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Hey everybody, time for a quick update on the state of Episode 4: "My One True Desire".

Well, we were really determined to finish the next update, v.0.3.a, by this weekend. By Tuesday, I had actually began a long vacation from my job, so I assumed that I would have plenty of time to get some work done with regards to the art. I actually have, all things considered, finished up another h-scene and changed some assets around. So things ARE in fact going well in terms of the actual development, rest assured.

Unfortunately, due to the sheer amount of new content, requested assets, and written out dialogue we had planned out for the story, we can't make it in time by this weekend. It'll be a better situation if we're given the freedom to put in the work required of us to do this, cause a this point, it really is just more art development and a fair amount of posing. Things are, however, going smoothly in terms of development.

If you're concerned about our time frame window between updates, let met put it to you another way that should be of help to put things into perspective: The "Reboot" of Amity Park began back on May 14th of this year and the immediate following update came out on Aug 15th. That's a window of 93 days difference. Now EVEN if we pushed the next update ALL the way to Halloween, we would have a window of 77 days, making it two weeks faster. But we don't plan on it taking that long. We're hoping to shoot for the midpoint of October, around the 15th-16th essentially.

Also, as a side note, our new writer, MorahZamora, needed to take the first week of working for the project correcting the previous dialogue, so going forward, we'll be able to start ideas and writing for new updates a lot faster. Appreciate you guys keeping that all in mind.

Also, speaking of our writer, you can catch him and myself during a live interview tomorrow with notable mature Lets Player and artist, Purity Sin on her Youtube and her Twitch channel. Hop on in to ask either of us any questions about Amity Park, adult gaming, or life in general. Should be fun. That'll be broadcast around 3:00 PM Central Time, (CT) on Saturday, September 29th. The links are below:



We love you all for your support, you're gonna dig the new update, appreciate you being so awesome.



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