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BERSERK Chapters (185 - 188) READ ALONG

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HAHAHAH! Oh man, these are some rough chapters to get through, and we are not done yet! I wish I could tell you all, but spoilers!!!! Where to begin, I absolutely love Farnese and Serpico's backstory. Unfortunately, I can imagine why she behaved the way she did. That was the only thing she could control. Not only that but if she burned the right people, she was considered a good child. I absolutely can identify with Farnese; I have done some of the same things as she did when I was a child. I know I did those things because it was the only thing I could control. Oh man, I had a burning rage in me, and I was the good one! I don't know how many things that have been depicted in this story I have been through. Now don't feel bad for me, I feel like I had a happy childhood for the most part, but I understand that feeling. To be a child and act out in the way Farnese did, as a child, she lacked the vocabulary and the social skills to express her pain with being an abandoned child. Yes, Serpico and Farnese are siblings and yes, he drew a line when it came to her. He was sworn to secrecy so, he will never tell her. It was quite typical of bastard children of aristocrats' to be given titles as long as they didn't interfere with the family inheritance in any way. It is also true that the Church would go after anyone who questioned their authority, they would just be tortured at the stake, if they died, the land and money would be rolled into the Church. This is one reason that there are so many factions in Christianity. Just google Christian Heresies and you will find a bunch of 'em. Making Serpico burn his mother, Farnese saved his ass. The Church would have thought nothing of throwing him on the pyre as well. If you look at that panel with both of them holding the torch, Farnese is not happy about this, the look on her face is one of sorrow. Both Serpico and Farnese are not happy at all about this. She knows it is hurtful to Serpico and she does care for him in her way. Damn, "Winter's Journey" These are some tough chapters to get through I must warn you. These chapters, the past four are also the ones that hit closest to home for me because I'm still dealing with stuff in my personal life that are reflected in these pages. Mainly Winter's Journey.... although I think I tallied 7 or 8 instances in this story that mirror my own life. I'm sure I'm not special so that is why so many people see so many life lessons in the story of Berserk. This is the panel everyone misses. When Guts is fighting the snow monsters and Casca is sitting in the snow, she soils herself. That is why Guts basically head palms and then the next thing he is doing is the laundry. It took me years to figure that out. No one has seen it, or if they did, they have not mentioned it. I totally understand your frustration with Casca not being able to take care of herself. All I can say is there is still hope. It is always darkest before the light. Part of what I've been dealing with for the past 6 yrs of my life was taking care of my paraplegic Stepdad with dementia. It was just me and my mom that took care of him. My stepsister had died years ago so the duty fell to me alone. My sister had her own family to take care of, so she was no help. Oh man, that heavy sword, I felt every bit of it, so did my mom! It's most painful watching someone that you used to know fade away. It is one of the most terrible things in life. He died three yrs ago and this week I finally get to pick up the pieces. You see when you lose your mind, you don't think about planning for the future and what you leave behind. It has taken me this long to finally, legally close the book on that chapter of my life. I must say, I have had rage, guilt, sadness, longing, love, and bitter regret in dealing with a mentally compromised family member. I understand the dark places your mind goes to. When I had to put my stepdad in hospice, I was the only one there to watch him die. I was crushed and angry. Did I want this? Did I do enough? Have I done all I could do? Did I do the right thing. That stupid black dog Guts has following him around. Yeah, I understand it. It's like sliding down a razor blade into lemon juice. It stings. But, you know, I'm still here. I made it to the end of that journey. Well, this became quite personal! I guess I'm still a bit bitter. It will take time to heal those wounds. The Beast of Darkness, everyone has one.


Also, aside from my slight rant above, I do want to suggest reading Basara by Yumi Tamura. I love her stuff and this Shojo hits all the beats for me, blood and romance! It’s also a classic!