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Hey folks.

While some of you are aware of this, I'd still like to make it public. Starting by yesterday, I'm taking an intensive illustration course in one of the most renowned schools of arts in my city, the same place where Picasso himself studied, nonetheless. This, of course, means there'll be a lot of expectations put on me and my performance over the 2 years it'll take place, meaning I need to make my very best to pass it. I've got faith that this will help me up to get some doors open and expand my horizons when it comes to art.

Does it mean my Patreon page will immediately cease all activity? Of course not. This place is still my little haven, and so I hope it is for you all as well. However, it's quite clear I won't be able to keep up with a steady pace for future updates (not like I've been able to in the past few months, but still).

All I want to ask you for is a little patience. Updates will keep coming, even if just a bit slower. Also, any big plans for narrative content and other ambitious stuff I had in mind for this site will have to remain on hiatus, since this course will probably absorb most of my creative efforts and time, anyway. For the time being, I'll just keep doing what I do best: offer my OCs and other occasional official characters you enjoy in the most pleasingly *tight* situations, if you know what I mean.

To all of you who keep supporting me, and will remain here after all, a huge thank you from yours truly!

Stay tuned!


Murdoch Tremblay

That's fantastic news!! Onwards and upwards!