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Hey guys quick status update for v.0.07,

There is a lot to talk about, but the main part is, that the story for the game is finally planed out for the future!

About the story:
We are currently rewriting and organizing the story to make it fit into the plan. 

Why do we have to rewrite and reorganize the game you ask?

Because we are intending to organize the content for the game in episodes.

There for the next update will contain a prologue and two episodes.

Staff changes
Furthermore, there are some staff changes.
We have now added one new writter/programmer into the team.
Additionly, to that I was able to find a dependable animator, who is going to help me out with the animations for the H-Events. Eventually, he will become an official mamber of the team.

//Btw. The person who made the beautiful sketch above is our new animator. You can look forward to see Maddie struggling against the Ectopuse ghost in the coming update.

What this means?
Those are good news.
Now I am able to focus my time on drawing the assets for the game.

Hopefully, we will be able to establish a better time schedule for the future updates, with much more content this way.

All in all, there are still a lot of things that needs to be done. But I am grateful for your patience.
Soon the waiting will have an end.





I think Amity Park is only going to get better. Looking forward to the update.


So that means old saves would not work?