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Hey folks, how's going? 

I'm on the final stretch towards the end of 1st term of my course, and things are just getting as hectic as I expected. I've got barely no time left to draw anything that's not course-related, hence the lack of updates here.

I'm also kinda running out of ideas of stuff I'd like to do with my characters, either short strips or single pictures. Hence why I'm asking you, once again, what kind of stuff would you like to see my OCs to feature.

I'd like to give them all equal love and treat, as well. Here's a list of stuff I'd personally like to do concerning each of my OCs:

* Nora & Alisea: Clearly some spy & vigilante shenanigans, but also anything featuring tender & sexy 'rope adventure' times, as well.

* Lydia: More of her filmmaking projects, mostly involving invited guests. Something sexy would also be welcome, as well.

* Farah: Anything involving tons of restrains, and her overly positive friendly attitude. Even someone giving her some well-deserved affection.

* Seforah & Aram: Some tender bonding couple moments, and, of course, plenty of rope if possible. Also some adventuring as well.

Of course, I'm not limited to those themes exclusively, so if you're down to suggest anything else you'd like to see with any OC specifically, feel free to ask.

I can't promise to have any updates anytime soon due to my punishing schedule, but I'd like to hear your suggestions at the very least.

Thank you in advance!



I would love to see either Lydia's work or Nora and Alisea. :3


lydia new guests jill valentine