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Hey guy, I hope you are all doing well.

We are finally wrapping up the two updates we were planning to release this month.

As you already know we are currently working on two games.

One of them is "Amity Park" and the new game is titled "Breeding Farm".

Unfortunately, I was too ambitious in trying to get both updates done at the same time. That's why we won't make it as planned.

The good thing is we got at least one of them done and you can expect to play it in two days.

The upcoming update will be our first release of "Breeding Farm",

about two weeks after that you can finally expect the newest update of Amity Park .

Luckily I am currently on a break from my job for two weeks. That's why I am feeling confident that we should be able to get the update done in two weeks.

Sorry to disappoint you if you were eagerly awaiting to play more of Amity Park. But I will promise you that I will devote my free time and get that update finally done.

In the meantime, please give our newest game a try and let us know how you like it.

Sincerely GZone


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