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Hello again,

Thanks to your support, we’ve survived the year that was 2020. It’s been difficult for a lot of us, and I’m sure even more so for many of you. So thank you. Every single one of you for helping us out and this project. We’ll strive to make our game the best it can be.

In that regard, we wanted to share some of these smaller previews of content in the future to come. If you look closely, these more “Pin-up” pictures of Sam and Paulina are actually done by fellow Team Bieno artist, Psymind. He mocked these up and we thought it’d be cool to include these in the game in some capacity, unlocked on the Desktop in some way. So take a look and let us know what you think!

The other scene is of Maddie Fenton performing her yoga during a random event in the game. We hope you like the pose she’s performing in this one. :)

Once more, stay safe and take care, and Happy New Years

- GZone and Team Bieno


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