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Happy New Year! Just got back from cooking menudo with my mom. It was fun. Boy, you were emotionally rung out at the end of the reading today!!! HAHAHAHA! Sooo many nuggets, clues to what is going on and we still don't have enough to piece together the whole picture. It was great watching you squirm and figure out who those eyes belong to! I've seen a few reactions, and everyone has the same idea as to what is going on. I love it!! Yeah, Nina is weak minded, and she is very selfish, blaming others for her misfortune. I can't really blame her for folding when she saw that torture room. That is some evil stuff! I'd lose my shit too! Why is Serpico like that? For a very good reason, that's why!!! I also love this part of the story because these two are just awful. Well Farnese is more awful. I know when I read the part where Guts puts a knife in her mouth, I was like, well, she deserved that. So, the brand bleeds in the presence of something from the Astral Plane. What is that? Anything from spirits to the Godhand. It goes in order from lowest to highest, ghosts, spirits, demons, apostles, Godhand and the Idea of Evil. So why doesn't Puck activate it? He is from the astral plane as well, that will be explained later. He is also not demonic or malicious in nature. That is the other distinction. Skull Knight doesn't activate the brand either, even though he is more of a revenant. (I think of him as a revenant, don't know if he really is. He is not a Litch). When Casca is in the Iron Maden, the brand activated the blood from the dead prisoner that was there. It is drawing malicious spirits of the tortured that have piled up in this area. (I could be wrong about this explanation but oh well) Basically, it's an area that has a concentration of malicious spirits that want revenge. The brand has pulled them out of the astral plane into the mortal plane. In taking their revenge on those living, the mass of ectoplasm has dissolved flesh. You can think of it as taking a sacrifice. Puck says that Casca is unharmed.... why? Don't you just love it when they leave on a cliff hanger? See you next week!!