabin during episode 6.

This is because we are intending to revist this episode and apply some changes. We fellt the episode was a bit rushed and needed some better pacing. Therefore we are going to replace some older scenes of this episode and rewrite some parts of the story.

While we are also working on the second part of episode 8 "the Jazz focused content" we thaught it might be a good time to revist older content and release a smaller update first.

This way you won't have to wait as long as before for new content.

We can't give you a release date for the new update yet, though.

Anyway, we'd like to hear your opinion about those plans and if this is something you'd look forward to.





A little love for sam would be nice as well with a dash of Paulina


Anyone know the cheat codes for the computer in Danny's room