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Hey everybody, hope you are all doing well.

Wanted to drop some more news on you guys, it’s nothing too serious, just some more roadmap type stuff for the game. It’s actually just the entirety of our developer’s message we delivered at the end of Episode 7 Part 2. But, we figured since it didn’t go out immediately to everyone, and because maybe not a lot of older fans will have necessarily played through all of Episode 7’s end again, we’d just put it here. This should make it easier for all of you to know what our plans are and what we’re doing. So here it is:

“Don't worry everyone, this is just the part where we plug our pages and thank you for your continued support of the game. You'll go back to playing the game in just a moment.

First off, we'd like to apologize for not putting out a proper developer's message like this the first time. Feels silly of us to have forgotten, but we didn't really, we just wanted to get the update out fast, and figured nobody really minds. So, we're here now to explain some things for the future of the game. The immediate roadmap, if you will. A lot of you already may be aware of what we're referring to here, but allow us to explain. 

When this game first began in the summer of 2017, I was working on it all by myself. For a whole year, it was just strictly me. That was about a year plus of me writing, coding, posing, drawing, and animating. (LNSC was indeed helping with the animations, but all in all, it was really a one-man project.) Then in the fall of 2018, MorahZamora joined on as writer and portrait poser. He was then replaced by lostraven and Epadder respectively for those positions. ...he was the one who helped find those two as replacements, so it's not like he was getting the boot or anything. He just preferred making script suggestions and developing his sculpting skills. So, by the mid-point of 2019, we had a strong basis for a legitimate team company, and Team Bieno was formed. Which then gave way to Breeding Farm, etc., etc... 

Now, with the basis of Amity Park's game having been built all by me at the beginning... there are a few elements we think we'd like to change and revise to help match our current standards. You probably even noticed the kind of changes we have planned to integrate already, like the redesigned backgrounds and new battle system. Well, a lot more is planned for the Redux Update, and it's going to be probably the biggest update. ...maybe not in pure h-content, but most certainly in terms of features, visual alterations, gameplay changes, and varying revisions. 

You can expect a lot out of this one big update, and all the subsequent releases, because they'll allow us to have so much more material to work with and build off of going forward with all subsequent releases. So look forward to it! 

In terms of “new” new content, we're working on, after the Redux update comes Episode 8! Episode 8 is actually being rewritten at the moment. We wanted it to contain material that would work well for Jazz's solo episode. Expect another fan-favorite female ghost to appear! ;)"

So that’s all for now, we’ll be posting more in the future, just little updates here and there. Just to let you know that we’re all working hard, thanks to your support.

Take care, be safe,

-GZone & Team Bieno


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