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Jessica's secret online community (Short story)

  • I like reading short stories like this and learning more about the characters 38
  • I'm just interested in visual art 13
  • 2023-06-16
  • 51 votes
{'title': "Jessica's secret online community (Short story)", 'choices': [{'text': 'I like reading short stories like this and learning more about the characters', 'votes': 38}, {'text': "I'm just interested in visual art", 'votes': 13}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 6, 16, 15, 50, 40, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 51}


I made a short story about a secret community in Jessica and Jimmy's home town, Ample Hills. I included a poll where you can tell me if you're interested in more lore and text stories like this or if you're just interested in visual media.

Jessica was on her desktop computer browsing Facepage, a common social media website. She was wearing her pajamas and glasses since her eyesight had started getting worse. As always, she eagerly looked through her favorite Facepage group for updates. She had been randomly recommended it one day and was shocked by the fact that she didn't know about it.

The group was called "Busty Mamas of Ample Hills". The description said that it was a community for heavy-chested women where they could share their problems and give tips for anything related to having big breasts in Ample Hills. She instantly joined and felt relieved over the fact that she finally had fellow local women to talk to that could relate to her life. The group had over 40 members, which felt like a lot for a small town like Ample Hills.

The posts inside the group were what she expected, questions about where to find bra sizes and clothing stores. Some complained about back pain. Jessica made an introduction post where she included a picture of her family and some background information. She was warmly greeted by the other women. The group admin, Olivia, sent her a private message to welcome her to the group.

"You're Jimmy's stepmom, right? My son goes to the same school. He recognized Jimmy in your picture".

Jessica replied and told her yes.

"I'm sure Jimmy is obsessed with your big chest", Olivia wrote. Jessica wasn't offended by the directness, she understood Olivia completely. She must be having the exact same experience with her son. Jessica and Olivia messaged back and forth about having horny adult sons and how annoying it can be. They both agreed that it had some positive aspects as well. At the end of the conversation Olivia said that she was gonna promote Jessica from the "Newbie" role to the "Busty Mama" role within the group, unlocking hidden content. But she had to promise to not tell anyone about the group.

Jessica accepted and quickly cheered when she found out what was hidden within the group. Everyone with the "Busty Mama" role had horny sons or stepsons! Was this the real purpose of the group? She was so happy to find out she wasn't alone in her situation. The members discussed their relationships with their sons vividly and posted pictures and videos daily. Just like Jessica they mostly seemed to enjoy the horny shenanigans and asked each other for tips on how to make their sons happier and please their urges.

Suddenly Jessica's feed refreshed. Olivia had just uploaded a picture of her breasts covered in semen.

"Look at the mess my little guy just made 🥰 He can't resist me when I wear this nightgown"

The other "Busy Mamas" commented their joy and praised her for making him cum such a huge load. Jessica made a cheerful comment and logged out. Wow, she thought to herself. She had finally found a community for herself.

This night a few weeks had passed since she first found the group. She hadn't told Jimmy about it but now she had to. It was time to take the next step.

"Jimmy, honey! Come over here!", she called for him. Jimmy reluctantly showed up next to her and looked at the computer screen.

"What?", he asked. Jessica showed him the group and explained that there were a lot more people in Ample Hills who were in the same situation as them. She showed him a few videos but he did not seem impressed.

"Yeah, I know", he said. "Olivia's son Carl talks about her all the time. It's not a big deal..."

Jimmy gave his usual nonchalant reaction, Jessica thought to herself. In any case, she told Jimmy that they had been invited to a monthly "Busty Mamas" meetup. There were limited slots, but Olivia had made sure to let Jessica and Jimmy join this time. The event was called "The Ample Hills Tittyfucking Club" and was held once a month, hosted by a member of Busty Mamas. A few Mamas and their sons were invited to have an hour-long tittyfucking session where they got to try out each others boobs and relieve themselves maximally.

Jimmy started breathing heavier while Jessica was explaining. A boner started forming in his pants. He seemed genuinely excited. "Is Olivia gonna be there? Okay", he said. "Let's go to the meetup". Jessica smiled and turned to accept the invitation. She started feeling Jimmy rubbing his dick against her arm.

"Just wait, honey. I know this made you horny... But let's save your load for the meetup and impress the other ladies with a huge one, huh?"

Jimmy sighed and walked out of the room. This was gonna be a few very long days...


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