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Hey guys!  

Just a quick sneak peek of Danny in his Normal and Ghost-Form. 

I want to change the way I displayed Danny in the game. He will be shown like the rest of the characters instead of being put in the bottom left corner of the screen like last time.

But I am struggling with the hands and the general pose.  

Do you mind him looking like that in the future, update or does he looks fine for now?



Are we gonna get any of the ghost ladies like Ember and Desiree?


Yes, absolutely, but unfortunately not in the coming version 0.02. I am planing on adding them in later versions.


Hey, just tried the game out and I love it so far! But yo Danny Fenton, he was just fourtee... I mean eighteen, when his parents built a very strange machine. It was designed to view a world unseen. He's gonna catch em' all because he's Danny Phantom.


What about Possessed/Queen Sam? Or is it, "Plant-girl Sam".... Is there a proper term for that form? Anyway, will she be in it?


I know what you mean. Unfortunately, I haven't planned to integrate it to the plot, but I want to integrate a dressing system, maybe I will include this as a bonus feature.


Yeah... his age in the show is a little problem for the game, but I just like not to mention it. Age does not matter you should just have fun and enjoy the visuals ;). Thank for the support by the way your project looks also very interesting. ^^


Oh! I like that idea. Not to mention that Medieval Sam was pretty bad-ass. so having that costume option too would be pretty cool. You rock, FYI.