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Once again, hello to all of you wonderful Patrons.

Today, we’re going to be going over things related to some of the Patreon Tiers and rewards specifically related to Discord. We were going to wait until the November processes change to start messing around with some of the changes to the Patreon tiers. Now these aren’t really changes at all, just things to do with what we’re officially offering to everyone publicly.

Before I even go about explaining the changes and what this means for you guys, I just quickly want to selfishly promote our Twitter and Discord again. It does mean a lot to us when you guys support us by giving us a follow, joining our groups, and it makes it easier for you guys to know the state of the game.

Twitter Page

Discord Server

Again, a simple follow or bit of support like that goes a long way.

Onto the main purpose of this post. So, these “changes” are things we’ve been technically offering already, but just not in an official capacity on the Patreon. The first change is that we’re going to be giving people who are donating $15 the cheat codes for each version of the game we put out. Those codes will be held under the Patreon Category in our Discord, accessible only to those who are donating $15 or more and have linked their Patreon account to their Discord account.

The second change we’ll be making is offering walkthroughs to those who pay $3 a month. The same rule applies, hook your Patreon up to your Discord and join our Discord server. A small enough change, but simple.

The third change we’ll be making is providing what we are referring to as two separate Progress Tracker links for Episode 5 or v.0.4.1. One link to a public progress tracker, and one to an in-depth progress tracker, which will more explicitly state the kind of behind the scenes work that we are providing to you, the lovely patrons. That again will be provided in the private Patreon Category on the Discord Server.    

Finally, the last thing we’re going to be talking about is the Spoiler channel on the discord, provided to those who support us in the $10 or more range. Now this stuff is supposed to be for those who want to visually see that kind of future upcoming content we have to offer in the way of images, looping animations, rough animations, etc. This content (as with the majority of all the other exclusive features) is meant to be private and only for those who are actually providing the means to see them. For that reason, we want there to be an understanding that consequences for those that do leak the images or content we’re providing can be taken at our discretion. That being said, we hope things will otherwise go smoothly.

The public progress tracker and the spoiler channel will begin to be released officially tomorrow on Sunday. Hope to see you guys enjoying the new content, and we’ll be glad to help you out with any questions you may have.   




so i played the early version and liked it only thing bothering me is mm/f ,group and gloryhole . i wanted to ask if these things are optional or its just included.


We don't have those things in the game yet, so nothing to worry about for now. :)