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Man am I excited to finally release this...

What you're seeing has been in the works for a while now, and while it is nowhere close to nearing completion, I feel like it's in good enough shape to show it to you guys.

Pathfinding, detection, animation, post-processing, and lots and lots of C#. Making this took quite a lot of learning and even more time and dedication, still, I have to say I think it came out quite well for a first attempt (flaws and all).

This'll probably get moved to a higher tier of support since it's a magnitude (or ten) of difficulty above what we've been releasing up until now and requires a lot more time, but this month it'll be available to all Patrons.

There's still quite a lot to do though, specially when it comes to adding extra features and animations, still, I'm quite happy to finally be reaching a basic level of understanding in the skills necessary to make of Termine what I always imagined it should be.

The grind doesn't end here though, this is just the beginning ;p

As it stands, I managed to implement all the holds (from the Reverse HS to the Front Sit) to the free roam, which took quite a while. There's also a new takedown system, though there's only 1 takedown available as of now so it's not in full display yet (more takedowns coming soon).

Kuki is still the only playable character though, and setting her up already took a considerable amount of time. I'm going to try and add at least one girl to the free roam per update cycle, though I'm also kind of itching to add more features, animation, and especially, more victim model variety.

It's quite surprising how long adding even the smallest of things can take >_>, but they will definitely get done as long as the motivation is there.

A big thank you to everyone who's decided to support us, whether this is your first month here or you're a regular, we could not do this without you! Please comment or DM me any game breaking bugs you encounter or any suggestions you may have, we always try to take them all into account!

Once again, thank you everybody for you support, your patience, and most importantly, for allowing us to keep developing our vision of Termine.

You guys are amazing!

P.S. We've also been working on Kafka, we've finished writing all her lines for every hold! You'll get her too very soon.


Termine Free Roam Preview



The graphics settings menu doesn't work properly, only let me select 640*480 resolution and now that caused the game to always launch on my side monitor with no way to move it back or reset the resolution, even deleting and re-extracting the files. Where is that config data stored so I can at least clear it and get it back to normal?


The config file should be located in "D:\MyNewGame", it's "TermineSettings.xml". You should be able to change the starting resolution from there.


Would be awesome if you could get 2B in the game.