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I know, I know I said it would come  out during last weekend but it didn't. Hopefully you are not too mad about that.
Moreover, I could tell you manny reasons why it's been delayed, but I don't think you want to hear me making excouses.
Not the less, it is finally out four you exclousivly. Espacially because you had to wait so long for a new update.  
Once you are playing the game, you will see that a lot have changed.  



  • About 80% of the game is an entirely new story, organized in two episodes. 
  • A few previous H-Events are missing for now, but will be included in future updates. 
  • A few new locations are now created, but not all of them are reachable. (This will change in the future) 
  • A new character has been added into the game, but some previous introduced character are currently not integrated into the story. 
  • Two new high quality animated H-Events are ready to be discovered.
  • Many new songs. 

Bug report:

  two known bugs: 

  • Intermittent animation looping issues
  • Characters showing up out of place during fastforward 

Download Links:

I hope you like the new story of the game. From now on we will work on episodic updates for the game. Most likely with at least two or three H-Events.

As a special reward, I've included the planed out  flowchart for both of the episodes, in case you might get stuck in the game.

If you have any questions or need some help, please feel free to comment below or visit us on our discord channel.   (Discord)  





i cant get to episode 4 it stop at episode3 plz help me ty