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BERSERK (Ch. 256 - 258) READ ALONG

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Like many of the castles and churches in Berserk, its a real place! https://youtu.be/FmmFcY8R27s Damn girl! Get to sleep! 3 chapters is good and a perfect place to stop. Casca is tough in her own way. I think you have a good idea of why her goal and Guts's goal may be different. She still has to heal her own wounds which hasnt happened yet and she is a mother now. She may not want to go down a path of vengeance. Guts may want her to go down that path with him if she can. I think he realizes that this may not happen. He may have to abandon that desire yet again for her sake. I love chimaeras!! I got to see some live in Vancouver once and they were beautiful!!!! I love their eyes. https://youtu.be/asQhHT_09HM Serpico and Guts do like a good fight!!! It's a contest between two accomplished swordsmen. I'm sure there is a bit of ego involved, but Serpico's concern for Guts harming Farnese is a legitimate concern. It is also a lesson in conduct for Isidro, being a swordsman isn't all glamor like his child like fantasies may make it out to be. There are consequences.