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BERSERK Chapters (Ch. 201-204) Read Along

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I'm glad your aunt is doing better. Saw the calendar. Lots of info in these chapters!! Its a lot to digest so I hope I can clarify some of these things for you. Its a big world and lore building section of the story. So, yes, Griffith is still the Godhand called Femto. He is just wandering around the real world presently because of the Egg of the Perfect World. It was this apostle's wish for a better world, and to achieve that, Griffith was manifested into this world. Oh, he is still evil, but he is also able to charm the ones around him. Truly evil Jesus 2.0. There are three major layers to this world of Berserk. The real world: Like in Golden Age. The Astral World, like Flora's tree. The World of Idea, The lost chapter 83. We have been in that world with Griffith talking to "God" or what the idea of god would be. Anyway, I've probably said this before, but it is the philosophical idea of Plato, his idea of forms. Guts and Casca exist between the real world and the astral world, in the Interstice. So they can hop between both worlds with ease. I think you got the idea pretty well. The little witches name is Sheer Kay, but Rke is cute too! Some people just call her sharky. :D I kinda like Sharky too. Its cute. Yes, Betchi is a cheese man. This is the most important bit of info btw. I think everyone's fetishes are pretty neat! It does fit their personalities pretty well. The fact that Guts and company get to have a rest, bath and dinner around a table is also special. From here on out, we get more slice of life scenes with our little group and, I love that. So now we have two kids, and 4 adults with the breakdown of 50/50 male to female. That is what I like about this story! Its not just one token woman! And yes, the Dragon Slayer does have its own magic, it is just a sword, but a sword that has killed thousands of demons and apostles. It is imbibed with the ethereal. Hahahaha! The Republicans! Girl, I feel you! This is what gets me about "thoughts and prayers" you don't do anything except talk to yourself to make yourself feel better! You are not doing anything in the real world to affect change. No hard lifting is done to help others! As Guts has said before, " If you are praying, your hands are closed!" Basically, do something useful!!! instead of standing there with your thumb up your butt. Oh, I'd buy the clothes over the book. It's really hard to wear these volumes instead of clothes and they will be here for a while. That perfect pair of pants, well, it may not be.


Dark Horse said Berserk will always be in print, so don't feel like you have to rush to get them. I wish Dark Horse would print more faster, because scalpers are ripping off a lot of people right now.