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Hey guys,

We are hoping you are having a wonderful and not too stressful December. Chrismas is just around the corner after all, so we wish you the best of times with your family and loved ones this Holiday season.

We know you are all eagerly waiting for our new updates of both Amity Park and Breeding Farm as per usual. Unfortunately, we are dealing with a lot of problems at the moment. Mainly with the animations.

Our animator and friend LNSC currently does the animated H-Scenes for both Amity Park and Breeding Farm. Since he is dealing with a lot of real-life problems like his job, he does not have as much time anymore to dedicate working on our projects. Things change, and nothing lasts forever, and that’s why it’s good that we all learn to adapt.

This is why we had to come up with another solution. Our idea was to use rigged puppet schematics to essentially create less complicated animations, but ones that would otherwise increase productivity and efficiency. I actually had to learn a brand new animation software in the last few months and we’re looking for someone with more experience than us in that area.

In the preview pictures, you can see how something made with our new rigged system would currently look like.

So, going forward we will have to do things a little differently for now. Hopefully, once we have figured everything out, things will get back to a more normal routine. But for now, we will have to ask you for a good bit more of your kind patience.

Luckily the Holiday season pretty much encompasses all of December and a good portion of January, so we might get at least a playable version of the new AP update done.

But, as usual, we can't and most likely won’t promise you anything. 

I hope you'll understand our situation.

Finally, we want to thank every one of you who is supporting us and willing to stick with us even through difficult times. You are great. After this update comes out, we’ll be asking you about a proposed update to make Amity Park even more streamlined and fun to play.

We would probably never have come even this far without your support.

Until next time.

- GZone and Team Bieno


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