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Merry Christmas one and all! We hope you all had a lovely time spent with friends, family and loved ones this winter break… from all of us here at Team Bieno, we hope you had a wonderful Holiday Season, without too much stress, worry, or anything to end your year badly on!

And what a year it’s been, huh? Certainly, one of the wilder ones in recent memory for a lot of us. In some regards, it was a benefit to have more of our staff at home a lot, with more free time on their hands to work on projects. But, after a while of course, that sorta thing can be draining to not either have steady work to perform or not have the freedom to go back out. I just want to thank you one and all if you’ve been able to continue supporting us through these more trying times. Truly, it is a blessing that so many of you Patrons choose to be our side for so much time. Thank you.

Some exciting things coming down the pipeline. For those curious, the next update of Breeding Farm, v0.3, should be released very shortly! This was a 3 month launch window, and we’re happy to have reached this goal in time! I’m sure there are a number of developers who were slowed down recently, and understandably so. But we wanted to try our best at getting another update out before the year-end. So feel free to enjo that right away if you’re a higher tier supporter on the Team Bieno Patreon Page.

On Amity Park’s end, we’re still working hard on the new Redux update. So many exciting features and new content to show off. Some we’ll actually be showcasing fairly soon in some new posts for fans and supporters. We want you guys to know we’re putting in a lot of work on this update, and it should be worth the wait, but understand that we’re still a ways away from that update releasing. But when it comes to our games, we wanna release quality content and not release an unfinished product. Hope you all understand. More to come later!

Here’s to having gotten through a really challenging year with you guys and we can’t wait to make even more fantastic content for you.

See you all in 2021. Happy New years as well!

- GZone and Team Bieno


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