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BERSERK (Ch.213 - 216) Read Along

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So... Chapter 372 came out last night. WOW! But we have a long way to go to get there. Oh, I could tell you were torn up over Moombin. I myself am not a Kpop listener but when David Bowie died, I was devastated! I mourned for a month! I was like crying at work. As far as Berserk on Wednesdays, I'm all for it!! I am currently reading Hells Paradise. I'm enjoying it so far. At first there were some troupes that bothered me, but they resolved them really quickly. When you review it, I may chime in with my thoughts. Some of the creature designs reminded me of several things, including Berserk. Yes, Schierke's counterpart is Sonja. I like Schierke better. Sonja is a medium while Schierke is a straight up witch. Guts can swim but he has that heavy armor on, and he would sink like a stone. Isidro is going through only child syndrome. He now has a sibling, and he is pissed! And a girl!! stinky girls! Casca's googly eyes!! :D She is trying to understand it all!! And you just can't take her on high places near water, she is drawn to it like a lemming! Guts encouraging Schierke... so sweet and wholesome. Oh, there is triggering stuff, but it is toned down from what it used to be, you can't take the Berserk out of Berserk! Qliphoth is one of my favorite places in this world. The creature design is very reminiscent of deep-sea creatures, except creepier. So Qliphoth is a part of Jewish mysticism. Its pretty complicated and I've googled it several times, I really need to get a book about it someday. I'll check out that book review and book! sounds interesting. Isidro needs to discover Isidro and not be Guts... the small sword is just right for him. Btw, just keep that Griffith hate hot! Oh man, I love to hate him. Schnoz!!! We love Schnoz and he as powerful as a god!!! XD https://youtu.be/mUJZxBfcO5M All must bow down to his glory! So that eyeball tentacle thing is an homage to Star Wars. https://youtu.be/gtRD2Vfsigg That silver shirt is a chain mail and will not tear. The girls are protected. Farnese is also doing a great job protecting Casca. " This is the Berserk I know!" it always was. And that is how baby trolls are born! It reminds me of Alien. https://youtu.be/UxqVFmig5AA The merger between worlds is very interesting! This is why I tend to describe Berserk as a cosmic horror in addition to Dark Fantasy. I think Isidro, while ambitious, is not the psychopath Griffith is.