Question about my art: Hyper or no hyper
- no Hyper 24
- mild Hyper (1-1.5ft dicks) 82
- HUGE hyper (3ft-4ft dicks) 17
So I've been wondering about my art lately, and after looking into my inconsistencies on how I draw I want to think about how I should go about drawing things. As times have gone on I've gained a liking for light hyper content, and my fetishes have changed a bit and it's shown in my art. (When I get into a piece I like I can see my skills improve when compared to pieces I don't really care too much about or lost interest part way through.}
Well enough of the rambling here's the question. (It WILL affect how I draw next month's comic)
Question: What do you guys like more, HUGE hyper, mild hyper, no hyper dongs.