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Her arrival was foretold in the stars, your fate has finally arrived…

A new girl is here! Mondstadt’s very own astrologist has come to deliver the fates of the deserved, Mona Megistus is now a playable character!

With almost 1000 new lines custom-made for this new domme, there’s quite a bit to explore in the new update. Mona has her own model and clothing menu too, so feel free to customize away!

There are more updates coming in the future, of course, a general model update for all the girls as well as more animations! Stay tuned, more is coming to the game soon.

To those of you that have already subscribed, I cannot thank you enough for your support! I’m excited for the future updates, I hope you are as well!

Also, apologies for the slightly late launch of this update, adding a new character turned out to be more complicated than we expected. We’ll work in the future to stay within our deadlines, but that should be easier thanks to the two talented writers who've expressed an interest and massively helped develop Mona, Throwawanker:


and, OreoSnorter719:


definitely go check them out!

Both helped so much with writing and generating her voice lines, I believe she’s a much better addition because of them! I really am very grateful.

Other new features of note added to the game with this build are:

 - Aggressor/victim selection screen.

 - Lighting/shader rehash.

 - Various model improvements.

 - New Male Inazuma victim model, for all you FvM fans out there.

And... that's a bout it.

Thanks for all the support and, once again, sorry for the delay.

I really hope you enjoy the update.


V1.2 Showcase - The Astrologer Update

An (un)?fortunate encounter...


Lucky Star

Mona model is awesome, thanks! Unfortunately the bug with unresponsible keys still present :( And now there is also a problem with complete UI stuck in pre-snap mode if I enter clothes menu before or during it (via N). If I don't use N than everything works as before


Great update! Do you have plans for a character with an innocent or quirky demeanour like Ganyu or Hu Tao?


Thanks! Definitely want to add that... adding smaller characters like Hu Tao might be complicated because of their body and proportions though.


That bug is driving me nuts. I can't reproduce it on my computer at all.


I haven’t played all that much of this new update but when I put it on and noticed a new voice actress for Mona I have to say I was impressed. That’s something I think a lot of people would just skip as the previous voice lines were already brilliantly done. I have some requests as well as I think most people do. This high quality content kinda makes people’s imagination run wild with possibilities. I understand as this game gets bigger it’ll be harder to detail but I hope you stick with it because you have something amazing on your hands here. Great work Starvy! Looking forward to the next update and getting back into this and experiencing some more of the Mona sexiness lol.


Thanks for the kind words, I'm glad you're enjoying the new update! The game might get bigger and harder to manage with time, but our skills and understanding are constantly improving too. Plus, if you guys keep being as supportive and amazing as you've been to us, I can hardly see motivation becoming a problem for a long time to come. I'm excited to keep working on this. By the way, if you have any requests, you should make sure to make them known (either by comment or preferably by DM). I can't promise I'll add them to the game, but I do write and keep track of every single request we get.