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BERSERK (Ch. 252 - 256) READ ALONG

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Happy birthday!! Glad you had fun at the concert. My 4th was relaxing, just being domestic, gardening, reading, cooking and goofing around. We don't celebrate the 4th either. Oh, these are fun chapters!! Oh, that cringy bath scene with Casca and Schierke. This is the only part in the manga that I just side eye and turn the page really quickly. Not a fan. I'm sure that Miura was poking fun of the trope of a loli that is put in an absurd situation and, well, this happens! It's just more on the nose. Or at least I'd like to think he is making fun of it because it happens and then it's over quickly. He has made fun of other tropes before like naming fighting moves and just being over the top before to poke fun at Shonen. Just a thought. I do think its adorable that she is trying to take care of Guts as well and he is resisting. She is trying soooo hard! I love the elf side quest. Those two idiots are the same! Ivalera may not want to admit it, but Puck and her are cut from the same cloth! I will hold my opinions of Magnifico and Roderick Schtauffen for now. Those two.... XD Now that Farnese is effectively gone, Guts is more "worried" about Farnese not being there than actually getting a boat. She is an invaluable member of the team and her absents is felt, both her and Serpico. For him to go after her is big! Guts only moves to go after people if they are in his immediate circle of "family." It is this action that says that he cares for everyone in " the Traveling Party", yup, we call it that. Farnese is also still connected to them since she is still practicing her magic to the best of her ability. She is having a bit of self-doubt due to her being at her home where old patterns of bad behavior can emerge. She is feeling all the things she used to feel while locked up there alone. I find her mother interesting and a bit dodgy. She is absolutely right about her husband. Heck, she cant even stand to be around him as she galivants around the world with her pose of men. Well, a girls got to do what a girls got to do! Farnese will do exactly what she wants to do if pushed to far. Magnifico better watch it! The Ball!!!! Miura can do a damn good Ball! All the aristocrats that were in the first Ball indeed make an appearance here, including the two who were fighting. Sir Owen and Sir Laban are staples of the upper class we continuously run into. It's nice to see them again. Also, the closes and the building!! Farnese's family is RITCH!!! Like Rich enough to influence politics in other countries. Hence the Ball! Oh, I feel you on the reveal of Guts. Its like dropping the other shoe! No one can put the pieces together of who he or Casca are! Schierke may have an idea that he doesn't like Griffith because of the brand, but she has no context for the Eclipse. She has no idea who he even was as a mercenary. All they know is that he was previously a Merc and for some reason he is protecting Casca. That is it. They don't know they are a couple, that they have a kid, that they were betrayed, that they helped save Midland!!! I feel you! XD