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Hey, guys. 

Firstly, Merry Christmas and happy holidays to every one of you.
I hope you have a wonderful time with your familie and got what you wished for.

You might not know it, but I am working on this project now for about one year now. It certainly was a fun but also difficult year for me. I was learning to draw Butch Hartman's style, but also trying to give it a unique touch of my own, I learned to program in renpy for the first time, heck I even decided to learn how to animate, something that I originally wanted to do far later on.

I am glad to see that 4-5 month after releasing the first build, so many of you have decided to support me on this project, even if it is just by complimenting, likeing, giving advice or spending some spare money. You don't know how much I appreciate that.

That's why I believe with the new year 2018 there will have to be some changes made. I am glad that the majority of you are patient enough with me, even thought the last few updates wasn't having as much new content as you would have liked to see.

Therefor, I am looking for a way to fix our current progress rat. The one thing that is currently holding me back the most is that I completely underestimated how much time frame to frame animations would cost. This is why I am looking now for someone, who is going to help me out with the animations, so that we could get many more H-Events done for every update. This is also why I want to delay the update v.0.05 for some time, because it should contain more than just one H-Event to be a decent update for you to have fun with.

But non the less, you can expect much more content for this game in 2018 and as always thank you for your support. ;)




Happy holidays bruh, take a break and relax for awhile, you have done a pretty good job along this trip


Keep up the wonderful work and happy holidays :)