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Hey guys,

hope you have or had a wonderful day. :)

I've been asked about the access to previous rewards. That's why I have added two new tiers (Art Enthusiast V.2 and Treasure Seeker) where you can choose one previous monthly or secret drawing as your next reward.

Unfortunately, there were some pledges labeled as "Fraud " this month and I am not certain on how I should deal with them. But I have decided to wait some days before I am gone block them since it might be just a misunderstanding.

As for all the current "Declined " pledges. Pleas let me know if you were able to resolve this problem and haven't yet got your reward.

I will gladly send it your way. 





So will there be an update to the game soon or will it have to wait until you reach you patreon goal


Don't worry, you won't have to wait until I've reached my Patreon goal. Originally I was intending to give you the next update next week, but I will delay it until the end of this month. The next update should include more new scenes then the last one. Furthermore, I've found a new writer and we are trying to give you better and more dialogues. So we are working on it and thank's for your support ;)