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Our script idea for Episode 7 was voted for some time ago, and the winning poll suggestion was for Ember McLain, the ghostly blue haired rocker girl. That’s who our next Episodic installment is based upon, with a few extras thrown in on the side. So then, following that, we want to know who or what you think should be added in next? There are so many characters, Episodes, storylines and more that could be added from the show, but we want to hear what you think should happen next. 

Our only prohibiting element we’ll probably avoid for now is the actual use of the “Ghost Zone” as a background for the story to take place in. Other characters and storylines such as Dani, the Ultimate Enemy, Clockwork, or most other characters post Season 1 will probably be off limits as well, for the sake of pacing. But anything within season 1 should be considered fair game. So, what’ll it be? A school-based storyline involving Spectra? A Skulker based episode with plenty of fights? Or, would you guys like to see some redone features/implemented added to the game? Choices and consequences, things such as that? Redone backgrounds? This is YOUR opportunity to raise your voice and opinion on what you want to see Amity Park turn into.

Simply write your suggestions down in the comments, and we’ll take some of the more mentioned ones or interesting ideas into consideration and hold a poll to decide later on.
